"Well, everyone, today's music feast is here." Su Chen looked at everyone with a smile, and then put away his guqin and the colorful lights.

"It's a pity, I didn't expect this unprecedented musical feast to end so soon!"

"However, it's definitely worthwhile to hear the masterful voice of Master Su!"

"Listen, the wonderful sound just now is still on the beams of the room. It's really the lingering sound that surrounds the beams. It's definitely not a waste of life today!"

"Fuck, it's really lingering, if I were a DJ, so hi, how lonely is Invincible..."

Some people were a little disappointed when they heard Su Chen said that the music feast was over, and when someone pointed out that Su Chen's piano skill was so superb, they all exclaimed.

Su Chen listened and listened carefully, but he didn't expect it to be true. The several pillars in the hall were constantly rewinding the magical tunes he had previously played.

"Ahem, since Master Su has already declared the end of the feast, then there are people who can show some extraordinary skills? It's okay for piano, chess, calligraphy and painting."

Immediately, Concubine Shu stood up and said gracefully.

At this time, after hearing Concubine Shu's words, a talented person who was also a small celebrity couldn't help but want to try.

"Ahem, let me show you my ancestral painting skills..."

When he hadn’t finished speaking, the people next to him immediately stopped him and reminded him with a serious face, “You’re looking for death, and you dare to act as a beaming clown in front of Master Su? Believe it or not, Master Su’s casual trick is better than Are you strong?"

"This..." After hearing this, the man was timid, and immediately sat down, not daring to mention it again.

When Su Chen heard the words, he smiled indifferently, "As long as you know each other, it's nothing more than piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, what else is Su who can't beat the crowd?"

"Yes, yes, what Mr. Su said." The man who wanted to offer the painting quickly responded.

In the hearts of everyone, Su Chen at this time is already a god-like omnipotent figure. Not only is the food well-known throughout the country, but even the piano, chess, calligraphy and other things must be proficient in a realm beyond everyone's reach.

And Su Chen's previous piano art that can affect everyone is the best proof.

"If that's the case, then this year's banquet is over now, and the meeting is over."

After that, Concubine Shu's beautiful eyes widened, looked at Su Chen, and said immediately.

"Wait, don't be anxious, Young Master Zhang stays, what's the rush? I think Young Master Zhang hasn't forgotten the previous agreement?" Su Chen shouted and said with a grin.

Zhang Shuyu, who was just about to take the opportunity to slip away, was suddenly stopped by Su Chen. The whole person seemed to have fallen to the bottom. When it was over, the whole life would be ruined by half...

"Su, Master Su, I have not forgotten it naturally."

Zhang Shuyu then turned back stiffly and responded in a hesitant manner. At this time, he was still cursing at himself. How he was playing just now. He forgot to tell the old man at home to inform him and ask him to answer him. Escaped.

"It's okay if you haven't forgotten, then do you want to fulfill your promise now, or do you want to help you personally later?" Su Chen squinted and smiled, the smile on the corners of his mouth is full of joking and pride.

"Just, don't bother Master Su, and later Zhang will come by himself!" Zhang Shuyu said with a tremor all over, and his heart was extremely angry with Su Chen.

Although he is already half-footed into the realm of pill cultivation, if he wants to run around the Jingxin Lake naked under such severe snowy weather, he will at least freeze his internal injuries.

At this moment, he held the mentality that one second could be one second, and slowly invigorated the courage to slowly drag his somewhat stiff body out.

The rest of the people did not dare to make times under Su Chen's prostitution. After all, Su Chen was still the third-class Shangshu in the dynasty, and at this time it was no longer the academic discussion at the banquet. Don't dare to offend Su Chen rashly.

"Su, Master Su, you really don't want to conceal each other. In your lower physique, the most unbearable is this cold weather. Can you..."

Zhang Shuyu began to get a little irritable, and when he walked to the yard, he already started to panic. He quickly wanted to beg Su Chen for mercy, but he was interrupted by Su Chen directly behind him before he finished speaking.

"No, no matter who is here today, you have to realize what you once said!" Su Chen smiled indifferently and said softly.

After listening to Su Chen's words, Zhang Shuyu was even more at the bottom of the valley. He knew that his strength was far inferior to Su Chen, and his resistance to resistance was almost gone at this moment.

For a while, he laughed and ridiculed Su Chen in every possible way, but didn't know that he was still a waste in the eyes of everyone just half a month ago, and he has grown to this point with everyone behind his back.

Today, Su Chen will probably return all the suffering and humiliation he suffered during his childhood to Zhang Shuyu!

Su Chen will never miss that opportunity!

After all, he was already fighting Nalan Yande to the death, so why would he be afraid of adding another mortal enemy to the Zhang Family?

Su Chen smiled coldly, and under the gaze of everyone, he quietly waited for Zhang Shuyu to make his choice.

