After Zhang Shuyu finished chanting the poem, everyone's praise and admiration returned to his place.

Immediately, he cast a disdainful look at Su Chen, with a joking smile on the corner of his mouth.

"It's your turn, Master Su!" Zhang Shuyu said slowly, drinking tea with a calm expression.

"Hahaha, but only ten steps into a poem, this kind of behavior is also good? This kind of trick was mastered when I was ten years old, but now you are showing off what I was tired of ten years ago. ?"

Su Chen heard this and immediately laughed, full of debauchery and unruly in the laughter.

"What? He actually said that ten steps into a poem is just a trick?"

"It's so arrogant. I actually said that I had mastered it at the age of ten. It was the first time I saw such a shameless guy!"

Everyone was shocked and angry after hearing Su Chen's words, even a little ashamed of Su Chen.

What is this? People who can say this are either brazen and ignorant of humility, or they are really talented.

But in the eyes of everyone, Su Chen is clearly the former.

"It's really nonsense. If you can't think of it for a while, I can understand it naturally. If you apologize to everyone, naturally you don't need to chant poems yourself."

Zhang Shuyu looked at Su Chen's way of boasting about the sea mouth, and couldn't help but smile, his eyes were full of disdain and playfulness, and he even started to make up for Su Chen's ugly appearance.

"Oh, apologize? You deserve it too? I didn't aim at you. I mean, everyone in this room is a hot chicken, and their talents are not as good as me!" Su Chen heard Zhang Shuyu's words, and immediately shook Folding fan, sneered.

"So arrogant!"

"Unexpectedly, this person is not only brazen, but also full of nonsense, even this kind of thing can be said!"

"Yes, don't you feel ashamed? I feel embarrassed for you!"

As soon as Su Chen's voice fell, there was an echo in the hall, and everyone scolded.

When Concubine Shu heard this, the capital couldn't help but shook slightly, and felt that Su Chen's words were too exaggerated.

"Since you have said so, why not show your hands to everyone to prove what you said?" The talented man Wang Xun couldn't help but frown, looking at Su Chen very speechless.

"It's not just being so simple to show your hands, I want you to remember this historic moment!" Su Chen smiled slightly, suddenly shouted, magnificent and amazing, and made people feel a little infected by him in an instant. A sense of expectation.

Even Concubine Shu couldn't help but trembled when she heard this, and Hua Rong showed an extremely shocked expression.

Perhaps this is the real purpose of this person coming to the banquet!

Concubine Shu was right. This was the purpose of Su Chen's trip. He wanted to thoroughly conquer this group of representative talents in the cultural field to establish his authority in the future.

In fact, he has a system in hand, so why can't he do this?

"Huh, arrogant and arrogant, everyone will brag about not making drafts. If you can't bring out the true talents that shock me, why should I be guilty?"

Zhang Shuyu snorted very uncomfortably first when he heard that, and said angrily.

"There is nothing I can't do, Su Chen, if I really can't shock you, and always remember this moment, then I can voluntarily remove my black hat and hand over military power to everyone!"

Su Chen smiled, his gaze swept toward everyone with firm and fiery eyes, and said confidently.

"Well, just wait for your words. There are also many adults who are serving in the DPRK. I must have heard them. If he fails and can't do something that will last forever today, he will voluntarily retire from office and hand over military power!"

Hearing what Su Chen said, Zhang Shuyu couldn't help laughing, his eyes full of disgusting banter and playfulness, and even the expectation that Su Chen was about to fail!

Moreover, no matter what superb creative skills Su Chen displayed, he has a way to make Su Chen fail, and what he waits for is Su Chen's words, what he waits for is this timing!

"Master Su, you can start your creative performance!" Wang Xun said coldly with disdain.

"Oh, to me, ten-step poetry is really nothing. At the age of this official, he is already a person who can make ten great poems in ten steps. Those ten-step poems are simply pediatrics. That's it."

Su Chen couldn't help but sneer after hearing this!

"What, say that ten poems are made in ten steps!"

"It's so arrogant, you have the face to say things like making ten poems in ten steps. No one in the world can do this!"

Immediately someone exclaimed with an unbelievable look, just because they were too shocked!

"How can it be impossible? I am the only person in this world who can do it, and then I will poke my ears up!" Su Chen smiled slightly and gently fanned the folding fan.

At this moment, even Concubine Shu held his breath, a moving starlight flashed across her star pupils, looking at Su Chen's confident face, full of expectations.

At this moment, Su Chen sneered in his heart again and again, I have a system, is it possible to be afraid of you?

