The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 336: God Meteor Project

"If this is the case, I have no objections. I even suggest that if this person cannot be used by us and protected by the State of China and it is difficult to eliminate it by ordinary means, then he should not hesitate to fight a limited nuclear war and also eliminate this. People! America’s leading position in technology will never allow any challenges!"

The military deserves to be a well-known gathering place for hawks. The military representative who raised the objection not only immediately agreed to the request of the person wearing the hat, but even went further, making a request to eliminate Yang Chen even if he fought a limited nuclear war. .

A person next to him who seemed to belong to a government representative stood up immediately: "No! It can't be done! We can use quieter methods to eliminate this person, but fight a limited nuclear war with a nuclear power..."

He said that he shook his head: "The risk is too great! No one can guarantee that our limited nuclear war is really just a limited nuclear war, not a nuclear war! You have to know that once it gets out of control, then It means the arrival of nuclear winter and the destruction of civilization. We cannot afford such consequences!"

"What about that?" The military representative sneered: "Once this person really becomes Einstein of China, it is a real disaster. Don't forget, once the United States is beaten to the dominance of the world, then the United States The ending will be extremely miserable. Rather than this, let’s simply fight nuclear warfare! The United States would rather be destroyed with this world, and no one would be allowed to climb to the top of the United States!"

"No no no! No! This is too..." The government representative shook his head again and again:

"Sir, even if that person became Einstein of China? Don’t forget, Einstein was originally a German, but can the German really play his role? No. The only one who can play his role, or The United States. Therefore, the United States is strong because of the American system. China does not have a system like the United States, and they can never rely on an Einstein to challenge the United States!"

"Stupid!" the military representative shouted: "The reason why the United States is strong is because of the strength of the powerful American army and not any other system. The system? I only trust American carriers, warships, warplanes and missiles!"

"What? Sir, are you going to challenge the current American system?"

The United States has the principle of commanding the military to the state. Still quite persistent. It can even be said that this is politically correct. The military representative no matter how disdainful this system is. But he couldn't show it. He hurriedly retorted now: "What nonsense are you? I never said that I would challenge the current American system..."

On the debate, of course, the government has far more talents than the military: "Is it? I clearly heard..."

The two quarreled like this, and when they quarreled. The others next to them were silently flipping the information in their hands.

At this time, a man in a gray suit, who looked ordinary, would miss the crowd and put the information on the table. He said: "Mr. K, is this all the information?"

The hooded man known as Mr. K nodded: "Yes, so far. This is all we can get about this person."

The man in a gray suit shook his head: "Then I must say that your intelligence work is not done well!"

Mr. K opened his mouth to refute. He was interrupted by the man in a gray suit: "No need to refute. Look, this man named. What is his ability, not in the intelligence. What is his relationship with the Chinese government. What connections do he have? What kind of cooperation does the Chinese military have? There is no such thing. What is the status of this man in the metaphysical circles of China? What enemies does he have? What friends do he have? His theory and technology were invented by himself. Or I got it from other places. I still don’t know anything about his personality and his weaknesses."

The man in a gray suit looks ordinary, but when he speaks, there is naturally an invisible aura, so that everyone can listen obediently, even the military and government representatives in the quarrel have subconsciously stopped the quarrel. : "Nothing, how do we take measures against the target? Are you still a professional intelligence officer?"

Mr. K opened his mouth and could not say anything, so he sighed: "This is why everyone is called today."

"Okay," the man in the gray suit didn't need to do anything, and he virtually dominated the progress of the meeting: "For this person, is there an expert evaluation? We need a more detailed evaluation to make sure we are looking for the theory. The presenter is not just a guise."

"Dr. Kevins is online and ready to cut in signals." Mr. K busy.

"So cut in."

Immediately, a video image of a study room appeared on the projection screen. There was a bald man with obvious decree lines on his face, wearing glasses, and a strict temperament man: "Hi, I am Kevins."

"Hi, then we need expert evaluation."

"Yes, this theory is very unique and creative. He almost subverted a large number of traditional theories. I must say that as a scientist, this **** theory may destroy our previous efforts. This is simply from The gift of demons. If I could, I would rather not see this theory appear..."

