The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 349: More trust

Tightly controlled martial arts like the Shenxiao School, rebellious disciples like Genhua Taoist, I am afraid there will be no good ending.

Yang Chen also cherishes such a rare fan. It is a pity that he is now in Beijing, too far away from the mountain gate of the Qingxiao School on Qingcheng Mountain in Xichuan Province, which is simply beyond reach.

At this moment, Yang Chen suddenly received a call from Xuanhong.

"Xuanhong, what happened?"

"Yang Chen, there is a disciple called Shenhua Taoist in Shenxiao School, do you know?"

"Genghua Taoist?" Yang Chen thought it was a coincidence. He just thought of Genghua Taoist here, and there was news of Genghua Taoist there: "I know him, I'm looking for him, why? Real people have his News?"

Just listened to Xuanhong real sigh, said: "He just contacted Lao Tao, want to get in touch with you through Lao Tao, saying that his speech at the Chinese Metaphysics Portal Forum caused the teachers to anger, has opened him out, now need your help."

Yang Chen also sighed: "I have seen his speech on the forum, and I know that the style of Shenxiao School will definitely not spare him. I did not expect that the Shenxiao School reacted so fast!"

Real Xuanhong hesitated for a moment, then lowered his voice and said: "Lao Dao let his disciples also read that post. Is that post really Yang Chen, are you pushing your hands behind your back?"

"No, this post is not my push." ​​Yang Chen replied without hesitation.

Xuanhong was relieved: "That's good then that's good..."

But then he said in a low voice: "So, do you agree with his point of view? Do you really think that our traditional sect system should be abolished and replaced by a secular college system?"

Yang Chen heard the voice of real Xuanhong, even with a little hoarse. Taking his cultivation as an example, this kind of situation only occurs when the anxiety reaches a certain level. He couldn't help but be shocked.

"Traditional martial arts system. Should it really be eliminated by the times? Should all this really have to be changed? Yang Chen, you need a definite answer!"

Yang Chen heard the inner struggle and anxiety implied in Xuanhong's words.

He also understood.

After all, the martial system has been in place for thousands of years. All monks in metaphysical circles grew up under such a system. Xuanhong's life. It is firmly integrated with this system.

Now someone suddenly told him that this system is outdated and backward, and should be eliminated. It should be completely abolished, even if Xuanhong is open-minded and open-minded. It is also unacceptable.

However, this view may have been proposed by Yang Chen, a rising star who Xuanhong really supported from the beginning. The mind of Xuanhong is complicated and struggling. Needless to say, naturally.

On the one hand, the tradition of thousands of years is the basis for the inheritance of the patriarchal ancestry of the past dynasties. It is a very profound school, on the one hand, it is likely to represent a subversive view of the future trend and a rising star that has always been supported by itself. The conflict between the two. Even with the cultivation of Xuanhong's real people, it is still struggling to make a decision within a short time.

He knew that the times had changed and the traditions should have changed, but the reason why he thought this was only to better inherit the patriarchal ancestry and develop the school in the new era.

But to do this, the martial system must be abolished. Since then, there has been no Chongyang Palace created by the Chongyang patriarch. Is this not another way of severing the Taoism?

Anyone who has faced such a situation has lost his mind, is troubled, and cannot decide.

Even if this situation continues, it is very likely that Xiuwei, who has reached the seventh order, is a real person, and eventually loses his mind and gets into trouble!

Knowing the seriousness of this, Yang Chen quickly replied: "Of course not! I don't think that the sectarian system should be abolished completely. That's right, there are many unreasonable aspects of the sectarian system that need to be reformed, and there is a need to establish schools similar to the secular schools. Cultivation College, but, I never thought about letting Cultivation College completely replace martial arts!"

He is talking psychologically.

Even modern universities have various schools in the academic world. This school is an academic group formed from the same academic point of view. There are great similarities with martial arts.

And this is a time when science is prosperous and popularized by the whole people, and it still cannot avoid the emergence of schools with martial characteristics.

Therefore, the martial arts are not the kind of system that should be completely abolished. However, the existing sect system is indeed too old to adapt to the times, and it is time for innovation.

"You are telling the truth? Do you really think so?" The anxiety in Xuanhong's words was slightly better.

"Of course! As a collection of monks with the same practice perspective, the martial arts, even if they can be popularized and practiced by all people in the future, it is impossible to avoid the emergence of such an organization. Moreover, the various traditions of respecting teachers and respecting the morals also have the necessity of its existence. However, the current martial arts The rigidity of the system, as well as the practice of the masters in controlling the power of life and death of the disciples, is indeed behind the times and must be changed."

