The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 354: Wei Pingfan who doesn't want to be ordinary

Although traditional particle colliders can also be used for research, they are costly and inefficient. The monk himself is an energy particle collider and does not need this to study. Among the spiritual martial arts practice systems, it is mainly developed from the practice system of the metaphysical circles in China. It is not compatible with other metaphysical practice systems, and it is very difficult to study.

That is to say, the Japanese have some advantages in this respect, but although the Japanese metaphysical cultivation system comes from China, it has also been greatly modified by the Japanese themselves, and this advantage is not great.

Another key point is that monks in the metaphysical world have a high sense of superiority, and it is impossible to cooperate with ordinary people. To study the theory of energy particles, it really depends on the traditional scientific literacy of scientists in the traditional scientific community.

In this way, traditional scientists do not have good research tools, and they themselves are inferior to ordinary people, which forms a kind of split, which is also the pit Yang Chen dug for other countries.

When can I jump out of this pit, it's hard to say. However, it doesn't matter if you can't jump out. At most, you won't be a leader. In order to resist the overall situation of aggression, Yang Chen can't be controlled by technology. Anyway, the vast majority of countries on the planet have been used to being led by advanced European and American technologies, but now let Yang Chen lead, is there no essential difference?

Xiao Supei and Xiaoguang's work efficiency is fast, even if Xiaoguang is still calculating the mathematical model of the spirit measurement and the spiritual formula, still in just ten minutes, Yang Chen has all the papers. .

Yang Chen carefully went through the paper and read it basically without problems, and then posted it. By the way, he informed Xijing Zhichun. After a few chats, it was over.

He did not suggest to Jing Zhichun that he would find another way to help him solve the problem of amputation, so as not to make people's hopes too high and eventually become disappointed.

Moreover, is it better to do things that are good and anonymous? Anyway, in the end, we still have to give treatment to others. It is impossible to be anonymous.

And at the same time. Yang Chen also used the Kailing formula, Kaiqiao particle equation, and spirit measuring technique. Directly in his own name, published in the Chinese Metaphysics Portal Forum, and use administrator rights to highlight and highlight.

This method is different from the journal papers, and there is almost no formula derivation. It is only a simple description of the method of use, but the key calculation formula. He hides the key parameters.

If you want these parameters, you can only get them by going to the address he sent. That address is the "Cultivation Aid System" that Xiao Su has completed the prototype, so that everyone can only practice the Cultivation Formula by going to the Cultivation Aid System.

Not this hand. It is estimated that most people take the Kai Ling formula, Kai Qiao particle equation, and the method of measuring spirits and leave directly. Few people will go to the so-called "practice auxiliary system". Everyone is like this. It's always troublesome.

Yang Chen's purpose is to obtain big data feedback, of course, this cannot be allowed to happen, so he has to use this method of recruiting people to complain. Forcibly divert people to the practice support system.

In addition, Yang Chen is still in the post. A preview of the new special issue of the "Energy Particle Theory" series of the Lingwu Periodicals will be announced. The specific derivation process will be explained in detail in the special paper. I hope there will be forum netizens interested in and capable of studying the theory of energy particles interested and subscribed to increase the influence of journals and the theory of energy particles.

After posting the post, Yang Chen ignored it. He continued to practice the spiritual formula in the office, but he didn't know that because of the post he posted, the uproar caused by the post claiming to abolish the martial system became more intense...


Wei Pingfan is an ordinary person just like his name.

Like everyone else, he used an ordinary family and ordinary appearance, went to an ordinary university, found an ordinary job, received ordinary salary, paid an ordinary girlfriend, and lived an ordinary life.

But in his heart, he always has a dream of extraordinary. But the dream is full and the reality is very backbone. Everyone wants to be extraordinary, and the ground is ordinary. He can only think about it.

Because of this, he likes to read online novels and likes to play games, hoping to barely get some otherworldly experience in these unreal entertainment activities.

Some time ago, he accidentally clicked on an advertisement, and as a result, he entered a wonderful place called "Chinese Metaphysics Portal Forum".

He discovered that it was not just him alone, who had extraordinary dreams!

Seeing so many people in the forum, one by one is talking about things that only exist in fantasy. He feels that he has found an organization and is very active in the forum, which soon triggered many old forum users. Everyone added friends to each other, and often used forum short messages or replies to communicate.

However, Wei Pingfan has a feeling that these people always seem to have a gap with themselves. He did not care too much, thinking that it was because he came to the forum too late and had not fully integrated into it.

