Bang! Gudong! thump!
Hearing the various voices in the lounge, Yoo picked up his eyelids, turned his head slowly, looked at Seungri, who was beside him with his hands spread out, and then put his hand on the square door and pushed open the room. Door.
Thanks to Quincy forgetting to close the door earlier, Yu opened the door very easily.
As soon as the door opened, the scene in the room came into Yuu’s eyes.
The plaid pattern tiles and walls are matched with the wardrobe furniture in blue tone, and the leather sofa in two colors of silver. The noble elegance of Western European style can be reflected in the fine matching.
However, what caught the group’s attention more was the three girls sitting between the two sofas.
Refreshing and neat short hair, with cute and cute dumplings tied on both sides, the clothing is an absolute field of cute pleated skirts and white silk.
At first glance, Yu recognized that this was Naka who was performing on the stage earlier, a girl who, in Yu’s opinion, was very energetic.
And beside her, there is a long black girl in a red dress with angel wings behind her, Aoba who appeared on stage at the beginning of the concert.
At this moment, Aoba and Naka were one after the other, suppressing a lovely girl with smooth blue straight hair and teary red eyes.
“Eugen?” Victory raised his eyelids and said the name of the girl who was bullied with a strange expression.
Seeing Naka and Aoba holding Eugen’s arms and holding the grey stockings legs, constantly scratching, the expressions of everyone standing outside the door became extremely strange.
“Desserts are so delicious…!!!” A whimpering voice sounded.
“What kind of cake?” Hearing this, the corners of You’s mouth twitched slightly, she turned her head looking for the voice, and looked at Quincy, who was eating a piece of mousse cake in small bites, with a very strange expression.
“Ah? Obviously you didn’t get the password right, how did you get in?!!” Quincy quickly hid the plate with the cake behind him, his expression extremely panicked.
“…But you didn’t close the door?” Looking at the cute girl who was panicking in front of her, the corner of You’s mouth twitched, and she almost didn’t laugh out loud.
“OvO?!!!” Quincy was stunned and blinked. “Eh? Didn’t I close the door?”
“Did I not close the door just now?” Quincy frowned and pouted, recalling in a tangled state.
“Oh!! I forgot because I found out that Naka-sister was bullying Eugen-sister.”
“Bullying? Why bullying?” Yu pointed to Eugen, who was brutally suppressed by Aoba and Naka on the floor, and asked in a low voice.
“Quincy doesn’t know!” Quincy shook his head again and again, blinking his big pure eyes, and said with a natural face.
“That’s it!” You froze for a moment, and she seemed a little stupid when she asked Quincy questions intuitively. If Quincy could know, then she wouldn’t be Quincy.
“Come on, why did the admiral’s correct password is Eugen Eugene!!!” Naka laughed, and the hands that had passed through Eugen’s armpits held hers tightly.
“SayWell, you are looking for Miss Bismarck, how dare you sneak away? ! ! ”
Along with the slight fluctuation, Aoba took out a white goose feather from the space of the ship, and while holding Eugen’s legs with his left hand, he slowly held the fluffy goose feather and slowly approached Eugen’s sole.
“Wow!! No, no, no way!!! I really don’t know!” Seeing the approaching goose feather, Eugen suddenly struggled.
The corner of You’s mouth twitched, and he felt several extremely oppressive gazes hitting his face.
“Cough cough!!!” Feeling the curious or suspicious eyes, he coughed twice.
“Eh?!!” X3
The three little idols were stunned for a moment, then turned their heads and looked at the open door, their expressions suddenly changed.
“I’ll give you 3 minutes.” Yuu said solemnly with a stern face. After speaking, he grabbed the doorknob and closed the door again.
Looking at the closed door, Guanghui glanced at Victory.
Victory, who received the signal, twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, turned his head slightly, and said casually. “Speaking of which, why did you meet that password?”
Hearing the sound, his eyelids twitched. He knew very well that some people were using victory to ask him if he had an affair with Eugen.
“Didn’t Quincy say that Eugen asked her to ask for the password before, so I said it casually.” Yu said with a natural expression.
“Oh~~~ that’s it, Eugen asked, so it’s smooth, why don’t you like others!!” A group of girls laughed and teased.
“If Quincy asked this, it would be ‘Quincy Quincy Kun’, if it was Naka, then it would be ‘Nakona Kana’, and if it was Aoba, it would be ‘Aoba Qingye Qing’, isn’t it very simple? ”
Yoo rolled his eyes, do you really think he doesn’t know these Nico Nicole’s mutant missionary slogans?
Hearing Yu’s incomparably skillful words, Lexington froze for a while, turned his head, and looked at Shōkaku with a strange expression on the side, and finally looked at Guanghui, and the three of them whispered softly.
“Everyone’s secret code is known, it’s already obvious, right?”
“It’s no wonder that Aoba and Naka peeked over from time to time during the concert just now. Did they already have a case?”
“Really, Commander, you pretended not to know each other before? It’s not that you are not allowed to take them to guard the mansion, so it’s revealing the truth, right?”
Hearing that murmur, Yu’s face gradually lost the smile. He was lazy to explain, after all, why did he know the secret code? Now that he has been brainstormed, he can’t explain it at all!
‘Forget it, let them misunderstand. ‘ He shrugged, took his time, moved the doorknob, and opened the room.
Looking at the three girls standing side by side in front of them with embarrassed expressions, and taking out a cake-eating Quincy who didn’t know the truth, Yu raised her hand naturally and said hello.
“Looks like you’ve already adjusted it!!”
“Yes!!!” X3
The three girls, blushing slightly, bowed awkwardly.
At this moment, Quincy, who had finished eating the cake, turned his head and looked at the door, then his eyes lit up and he stretched out his hand towards Wu Shiliu.
“Special Green Leaf Fruit!!!”
“Idiot Quincy, I forgot to bring my sister this time, next time.”
Wu Shiliu touched his pocket subconsciously and said with an embarrassed expression.
When the voice fell, Wu Shiliu’s expression suddenly stiffened as he felt the gaze focused on him.
‘Oops, it’s revealed! ! ’

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