The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 348: Shenxiao sent more Taoist

However, Yang Chen did not take it seriously.

Because this rule is indeed very outdated, and I did not plan to change it before, but because Yang Chen's ideological inertia was not expected, it does not mean that he recognized such a rule.

Now that the development of the situation is going to change this rule, he is naturally happy with it.

"Since someone has posted such a post, let it be natural. What kind of emergency is this? Doesn't it matter so much?"

Xiao Sudao: "Of course there is no need to care. However, the person who replies in this post has issued a very serious threat to your father, claiming to kill you, the biggest devil in metaphysics! According to these words Analysis, they have a 92.13% chance to be serious."

"Xiaosu, this is the Internet! Posts on the Internet, don't take it too seriously." Yang Chen raised the amount with his hand, feeling very speechless. How many people take postings on the Internet seriously? To be serious, the earth and the universe have been destroyed N times, okay?

"Other Internet speakers are unlikely. But they are different. Because, according to the IP analysis of these replies, they have a 83.67% chance of coincidence with the location of the highest threat list..."

"Wait, the list of top threats? How did this list come from? Why didn't I know?" Yang Chen suddenly discovered something was wrong.

"This is the list your father gave me."

"When will I give it to you?"

"It is the list of those ancestors who have been raised to the eighth rank in the metaphysical world. These people have the strongest strength on the planet, so they must be the people who have the highest threat to their father's safety, so I put them on the list of highest threats. ."

Yang Chen: "..."

It turns out that this is the highest threat list.

He remembered the fact that he was instilling common sense in Xiao Su. He did infuse Xiao Su with the situation of metaphysics as a common sense. After all, as an electronic life enlightened by him, Xiao Su naturally has to contact the metaphysical world, and certainly not understand the situation of the metaphysical world.

These common senses do indeed contain a list of all the ancestors of the eighth-order and above who he knew from Xuanhua real people.

It was just unexpected that Xiao Su actually included these people on the list of highest threats.

but. Yang Chen's heart. Really did not take these people as threats. After all, his real enemy is the Troy Federation. These ancestors on the earth, he really did not care about it.

Moreover. The vast majority of these people will be eliminated by the times and simply cannot survive the cataclysm of the explosion of geomagnetic core energy. Those who can survive. It is also impossible to stay crippled, even less hostile to Yang Chen.

But where did Xiao Su know this? Yang Chen did not tell Xiao Su about his rebirth, so according to the available information. Indeed, as Xiao Su's analysis, those ancestors are the highest threat. So of course it’s a fuss to see replies that may be related to these ancestors.

Yang Chen planned to let Xiao Su cancel the attention of this list of the highest threats, but after thinking about it, it would be fine. These ancestors represent the highest power in the current metaphysical world, when Yang Chen popularized the theory of energy particles. It is necessary to pay close attention to their actions.

Thinking of Yang Chen dragging the scroll bar of this post, I really saw many net names and replies that were very similar to those of the ancestors.

Although these net names are not the names of those ancestors. But it is very similar to the nicknames, elegant numbers, self-numbers, etc. of these ancestors.

The ancestors continued the tradition of the ancients, and the ancients did not use their real names. There are many characters, numbers, nicknames, elegant numbers, etc. It can be regarded as the same name as the name on the modern network. Yang Chen, who knows these ancestors well. Of course you can't admit mistakes.

And among those words, almost 80% or 90% are all criticisms of this post.

The replies of the suspected ancestors are actually still a small number, and they really occupy the vast majority, or the backbone of the current metaphysical world-to put it bluntly, people who are in middle and high levels.

Many of these people even use their names or track numbers as forum nicknames without even concealing them. Yang Chen saw at least two or thirty senior monks from various schools he also knew in the post, and posted a post and called to kill. This is what Yang Chen knew, and the rest did not know countless.

Fortunately, security measures have been done well, otherwise, according to this situation, the posters are only afraid of dying without corpses. There are definitely so many people out of so many people who are reluctant to just speak out. Of course, without these security measures, the poster may not have the courage to post such a post on the forum to fire on the martial system.

In short, this post has been posted for just a few hours, and the number of views has reached 300,000, and the number of replies exceeds 100,000. In other words, at least one-third of the people who viewed the post have posted. It can be seen how interesting this post is.

Fortunately, there are a lot of verbal criticisms, but more supportive voices. However, unlike those who opposed it and almost blatantly exposed their identities, most of the supporters were newly registered accounts. There are only a few old accounts, and most of them are nicknames that do not make people think of their true identities at all, and there is no account on the forum that revealed their real identities.

Obviously, despite the large number of supporters, they are in a weak position and they dare not let people know their true identity.