In such a forum full of unrealistic fantasy tone, sometimes Wei Pingfan will have some illusions: will all this be true?

But soon, he laughed at himself: How is it possible?

However, this kind of thought is just like the wild grass burned by wildfire in winter. Although the surface is not visible, the root system is deeply buried deep in the ground, waiting for the arrival of spring at any time.

Especially, when he saw the so-called energy particle theory, he did not believe it at all.

Something that only exists in fantasy, there are actually people who give him some theoretical deductions. Among those deductions, he looks at the vast majority as if reading heavenly books. After seeing it, there was only one thought: the author of this article was so uncomfortable? You guys can really play...

Of course, from time to time, he will be on a whim, trying to practice the methods published in the forum. Naturally, this practice has no results, and after giving it a few times, I gave up.

In the beginning, he still tried to ask the old birds in those forums. Most of these people ignored it, and only a few people answered him seriously-even this answer is full of untrue, full of care. Instruct him how to practice. But after he tried many times, most of these people did not respond. The only person who has been persevering in replying to his words is only a netizen called "Nineteenth asked."

Now the atmosphere of the forum is not very good, because the post that abolished the martial art system, many people are full of gunpowder discussing.

Wei Pingfan feels ridiculous: just to abolish a system of non-existent cultivation sect, do you still quarrel all day? It's speechless, anyway, it's all fake, noisy wool.

If at least a large number of people still discuss other things in the forum, he even plans to come back to the forum after some time.

Today happened to be the weekend. After lunch, he turned on the computer and habitually boarded the Chinese Metaphysical Portal, but suddenly found that there was one more sticky post: "Introduction to the Qualitative Test under the Energy Particle Theory, Measurement of Spirit, Induction Spirit, and Assistant Spirit." "Technical Kaiqiao particle equations, introductory mental methods and spiritual formulas are fully disclosed."

The post is a real name with no online style of forum at all: Yang Chen.

"Yang Chen?"

Wei Pingfan couldn't help but get a little curious. This person seems to be a big mysterious topic in the forum. Most posts should mention him. And he is the one who proposed the theory of energy particles that Wei Pingfan rejected as idle.

However, this person is also very mysterious, because he has rarely posted on the forum.

At least, it didn't post under the name Yang Chen.

There was a post in the previous post, "Longmen School Disciples Discarded and Revoked as (1)". The post was written by a little reporter of Metaphysics, which is considered to be him, but there are many signs that it is not him.

In addition, in the previous post that questioned the martial system, some people suspected that it was him. Similarly, more people used solid evidence to show that it was not him.

Until today, this talent posted on the forum with his real name.

Even if he dismissed the so-called "spirometry under the theory of energy particles, enlightenment particle equation, enlightenment formula", etc., because of this curiosity, Wei Pingfan still ordered a post from this guy who hurts the egg.

After opening, there are hundreds of more replies under the post, most of which are "Noble!" "Worship the Great God!" "Great God Niu ratio!" "Great God seeking support!"

But there are also replies with words.

Among them, he saw the replies of those forum old birds that he had communicated with himself before, including "Nine IX asked", and they were all in it. Moreover, everyone was seriously discussing and his attitude was quite correct.

He glanced at the replies and focused his attention.

In the post, the same book as the previous energy particle theory is used to roughly explain the principles of the so-called spirit measurement, enlightenment particle equation, and spirit formula. Next, let’s talk about the specific Came out.

Among them, the spirit test requires at least a second-order monk, and the enlightenment particle equation requires at least a fourth-order monk. The opening formula does not require it. But it shows that only those who can sense the spiritual machine can be effective.

This so-called induction psychic, Wei Pingfan was also familiar with many entry tips and forum veteran exchanges. But this thing, he still did not believe very much.

Because those people think he can't practice successfully, just because he can't sense the spirit.

But... this is obviously fake, okay? Sensing your sister's magic machine? How can I succeed if something that doesn't exist?

At a glance at the induction machine, Wei Pingfan lost his interest and planned to watch the post: Obviously, this is another prank that plays with those who believe that it is really stupid. He has seen many similar people. From the previous sympathy and sympathy to the present gloating, he has experienced a 180-degree turn.

But when he was about to close the post, he suddenly saw the reply posted by IX: "Great!" It works! My younger brother didn't have the qualifications to practice, but after practicing the spiritual formula, he successfully sensed the spiritual opportunity! Yang Zhenren really deserves to be the proposer of the energy particle theory, the seventh order big real! Discipleship! (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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