Is it to decide to fight with Su Chen to win dignity at the risk of being seriously injured, or to give up dignity obediently, return the sorrow and suffering once given to others, and bow down?

But Su Chen was not afraid that the other party would come to fight him to the death or attack him in groups. His cultivation at the moment had reached the sixth stage of the pill cultivation realm, and even if the strong breath came, he could not stop him! !

"Master Zhang, why don't you hurry up, it's useless even if your uncle comes today!" Su Chen sneered, looking at Zhang Shuyu jokingly.

"Hmph, I will remember what you did today!" Zhang Shuyu gritted his teeth and glanced at the crowd. After a glance at the crowd, the concubine Shu, who was in heaven and country color, clenched his roots, very unwilling.

To make such a big ugly in front of the talented man in the city and the beautiful concubine Shu, he tried to ask himself that it might be difficult to do it, but he had no choice when he noticed Su Chen's constant approaching breath.

He understood that since the other party dared to do this and dared to confront Nalan Yande secretly, he would definitely not be afraid of him.

Zhang Shuyu couldn't help it, and he also knew that when he was young, it was indeed his overstepping that caused the shadow and resentment of Su Chen's life.

Just as he was about to start taking off his coat, a voice suddenly sounded, "Stop, Master Zhang, I am here, there is no need to fear this person!"

That voice was so familiar, Su Chen followed the prestige after hearing it, and when he fixed his eyes, it was Nalan Yun, the second son of Nalan Yande!

A few days ago, Nalan Yande agreed with him that Nalanyun was crushed severely by him! !

At this time, Nalanyun's injury had healed, and there was no trace of injury before.

"Oh, isn't this Young Master Nalan? The injury has just healed, what's wrong? Is it possible that you want to interfere with Su's personal grievances?"

When Su Chen saw Nalanyun standing on the Jiuqu Jade Bridge not far away, he smiled without anger, with a playful expression on his face.

"Hmph, Su Chen, don't be arrogant!"

Seeing that Su Chen had mentioned the agreement a few days ago, Nalanyun was very upset, and with a cold snort, he quickened his pace and rushed across the Jiuqu Jade Bridge.

Moreover, when he saw that Su Chen was like a okay person at this time, he was very unhappy.

At the same time, when Su Chen saw Nalanyun's arrival, he immediately understood the incident that the emperor had suddenly summoned him back to the palace a few days ago and asked him why he had suddenly sent troops.

This sudden incident caused him to almost encounter a catastrophe, but after turning to the system, he dedicated the peerless Daji to the emperor. This saved him from being dismissed from office and even targeted by the Nalan family.

Now that I think about it, everything behind the scenes must be the Nalan family playing tricks behind the scenes.

"Na, Nalanyun, save me!"

Zhang Shuyu hurriedly called for help when he saw Nalanyun as if he had grasped the straw for help.

A few days ago, his father, who was an important member of the second rank, had only negotiated with Nalan Yande about the cooperation. He knew that Nalanyun would surely rescue him from the deep water.

"You give me peace!"

Su Chen said impatiently when he heard that, and immediately asked Zhang Shuyu to eat one of his favorite big ears. When one of the big ears went down, the once handsome and suave face immediately showed redness and swelling. , Like a pig's head.

"Su Chen, dare you!!"

Nalanyun was about to arrive at Su Chen and the others at this time. Seeing that Su Chen had already started, he couldn't help shouting.

In fact, he had arrived at the banquet on behalf of the Nalan family long ago, only seeing that Su Chen had overcome the two difficulties set by Concubine Shu himself, so he retired and didn't go to the banquet.

Moreover, after he heard Su Chen's bold feats and a series of amazing performances outside, he was even more shocked, and he did not dare to go directly inside to confront Su Chen directly.

But now that Zhang Shuyu is about to be ashamed of three feet, he can't stand it anymore, and Zhang Shuyu knows that Nalanyun has arrived long ago. If he doesn't show up and pull him again, I'm afraid he will complain to his father when he returns home. The cooperation between his father Nalan Yande and Master Zhang a few days ago might not continue!

"Stop it, everything is easy to discuss, why should I make fun of others' future!" Nalanyun quickly persuaded him, but in fact he was just delaying time.

He still didn't know Su Chen's true strength at this time, and he was thinking about delaying the arrival of the strong in his home. According to his thoughts, if a master of Feixi realm came, he was afraid that Su Chen would not obediently submit?

And more importantly, he heard that Su Chen was anxious when he came back, Jiang Sheng and other masters did not follow, then in his eyes, Su Chen has become a young eagle that has lost protection.

However, Su Chen looked confident from beginning to end, and he had no fear of Nalanyun or Zhang Family.

With his strength, is there still a problem to deal with a flying breath realm?

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