However, this is not without wonders. There are a few supporters who do not mind the exposure of their identity. But these people, Yang Chen looked at, most of them are a few mavericks in the metaphysical world who are excluded from the mainstream. Most of these people's opinions deviate from the truth, but their strength is not weak, and this has established themselves in the metaphysical world.

These are nothing. What most attracted Yang Chen's attention was the few people who had not been rejected by the mainstream before, but still vigorously urged to change the current martial system.

Among these people, there are even a few main-line backbones. Of course, their views are relatively more moderate, but they just want to improve the martial system, and they don’t want to abolish the martial system altogether, like the author of this post, and change to a college system similar to the modern education system. ——In fact, this view coincides with Yang Chen's move to establish the Lingwu College. No wonder everyone thinks that Yang Chen is instructing this person to post.

Only one person who reveals his true identity strongly supports all the opinions of this post. But rather than supporting this post, it is better to say that he supports Yang Chen. In short, he greatly appreciated Yang Chen's practice of establishing Lingwu College, and he went to the shirt without hesitation, shouting for Yang Chen's flag.

However, Yang Chen thought about it carefully, but found that he had no contact with this person before, or even had no contact, and at most knew each other's name.

Suddenly such a supporter popped up, Yang Chen himself was puzzled. However, he was still very happy. After all, there are not many such supporters.

The nickname of this person's forum is his nickname, called "Reformed Taoist". The moral of this quotation was originally "reformation of all things", which implied the meaning of "innovation and transformation", which comes from the Han book. Volume 56 . Dong Zhongshu Chuan: "If you do not do it for politics, you must change it and change it. It is reasonable." It is used to express Dong Zhongshu's reform view of "strike a hundred schools and respect Confucianism alone."

In the history after Dong Zhongshu, many political changes have also been renamed. For example, Yuanyou's reformation is the event that the old party headed by Sima Guang overthrew Wang Anshi's reform, which is also a reformation compared to Wang Anshi's new reform. There was also a reform of Duan Ping, which was the reform of Song Lizong after the death of Shi Liyuan during the reign of Song Lizong in the Southern Song Dynasty. The Yuan Dynasty also changed.

Using this relatively uncommon word as a road number, it is natural to see how this person's philosophy is, and he can support Yang Chen who could have understood.

However, this person is clearly a disciple of the Shenxiao School, a great school of metaphysics, and it is still very good. It is regarded as a disciple of the next generation of candidates.

The Shenxiao faction is good at thunder, but it is a branch. However, the thunder of this school is very particular, and the thunder needs the power of thunder god. And this Thor is divided into classes according to the legendary heavenly officials. The cultivator must be given the true teachings, and the name is recorded in the entry list Yudie, which is the list of martial arts rosters, in order to be powerful, otherwise it is just a trick.

Even the power level of Leifa must be controlled by the martial arts. In the case where the cultivation base is reached, which level of the name you recorded in the martial art jade is at, then your power can reach that level. Otherwise, no matter how high your repair is, and how much you need to repair beyond this level, your Refra Power is simply not up!

In addition, once you are removed from the martial arts rule, no matter how powerful your Lei Fa is before, after being removed, you will not be able to fight the green smoke. What is more terrifying is that this school of mind's magical power, Xiaoxiao Yulei, can only be used to practice the lightning method. Once the lightning method is restricted, no matter how high the cultivation is, there are no other spells available. And even if you abandon the foundation and practice again, no matter what kind of mental method you use, you will still be able to practice it.

Speaking of which, this martial system still has the taste of a computer system. Martial arts is like an account management system in a computer system. The level is the permission With permission, you can let the computer do whatever the current permission can do. Without permission, you can do nothing. After you had permission before and then canceled permission or even canceled your account, you can do nothing.

Because of this, this sect is particularly strict.

No way, although your cultivation cannot be controlled by the master, your strength is completely under the master's control. If you want to climb upwards in this school, you have to pay respect to the master's door, only to obey. This sect of traitors has always been rare, and on the surface, it is so frighteningly united.

Such martial arts produce people who are more Taoist, such as reformers, which are both difficult to see and inevitable, and inevitable-there is resistance when there is oppression. I do not believe that all disciples of this school are so honestly controlled by the master. But dissatisfaction turned to dissatisfaction, and dare to say it unabashedly, but still few people can do it.

With the continuous turning of pages, Yang Chen found that the more active Daoist who had been very active and very active in replying to it had disappeared about an hour and a half ago, and there was no more activity. Even using administrator rights to check his account, he also found that he had dropped out an hour and a half ago, and he has not come up yet.

"This is more Taoist, is it not a problem?" Yang Chen moved. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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