"Irebati, raise your hands and let me see you? Friends on the other side of the mountain? How are you guys!" Su Chen shouted impassionedly, and his fingers moved more quickly.

"If I were a DJ, would you love me? Would you love me?" Su Chen sang again, raising his right hand and waving, leading everyone.

Amidst Su Chen’s impassioned singing and frantic music, everyone’s hearts were completely moved. At this moment, they forgot that they were in the banquet, and there was a coveted face sitting on them. Concubine empress.

"I am a midnight DJ, feel my music, happy time can't be wasted!"

"If I were a DJ would you love me? Would you love me?"

Su Chen continued to sing impassionedly and contagiously, constantly jumping and playing, and waving his hands to drive everyone, the DJ divine song that people in this world had never heard before resonated in everyone's ears.

"Will you come with me?"

Su Chen's fingers kept plucking the strings, which made people ecstatic and irritable. Everyone jumped with him, waving their hands.

"365 days, there is no day to take a vacation, bring your headphones, I am the biggest party tonight!"

"I am a midnight DJ, feel my music, happy time can't be wasted!"

"If I were a DJ, would you love me? Would you love me?"

As Su Chen's exquisite and melodious singing sounded, everyone also jumped and sang with excited faces.

"Everyone, come together!" Su Chen shouted.

Immediately, the whole audience, including Concubine Shu, went crazy, singing and dancing if I were a DJ.

Su Chen was very happy when he saw this, and frantically drove the people present to cheer.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for triggering the mission and driving everyone to the top of the audience. After completing the mission, you can earn one hundred points and one thousand experience points!"

Immediately after hearing the system's words, Su Chen was even more delighted. I didn't expect that I would just spoof it casually, and there was still a task to complete! !

"Welcome to the No. 1 DJ nightclub by Jingxin Lake!" Su Chen shouted, plucking the strings quickly and magical music surging the audience.

"If I were a DJ, would you love me? Would you love me?"

At this time, without Su Chen taking the lead, everyone would dance and sing on their own, constantly imitating Su Chen's singing, chanting if I were a DJ.

Immediately afterwards, Su Chen directly played hi, not only played madly hilarious songs, but also directly removed a set of nightclub lights from the system.

Under the colorful light mapping, everyone played even more cheer, all kinds of demons danced, letting themselves fly under the changing lights, and even some people untied their robes and stood directly on the tea table and jumped up.

And this person happened to be Zhang Shuyu Young Master Zhang, he couldn't play with each other, he was ecstatic, completely forgot that he and Su Chen's agreement was to drag it all out, and ran three laps by the Jingxin Lake.

Su Chen couldn't help laughing when he saw it, but the sound of the piano did not weaken. He knew that once he weakened his control of the guqin, these people would definitely get out of control.

"This Guqin is not a mortal thing!" Su Chen exclaimed as he plucked the strings with his ten fingers.

Su Chen was able to deeply control these people at the same time to become manic and keep going, not only because of the status of a one-star musician, but mainly because of the existence of this guqin.

Suddenly he wanted to change the tune, suddenly turned around and cut to the next hi tune.

"Hi, I feel that life has reached a superb level, I feel that life has reached its peak!" Su Chen sang.

Su Chen quickly cut his fingers. Under the influence of the magical music, everyone played even more excitedly. Their faces were full of excitement. After Su Chen changed the song, he also sang along.

"Hi, I feel that life has reached a superb level, and I feel that life has reached its peak!" Everyone sang in unison with Su Chen.


Immediately, Su Chen changed the sound of the piano again, and the front of his fingers suddenly turned again.

Su Chen's breath was suddenly pressed, his mouth opened into an O shape, and a thick bass came out of his mouth.

"How lonely is invincibility..."

"How invincible is, how empty..."

"On the peak alone, the cold wind blows constantly, my loneliness, who can understand me..."

With the transformation of another song by Su Chen, it became clear that they became lonely and low, and everyone no longer carnival. Instead, their expressions turned bleak, each of them sat in their own positions.

With their depressed expressions, under the influence of Su Chen, they all felt very sad but unspeakable, and they lowered their heads to feel the loneliness and melancholy brought by Su Chen.

At this time, Su Chen realized how terrifying his ability was with this unknown guqin. With a single shot, he could control the emotions of everyone, and even control their behavior, infecting everyone.

Concubine Shu at the moment. He was also very infected, but at this moment his mouth was slightly opened, and his beautiful eyes looked straight at Su Chen, with amazement and admiration in his heart.


Su Chen continued to play the guqin, rubbing his fingers on the strings, and the sound of moving music rang throughout the attic.


Afterwards, Su Chen's music was about to reach the end, and this musical feast was about to end.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the task, earning one hundred apocalyptic points, one thousand experience points, and a lucky gift box."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully entering the sixth stage of the pill cultivation realm!"

With the sound of the system's prompt sound, Su Chen's fingers playing the guqin stopped, and everyone's eyes suddenly returned to the previous look, but there was a little gloom after the carnival.

"Okay, great. As expected, Master Su is really amazing!"

"Daren Su not only chants poems and works far beyond ordinary people, but even this skill in playing music is so superb, I am afraid that no one can match this huge dynasty!"

Everyone immediately exclaimed from their hearts, and constantly admired them.

"Low-key, low-key, it's just the tip of the iceberg of Su's piano art. If you have to praise me, call me Zhuge Qinmo, my old husband Zhuge Mingliang, I love what others call me most."

Zhuge Qin Mo?

After listening to Su Chen's words, everyone was in a daze. What kind of Zhuge Qin Demon, and another bright Zhuge, is this a new name to praise the superb piano art?

And some people are still immersed in the carnival just now, unable to extricate themselves, and even sing in a low voice, "If I were a DJ, would you love me? Would you love me? Would you love me?"

"Everyone raise their hands with me and get up together? Sing together. If I were a dj, a dj, and a dj, would you love me?"

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