Yang Chen answered firmly.

"That's good! This is good! The old man will be able to stand up to the past ancestors in the future."

Xuanhong real person finally relieved: "That post on the forum, you should come forward, so as not to cause too much opposition, it will not be good for you!"

Hearing Xuanhong’s bitter words, Yang Chen said: “Otherwise! Real people, overkill must be overdone. Moreover, from the perspective of human psychological characteristics, it is difficult to get everyone’s support when directly proposing reform of the sectarian system. On the contrary, if Some people said that it would be easier to accept the abolition of the martial system, and then take another step forward to reform the martial system."

"However, in this case, the concentrated opposition or even hatred in your body is too big... The old advice is that you still explain the truth on the forum, and don't blame others."

"From ancient times to the present, reforms have not paid no price. Although this point of view was not raised by me, but it also came from me. Who is this black pot? If I say, this kind of opposition or even hatred is necessary for this reform. The price paid, then I am duty-bound!" Yang Chen thundered loudly.

Real Xuanhong sighed again, but this time was moved: "Yang Chen, why do you suffer..."

In the end he spoke a thousand words: "Yang Chen, thank you!"

He really thanked Yang Chen.

Because he knows that with Yang Chen's current cultivation practice, he can completely follow the step-by-step development forces and practice, and just make a fortune to make a fortune, there is no need to blend these things. However, Yang Chen did it without turning back. It can be seen that Yang Chen has a strong sense of mission and responsibility for the metaphysical world. This could not help but touch him.

Afterwards, Xuanhong lived up his mind and explained the situation of the Taoist to Yang Chen.

It turned out that the Huanhua Taoist was removed from the school one and a half hours ago.

However, unlike the Longmen School's previous handling of Bao Yihua, the Shenxiao School did not abolish Dantian who became a Taoist.

However, this is not a good thing, but a kind of torture.

Because after being removed from the martial arts, the Taoist people lost all their strength.

His cultivation practice is still here, his spiritual power is still there, but he can no longer improve his cultivation practice, and he can’t even use it to even a first-order illusion!

Even, he can't even do small things with spiritual power, such as repairing injuries, strengthening himself, etc. It can be said that he is completely unable to control his spiritual power now. Can only allow the flow of spiritual instincts.

This is even more painful than Xiu Wei being abolished!

After the cultivation practice was abolished, it was already a fact anyway, and it could be accepted slowly over time. However, it is impossible to improve cultivation practice, use spells, or even use a little spiritual power, but now the spiritual power is present, reminding you of the fact that you were a monk all the time, which is even more tormenting.

In addition, if the repair is abandoned, the life will be shortened. When the abolished person dies, everyone will slowly forget him. But the life of the Shenxiao School will not be affected. The Shenxiao School did this as a long-term example of using a person like Dao Ren to kill chickens and monkeys. The torture of the soul is even greater.

However, Genghua Daoren seems to have expected this for a long time. According to Xuanhong, he did not have any decadence in this regard, but only asked to come to Yang Chen and turn to Yang Chen.

He didn't even have a little concern about whether Yang Chen would accept him. Obviously, in his analysis, Yang Chen could not ignore him for whatever reason.

Yang Chen nodded secretly, and deserved to be an elite disciple who was trained as a candidate for master disciples. Apart from cultivation, this wisdom was not simple.

Yang Chen felt that even if he could not solve the problem of more Taoist cultivation for the time being, let him go to Lingwu College to help Wang Zongyan, or as a think tank, that would be a good choice.

Even If he uses military talent, it is not impossible for him to serve as a military commander of the Earth Resistance Army in the future.

In short, in Yang Chen, anyone can find his place, he will put aside all stereotypes, and only use it.

After listening to Xuanhong’s retelling, Yang Chen said: "Okay, more Daoyou, I accept it. You can ask him to go directly to Jinzhou. I'm in Beijing now. I'll wait a few days before I go back. He meets."

Yang Chen added a sentence: "Tell him that maybe he can solve the problem of his cultivation."

"What? Can it really be solved?" Xuan Hong was shocked. That is the foundation of the Shenxiao School! If Yang Chen can really solve this problem, I am afraid that a big Shenxiao school will fall apart.

When the time comes, Yang Chen may become the enemy of the Shenxiao School. How will those who are loyal to the Shenxiao School deal with Yang Chen?

This is a mortal enemy of a big faction, even Xuanhong real people may not be able to afford it. Not to mention Yang Chen?

"Yang Chen, can you really do it?" (To be continued.) Launch of new website

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