"However, since I have promised you, Zhang Gongzi should you also make some expressions? For example, if I win, what should you do?"

"Hmph, if you win, I will take off my coat, Chiguo ran to Jingxin Lake outside to stand the wind and snow, and run around Jingxin Lake ten times!"

Zhang Shuyu snorted coldly and blurted out immediately, without thinking through his brain.

"Well, this is what you said, you must have heard it!"

Immediately afterwards, Su Chenyun took the first step lightly, shook the folding fan slightly, and chanted indifferently, "The window contains the snow in Xiling, and the door is anchored by the Dongwu Wanli Ship."

Seeing that Su Chen didn't even think about it, he took the first step. Everyone took a deep breath, their complexion changed greatly, and they were shocked. This at least shows that Su Chen's ability is definitely not weaker than Zhang Shuyu!

Then, Su Chen took the second step, still with the faint smile on his face, shaking the folding fan in his hand, chicly chanted, "The chaotic clouds are low and the dusk is twilight, and the snow dances back to the wind."

Before everyone could keep up with Su Chen's footsteps, he quickly took the third step and chanted, "Suddenly like a night spring breeze, thousands of trees and pear blossoms"


After listening, everyone took another breath. This was really terrifying. Not only did you open your mouth, but every sentence you chanted was a classic handed down!

Just as everyone was shocked, Su Chen took the fifth step. He bowed his head slightly, closed his eyes, and chanted with enjoyment, "Lonely boat, fishing alone, winter snow."

Immediately afterwards, Su Chen took his sixth step slowly, "The wind is high in July, and Hu Ying has white brocade hair. A piece of snow is lonely, and autumn leaves are seen in a hundred miles. In the cold winter in July, goshawks have eight or nine hairs. Mo Xiangxiu, his own clouds are thousands of miles high."

Su Chen opened his mouth one after another, and Concubine Shu was even a little numb.

In this life, she admired those extremely talented people very much. After seeing Su Chen, her admiration was already like the surging river, endless, and like the flood of the Yellow River.

When everyone was still intoxicated by Su Chen's unparalleled talents, he had already taken the seventh step, "The world laughs at me too crazy, I laugh at others and can't see through!"

Hearing this poem, everyone flashed brightly before their eyes, admiring Su Chen even more. Such a world-class statement, I am afraid they can only hear Su Chen's mouth.

Moreover, at this time, just as Su Chen said, the world laughed at me too crazy, I laughed at others and couldn't see through, which happened to perfectly interpret the ridicule of the people's words just now, and Su Chen's indifferent response.

Immediately afterwards, Su Chen took the eighth step, "Thousands of miles of yellow clouds are shining, and the north wind is blowing wild geese and snow. There is no confidant in the road ahead, no one in the world knows the king!"

"Okay, good poem, so wet!" someone heard it immediately, unable to control himself, shouted.

Immediately, Su Chen stepped out on the ninth step, and immediately looked out of the attic window, and at the same time stretched out his hand, caught a wisp of white snow in his hand, turned his head again, and said slowly to everyone, " There were a few branches of plum in the corner, and Ling Han opened it alone. I knew it was not snow, but the fragrance came."

After Su Chen's poem was published, some people were puzzled. Why did they say that?

Isn't Su Chen holding the white snow just falling from the sky?

But no one said anything at this time, because there was only this last step left, even though Su Chen's previous steps were wonderful, it was already enough to record this historic glorious moment.

However, according to the agreement, Su Chen had to write ten poems within ten steps before it was considered a victory, otherwise it would still be considered a failure.

Su Chen took this last step decisively, without thinking at all. When everyone was still holding their breath, he blurted out, "The night wind has been cold and sleepless, and the lonely pillow is missed. Leaning on. The fragrant faded green silk fingers are softly tangled in the dilapidated area of ​​the window."

Ten poems in ten steps, just finished, not many steps, not many steps, and every sentence is the best of the ages!

"Okay, perfect, great!!"

"As expected of Master Su, this move can naturally be recorded in the history books, and it will be a name that will last forever!"

"Daren Su's such bold words and feats are really hard for a man, enough to be worthy of that self-proclaimed poetry immortal title!"

Everyone immediately exclaimed, very pleasantly surprised, and even more honored and grateful for seeing such a feat today.

Even the dignified concubine breathed a sigh of relief for Su Chen, this process is simply shocking and thrilling!

At this moment, Concubine Shu looked at Su Chen's eyes completely upside-down. For such a talented wonder, Concubine Shu not only showed her admiration, but also showed her love.

At the same time, Zhang Shuyu's face turned black when everyone agreed that Su Chen had easily completed the task that was not possible.

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