Moreover, with the third level of his newly cultivated "Shengan Zhenjing", the ability of'speed' is there, even if there are many people on the other side, what can he do?

"Haha, it's easy to discuss? This matter was not discussed today, who are you? It is right to pay off debts! If you dare to intervene, I might as well teach you together!"

Su Chen sneered twice before grabbing Zhang Shuyu's hair coldly.

What he hates most in his life is that others are indiscriminate, and he does not understand your resentment and comes to dissuade you, whether it is in the past or this life!

What's more, the man in front of him is the son of a mortal enemy, Nalanyun!

"In that case, you might as well make an offer to ease it."

Nalanyun is a smart person. Although he looks like a tough guy with a simple head and well-developed limbs, he still has a bit of head. He is still delaying time.

"Relieve?!! Good fellow, after I put on this black hat on my head, you are the first person to dare to bargain with me, then I will freeze Master Zhang in this meditation lake for two days today! "

Su Chen suddenly screamed angrily, scared Zhang Shuyu, who was grabbing his hair, trembled, his face shrank into a ball of fear.

And his former Young Master Qianqian, with his gentle and jade-like appearance, disappeared, and there was a trace of contempt in the hearts of other people!

"Su, Master Su, Rao, forgive me!!"

When Su Chen said this, he trembled even more, and quickly knelt down with a trembling voice and begged Su Chen for mercy, "Damn, my lord, I can give you whatever you want. I used to be wrong, it was all mine. Wrong, please don't remember the villain's fault, the adult, let the little one go!"

Zhang Shuyu trembled with fear, his physique was not very good at first, so what about the calming lake in this inclement weather, even if the realm of physical training was perfect? Staying in this bitter and cold meditation lake, let alone two days, he couldn't bear it for only one day!

Su Chen was even more disdainful when he heard it. Since you are begging for mercy, then I can't let you go. How can he forgive him for all the bullying and humiliation he brought to himself when he was young! !

"Su, Master Su, everything is easy to say!" Nalanyun was still approaching step by step, and at the same time he was very anxious, thinking how the efficiency of the strong in the family today is so slow!

"You stop me, if you dare to take a step forward, I will throw him directly into the Lake of Meditation!"

"Don't, don't don't, I beg you, Master Su, Bah, Brother Su, Grandpa Su, let me go!" Zhang Shuyu became even more anxious after hearing this, and quickly begged for mercy.

Among the surrounding people who eat melons, there are many people who are toward Zhang Shuyu. These talents want to speak good things for Zhang Shuyu, but because of Su Chen's strength, they want to say nothing.

"Shut up, when are you going to start your performance, otherwise, I will do it if you count to three!!" Su Chen said coldly, and the smile on his face disappeared.

"Little things, dare you!!"

As soon as Su Chen's voice fell, a majestic voice suddenly rang. This was a voice he was not familiar with, but it was very powerful.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying aura came in awe-inspiring surprise, but as a result of the practice of "Shengan Zhenjing", Su Chen's six gods and five senses were greatly improved, and he immediately noticed the horrible aura that swept across the sky.

The master of this terrifying aura must be a strong man in the realm of flying breath, but Su Chen didn't panic at all, put down Zhang Shuyu casually, and immediately pulled out the Jiuyuan Longquan sword behind him and slashed into the void fiercely.


A blast spread to everyone's ears, but Su Chen had no pressure at all to slash this flying breath.

"Huh? Something!!"

The previous voice came out again, this person looked shocked, and exclaimed on the spot.

Su Chen looked for fame, but when he saw a figure suddenly standing on the Jiuqu Jade Bridge, arriving silently, Su Chen was a little shocked.

This person is an old man who is in his sixties but still has a red face. Su Chen has seen him before. This person is a general under the vassal of Nalan's family and has had countless effects under Nalan's family.

This person is a master in the realm of Fei Xi, but he has repeatedly lost to Jiang Sheng, and can be regarded as Jiang Sheng's old opponent.

Nalan Yande received the news from Nalanyun, and he sent this person to try to kill Su Chen secretly, not to mention that Nalanyun and others received the news that Jiang Sheng stayed in Xuzhou County and did not follow him.

But in order to ensure that nothing went wrong, Nalan Yande sent this person to prevent Su Chen from being secretly protected by the rest of the flying breath realm powerhouse.

"It's you?"

When Su Chen saw it, he immediately murmured, but he also understood the person's position.

"Hmph, I met the old man, don't you kid kneel down and beg for mercy and let Young Master Zhang go? Although you were a little bit strong enough to resist the old man's blow, it's just the end of the force!"

The old man looked very ordinary, he belonged to the kind of person who looked inconspicuous on the street, but the only pair of eyes was very sharp and had a very unpleasant feeling.

Nalanyun was also very pleased to see the old man's arrival, thinking that the matter would finally be resolved.

"Only by you? Isn't your old guy eating too much Sanlu milk powder, is there a problem in his mind?" Su Chen laughed disdainfully, and gently stroked the sword edge of Jiuyuan Longquan Sword with his hand.

Immediately afterwards, Su Chen directly put the extremely sharp Jiuyuan Longquan Sword to Zhang Shuyu's neck, frightened Zhang Shuyu's soul, his face turned pale, and he couldn't even speak for mercy.

"Dare Zhuzi!!"

The old man yelled, his eyebrows moved slightly, and a few heinous auras quickly swept across the air, piercing the void, very fast, only hearing a few harsh noises, he was about to reach Su Chen. .

When everyone saw this, they were so scared that they fled and dispersed, afraid to approach.

"Small bugs!"

Su Chen smiled slightly, always acting confidently and disdainfully, quickly twitching Jiuyuan Longquan Jianxingyun flowing water to cut out a sword aura, and then smashed, the old man's rapid breath was easily disintegrated by Su Chen.

"Huh? But the sixth level of Dan Xiu can easily dissolve the old man's flying breath?" The old man showed a full face, feeling very shocked.

If it is said that the previous attack by the old man did not use all his strength and was dismantled by Su Chen by chance, these lions and rabbits also used their full strength to be easily dismantled by Su Chen, it would be enough for people to think!

Wait, when has this guy cultivated the sixth stage of the pill realm? It's a monster!

Hearing what the old man said, Nalanyun was even more shocked.

During their previous battle, Su Chen had just arrived at the body forging realm. How many days have you disappeared since then, you have reached the sixth stage of the pill cultivation realm? This is too enchanting, let others live! !

"It's just the seventh step of the Feather Breath Realm, dare to make a second in front of Su?"

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