The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 337: Revenge of Xiao Su

The projection became dark and the video ended.

Yang Chen shook his head, not knowing what to say.

It is needless to say how confidential such meeting minutes will be.

But Xiao Su just got the record.

It seems that he still underestimated Xiao Su's ability.

As for the United States to deal with himself, he has already been mentally prepared, and does not care at all.

The soldiers will block it, the water will cover it, and he will not believe it. With his own ability, what can the Americans do with him?

"Father, these Yankees provoked you so blatantly and made you the target of action. Xiao Su believes that they should be mercilessly returned!"

Xiao Su beside him reacted more intensely than Yang Chen: "Can I get my father's authorization to fight back?"

"Fight back?"

Yang Chen really didn't expect it to start. On the one hand, his self-knowledge as the guardian of the earth makes it difficult for him to take the initiative to deal with the enemy inside the earth. On the other hand, the enemy is on the other side of the ocean, and he is too far behind.

But after being mentioned by Xiao Su, he immediately reacted: did he still have Xiao Su? Although he is unmatched by rivals across the ocean, Xiao Su does not have such a problem today when the Internet is spreading.

Moreover, some counterattacks and warnings are indeed needed for those who fight their own ideas.

After all, he is really reluctant to engage in a fight with humans. To reduce this possibility, do it as much as possible.

"Okay, I authorize you to fight back and warn."

Xiao Su's face in the middle of the monitor screen smiled: "So, obey, my father. Now, you can view the results!"

"What? Now?"

"Yes, now!"

The projection screen on the opposite wall lights up again.

This is a night scene at a crossroads. From the perspective of the clarity of the video, this is a camera located outdoors. Because it has been exposed to wind and sun for a long time, it has become a little blurred.

At the crossroads side of the road, there is a Ford car on the roadside. A person is about to get on the bus.

Yang Chen saw his face clearly. That was clearly the man in the gray suit who had unknowingly held the initiative in the hands of the Quantico town meeting.

Although his face is very ordinary and unobtrusive, with Yang Chen's mental strength, it is not a problem to remember. Of course it was recognized at a glance.

The man's every move and temperament. They all look the same as ordinary middle-class men in the United States. It seems that he just went to the 24-hour supermarket next to the road to buy things and came back. He also holds a packet of potato chips and a glass of cola.

However, Yang Chen found that no matter where. The camera couldn't clearly see the man's front. This is obviously not a coincidence, but the ability to evade the camera after special training.

It's just that Yang Chen just watched this man's conference video before. Coupled with the memory brought by the strong spiritual power, this man was recognized.

"Alfonso Cork, an American citizen of Irish descent. Male, 48 years old. Lives in Miami City, Florida, pretending to be an architectural designer. He is a super elite in the American secret service and belongs to. But directly to the United States Intelligence Director Mike McNair is responsible for planning multiple incidents of international kidnapping, subversion, and assassination in one hand, and performing missions in person many times. The mission record has never failed."

Along with Xiao Su's speech, the screen in the projection is divided into two parts, one is the camera's shooting screen, and the other is showing a file, which is the photo of Alfonso's file file.

"This human nature is low-key, although he has made many major moves in the intelligence community, but he is almost unknown. His codename for the intelligence community is "hermit", which is on the deep-web, that is, a hidden network that cannot be accessed in the normal way. ) Ranked second in the ranking of the strongest agents, second only to the first mysterious agent code-named'non-existent man.' And he has occupied this position for ten years and has never been surpassed."

"An organization once claimed to know his identity and wanted to retaliate against him, but just one day after the declaration was issued, the organization was completely destroyed, including three pet dogs and five pet cats at the base of the organization, all paper materials were burned , All electronic data were destroyed by EMP (-pulses, electromagnetic pulse) bombs."

"At the same time, at least five members of the organization who were at least five thousand kilometers away from the base were inexplicably fired, and the five members were buried in flames. What is more terrible is that no one can find traces of his shot."

Xiao Su told this man's information and then smiled: "He has become a legend in the secret service world. But today, this legend is coming to an end!"

During the talk, the car in front of Alfonso suddenly exploded!

Although the camera could not collect the sound of the scene, Yang Chen still can see that the power of this explosion has reached a considerable level!