Dr. Kevins seems to be full of resentment about the theory of energy particles, constantly complaining. Finally, the man in the gray suit had to interrupt: "Sorry, doctor, I think we need to talk about the topic."

"Okay..." Dr. Kevins was on his head, a little reluctantly:

"Then we talk about the topic. As you know, this theory is quite advanced, and the more important thing is that he has practical significance! You know, not all scientific theories have practical significance. To be precise, they are obtained within a hundred years. Practical results. Just like Dr. Hawking’s research on black holes, in the foreseeable future, it is impossible for mankind to put the research results of black holes into practical use. And this theory is different, this is the key to this theory! It will be Bring a scientific revolution. We must not miss this revolution, absolutely not! Otherwise we will lose our leading position!"

Kevins waved his arms vigorously to enhance his persuasion.

"So, is it possible for this theory to be put forward by a young man, and still not many young people who have received education in the scientific system?"

"That's impossible!" Dr. Kevins said flatly: "The mathematical knowledge of this theory is quite advanced. It is impossible for anyone who has not received a system science education to understand this mathematical knowledge, let alone use this mathematical knowledge to push It’s the theoretical formula."

"That is to say. What we saw. Is it a blind eye? Because the current opener of the theory hasn't even finished college..."

"No no no..." Dr. Kevins shook his head: "I think you misunderstood. Systematic science education does not mean a university degree. That is two different things. Systemic science education refers to scientific methods and scientific ways of thinking. And the principles of scientific research. And these, self-study can also be obtained."

"That is to say. It is possible for someone who has not finished college to come up with this theory?"

"Yes. Even, in my opinion, this theory is too subversive. It is difficult for academics to come up with it. Only folk researchers who are not academics can open their minds to do this."

"Even if it was a young man?"

"Even if it was a young man." Dr. Kevins pursed his lips, organized the language, and then said: "You have to know. Twenties is actually the most important moment for the formation of a scientist's ideological system. Genius A scientific breakthrough. Often occurred when the discoverer was in his twenties, and if not, he laid the foundation at that time. Young people are more active than the elderly. The possibility of proposing such subversive theories is even greater."

"Then we understand."

The man in the gray suit nodded, said goodbye to Dr. Kevins, and then cut off the connection: "So, we need further information. Gentlemen, I need you to act and conduct a thorough and comprehensive intelligence collection on this person, If I can, I don’t mind knowing which woman he had **** with, the posture he used, and how long it was."

"and then?"

"Then we need to make a detailed plan. Thunder strike, we must destroy this person!"

"Destroy?" A person next to him raised his hand: "Why is it eliminated directly? Not even any temptation?"

The man in a gray suit shook his head: "It's not necessary. I think that's completely unnecessary. The importance of this person, I think, that the very pragmatic leadership of the Eastern Kingdom will never be seen. Then, yes His protection does not allow us to do any temptation, remember, we only have one chance to act!"

Another person raised his hand and said: "Why is it eliminated? Not hijacked?"

"It's impossible to hijack!" said the man in a gray suit: "Gentlemen, you should know that people in the metaphysical world are not so troublesome. Each of them has the power of a superhero. Although this is a young man People, but we can’t take it lightly. For such people, we’re afraid it’s difficult to hijack rather than kill. Since we only have one chance, the only thing we can do is physically wipe this person from the earth!"

"It's just... Is it a pity that such a person with Einstein's potential evaporates like this?"

"No way, we can only do this. Since we can't get it, we can't get it from other countries!"

"So is it necessary to launch a limited nuclear war for this?" the government representative asked.

"In fact, UU reading is totally meaningless for such a personal goal. The practice of using limited nuclear war is completely meaningless. The goal is too small, and this simple and rude way is completely useless. We should take more ingenuity. Methods."

The government representative nodded, no longer in doubt.

"Is there any problem?" The gray suit looked around the people.

"No problem."

"No more..."

The participants shook their heads one after another.

"So, vote."

The congregation looked at each other, some people raised their hands immediately, such as the military representative, and some hesitated to raise their hands, but in the end, they raised their hands.

"Very good, 12 votes in favor, zero votes against, zero abstentions, all votes passed, the highest level of erasure plan against China, the means adopted... There will be no restrictions... Code of action: Shenmei." Say this decision calmly... (to be continued.) Launch new website

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