"Yes, we are all scholars, even if we have grievances, we can't solve it in front of the imperial concubine!"

Immediately someone responded to Liu Gongzi's call and stood up with a toast to resolve the embarrassing situation.

"Okay, after drinking this cup of tea, the banquet will continue!" Concubine Shu also raised the cup, stood up and said.

Then, everyone stood up and toasted to have a drink with Concubine Shu.


After drinking the tea, Zhang Shuyu sat down with a cold snort.

And Su Chen's previous remarks did bring a lot of insight to many people. Simply "looking at mountains is not a mountain, and looking at water is not water" can make people spend their entire life thinking.

But after savoring it carefully, there will be another insight, and suddenly there is a feeling of hustle and bustle, and a bright future.

And Su Chen's words can have such an effect, can not help but make people show admiration for him, no longer dare to underestimate, and the admiration for Su Chen is like the flood of the Yellow River, overflowing out of control. .

Moreover, Concubine Shu had already spoken, and everyone naturally did not dare to disagree. Although Zhang Shuyu's status was not low, he was still far behind Concubine Shu.

However, Zhang Shuyu can be called "The King of Poetry", how can it be so vain.

He took a peek, and naturally wouldn't stop, how could he swallow it easily!

Immediately he stood up, pretending not to care about what he had done before, and said in a magnificent manner, "Since the imperial concubine and empress have said that, I will not care about the prodigal son. Today, we use poetry to meet friends. How about the imperial concubine and the empress, so that all the classmates present can chant poems and compose on the spot?"


Everyone took a sigh of relief in an instant. Young Master Zhang is best at composing poems and improvising on the spot. Maybe he wants to save his face. Su Chen can't stop it!

Someone immediately exclaimed and said: "It is said that Master Zhang once wrote a poem ten steps before His Majesty. Do we have this blessing today to appreciate Master Zhang's improvisational skills?"

Everyone immediately showed expressions of expectation and surprise.

Many people present have long admired Zhang's deeds of ten steps into poems in front of the emperor. Today, I heard that Zhang Gongzi is going to come to ten steps into poems again. This is a historic moment. Many people showed surprise expressions.

This is also a great honor and enjoyment for them!

Concubine Shu was slightly surprised when she heard this. In previous banquets, people usually took out their own poems and tasted each other.

But now that Shu Yu proposed to write a title and compose a poem, obviously he wanted to take back the limelight he had just lost!

"No matter what topic the imperial concubine and empress may ask, I will definitely complete a whole poem within ten steps!"

Zhang Shuyu stood up, folded his hands, with a slight smile on his face, as if he had forgotten the embarrassment of the talent, and was already prepared, his eyes were deep and graceful.

Complete a poem in ten steps!

Concubine Shu was also trembling with this sentence. Such literary talent and self-confidence is indeed a little admirable and fascinating.

And you must know that writing poems and lyrics is the most test of talents and skills. If there is no unparalleled talent in the world, who would dare to praise such Haikou, saying that it takes ten steps to write a complete poem!

At this time, Concubine Shu, even more looking forward to the confrontation between Su Chen, who claims that there is no one in the world, and Zhang Shuyu, who can become a poem in ten steps, her face can not help but become ruddy.

"Well, since Young Master Zhang said so, this palace will ask a question!"

Having said that, she slightly raised her head to look around, and finally her eyes fell out of the attic window.

The sky at this time was not clear, but it did not appear dim. Under the clouds, a little bit of white snow was constantly falling down, falling in the courtyard that looked like a natural ink painting, and it looked even more beautiful.

Concubine Shu concubine pursed her lips and smiled slightly, and said, "Now it happens to be the snow season, and the white snow is flying outside, and the artistic conception here is extraordinary. Why not just use this towering white snow as the subject?"

With the title of towering snow?

When everyone heard it, their eyes suddenly brightened, and the difficulty is not too high!

However, even if the subject matter is not difficult, if you want to make a complete poem within ten steps, the difficulty is not small!

For some people present, every time they write a poem, they have to think about it for a few hours, so that they can come up with a decent work. It is almost impossible to make a poem in ten steps. !

When Su Chen heard it, he didn’t expect to use Baixue as the subject. This was a joy to him. He was an excellent student in his previous life. He had recite countless ancient poems about Xue, and casually recite the two capital sentences. Classics, every sentence is a quatrain from the past!

And just shortly after Concubine Shu Gui finished talking about the topic, Zhang Shuyu took a step forward and stepped forward abruptly.

In the first step, everyone's face suddenly changed!

"This, how is this possible!"

"Master Zhang can't even think about it?"

Someone exclaimed immediately.

Even Concubine Shu was moved, and this person could write poems immediately after the title was published. Such a talent cannot be underestimated, and it is worthy of being named the king of poetry at a young age!

Zhang Shuyu's eyes were full of confidence, with a smug smile on the corners of his mouth. He raised his head and looked out the window slightly, took the second step, and immediately chanted, "Beijing Yinlingxiu."

Immediately afterwards, he took the third step and chanted, "Snow is floating on the clouds."

Even before everyone could keep up with Young Master Zhang's rhythm in the future, he quickly and abruptly took the fourth step while chanting poems, "Lin indicated the color of fog."

With only the last sentence left, everyone held their breath nervously and stared at Zhang Shuyu's footsteps.

The fifth step, the sixth step, the seventh step, the eighth step, and the ninth step. Only the last key step is left. Can he make the last sentence in this last step and complete the whole song? What?

Immediately afterwards, as Zhang Shuyu took the last step, a smile of surprise appeared on his face, and he chanted confidently, "The city is full of coldness."

A total of ten steps, a five-character poem is complete!

"Papa Papa!"

Everyone in the audience clapped in an uproar, and thunderous applause and applause sounded in the hall. Even Concubine Shu could not help Huarong smile, showing admiration.

"So wet, good poem!"

"It is worthy of being the famous king of poems in the capital. It is really extraordinary. It is really admirable to make a poem in ten steps again!"

"Unexpectedly, Zhang Gongzi is so talented. As soon as the snow fell, it has already created a snow scene for us, it is so lifelike!"

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