"Xiaosu, this..."

Yang Chen saw that Alfonso's figure had been engulfed by the explosion of the car's air waves and flames.

"Relax, no one will be able to find us in this operation. Because I hypnotized a little Miami gangster through the Internet, using ultrasound and hidden images, and let him add it to Alfonso’s car. Some gadgets. The best part is that he thinks this is a prank! Even if the United States uses all its intelligence, it is impossible to find us..."

Xiao Su proudly showed off.

Yang Chen was silent and suddenly said: "Since it is deterrence, you can't let anyone check it out. How can people know that this is a deterrent, not just an accident?"

Xiao Su smiled: "Father, this won't be a problem for me. I've already made preparations. In fact, I've hypnotized another person and lost a metal plate in this guy's house, which says'From Greetings, the word "Heaven goes all the way" and guarantees that this metal plate will be obtained by US intelligence agencies..."

He was talking, but he saw that in the flames of the car explosion, a person came out and it was clearly Alfonso!

Although he was embarrassed all over, and even had multiple burns, he was still alive and kicking, and he didn't even receive much serious injuries.

Xiao Su Yangyang's complacent voice suddenly stopped as if being pinched by her throat.

If this plan is successful, then everything he does can of course become a legend in the secret service world.

Now that Alfonso is not dead, everything he has done before is obviously self-inflicted.

Xiao Su's face flushed red, dumbfounded: "This... how is this possible..."

Yang Chen sighed softly.

He had noticed for a long time, perhaps because Xiao Su’s ability was too strong on the Internet, or because the child was showing off to his father, Xiao Su showed great pride and arrogance in front of him. And he has a despised mentality towards ordinary humans.

This mental state is not healthy.

This world is not that simple. It is not just the Internet. A God on the Internet does not mean that you can really be hopeless and disadvantageous in this world. Not to mention that the people in this world are hiding dragons and lying on tigers.

For example, now that his plan to assassinate Alfonso failed, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Fortunately, just give Xiao Su a lesson. Lest he really have an unbalanced state of mind, which will cause trouble for himself and Yang Chen in the future, and even bring disaster to the whole earth.

It must be admitted that the artificial intelligence described in science fiction novels and movies, which has got rid of human control and caused disaster, has some influence on Yang Chen. Despite the existence of a little chemical technique, Yang Chen was not worried that Xiao Su would escape control.

"Xiao Su, you are too young to look at this person." Yang Chen shook his head and said: "Forget it, the person who can become the second strongest agent on the deep net and maintain this position for ten years, is not So killing."

"Little look? No no no, this is just an accident. I didn't look down on him. Father, you are giving me a chance, I must..."

Listening to Yang Chen's words, Xiao Su panicked and said quickly.

"Forget it, no matter how powerful your power is, you can only make waves on the Internet. The influence on reality is not as powerful as you think..."

"No! Father, no..."

Denied by Yang Chen, Xiao Su seemed to panic as the sky collapsed. He hurriedly switched the screen: "This person is just an accident. Other people Xiao Su will be able to kill them!"

Speaking, I see that the people in the picture are constantly changing, and every time there is a different scene of death in the picture.

There are deaths due to car accidents, deaths due to electric shocks, deaths due to electric doors, drownings, computer explosions or cell phone battery explosions, and gas pipeline explosions.

Etc., etc.

Most of them died completely, and only a few people were able to escape a For example, the military representative, when faced with the explosion of the natural gas pipeline, used a very skilled battlefield escape technique to succeed Escaped the fate of death.

And Yang Chen's scores show that these people are basically those who voted to kill themselves in the meeting of Quantico.

Everyone's death will have some kind of information, indicating that this is Yang Chen's revenge.

Yang Chen looked dumbfounded.

He did not expect Xiao Su's revenge to be so rampant and unabashed.

Although every death seemed completely flawless, like an ordinary accident, the message conveyed by Xiao Su naturally did not make people think it was an accident.

"How is it? Father? These people have the courage to hit their father's ideas, and Xiao Su will let them die! Those who are lucky not to die, Xiao Su will immediately find a chance to send them to heaven!"

Seeing Yang Chen's expression, Xiao Su finally got rid of the previous panic and said with a show of tone. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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