The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 355: it is true! That is actually true!

"What's going on? Could this thing still be true?"

Wei Pingfan couldn't help but feel puzzled.

If it were said by others, he would really be able to treat others as the kind of person who maliciously intentionally pits people. Such people are not uncommon, at least, in Wei Pingfan's view, there are quite a few in this forum.

What's even more ridiculous is that many people still believe it.

Before, he had watched these guys whose IQ needed to be recharged were sent back by people, and he deeply enjoyed the thrill of revenge on society.

However, in the eyes of Wei Pingfan, this nickname IX asked, was an enthusiastic person, and he was also a straight-talking friend. He would not deceive people.

Of course, this netizen also seems to be convinced that the so-called cultivation is indeed a matter of course. That must be that he is too honest and makes people pit, not that he deliberately deceived people.

Well, it must be like this.

At least, Wei Pingfan sees it this way. Because he had never met IX and asked about his cultivation. Because of this, he believed this man.

But how did this person believe that Yang Chen?

"He should have been deceived by his brother, probably..."

Wei Pingfan thought very arrogantly.

But there was something in his mind that was about to move.

As if spring is coming, the weeds buried deep underground are about to take root.

It is as if the hot magma containing the earth-shattering power in the depths of the earth has found the weak point of the earth's crust, and it is about to spray out.

An idea exploded deep in his heart, making him feel like a golden light flashed in front of his eyes, and thunder sounded in his ears:

Is it true that all this is true?

Is it true?

"Won't it... how could it be true? Fake...absolutely fake..."

He told himself this way, but he couldn't hold back the tempting mind: "What if it is true? What if it is?"

He finally couldn't control himself, and opened the website that recorded the detailed parameters of the Kai Ling formula.

This is a very concise page, at a glance, on the page. There are only three hyperlinks. Respectively point to "kailing formula", "kaiqiao particle equation", "spiritual measurement technique".

Turning a blind eye to the Kaiqiao particle equation and the spirit measurement technique, Wei Pingfan clicked on the link of the Kailing formula.

The new page opens slowly. Don't know what's going on, maybe because there are too many people visiting? In short, the speed is not very fast.

but. In fact, it is six or seven seconds, and the face opens. But this short six or seven seconds. Wei Pingfan felt that every second was as long as a winter, almost making him lose the patience to wait.

Finally, the page is completely loaded. Appearing in front of him is the detailed formula of the spiritual formula, below all symbols and letters in the formula. All have detailed descriptions, indicating their meaning, and explaining how to obtain the variables and parameters represented by these characters.

The following is a script that can input data for online calculation. All parameters and variables that require human input have an input box where relevant data can be entered. Then click on the calculation behind the formula to get the calculation result at the bottom.

Then he can adjust the time, place, posture, etc. of his practice according to these data according to the instructions of the spiritual formula.

At the bottom. There are two download links. This is the download link for the offline calculation program. One link to the computer version and the other to the mobile version. The mobile phone version is also divided into the version of Apple's mobile phone and the Android version of Android phone.

However, the page also stated that the performance of the personal computer is insufficient, so the calculation results are not accurate enough, and the efficiency of practicing as such will be affected. It can only be used as an emergency option when there is no internet connection. As for the mobile phone version, because the performance of the mobile phone is lower, it can only be used as an emergency measure for the Internet and the computer.

These Wei Pingfans just ignored it. He got the current time, place, orientation, height, weight, blood type and other variable parameters according to the requirements of the psychic formula, and then entered it, clicked with anticipation. Calculate button.

However, what disappointed him was that after the button was clicked, the calculation result did not immediately appear, but a page popped up to allow him to register for free in the practice support system. Only after registering can he enjoy free online Computing services.

Fortunately, the account of this site can directly use the account of the China Metaphysics Forum, and there are shortcut keys to log in with one click, and of course, you can re-register.

Of course, Wei Pingfan was too lazy to do any registration and directly logged in with one click.

Then I entered a setting page and asked him to provide detailed and accurate information, which can also be skipped, but this free calculation service only provides three calculations, and will continue to perform online calculations in the future, then detailed information is needed. This unknown website guarantees that these private data will never be disclosed.

Without hesitation, Wei Pingfan clicked directly to ignore.

At this time, he re-entered the calculation page, and the previous input cache was also retained. He does not need to re-enter the data, just click the "calculate" button.

At this time, Wei Pingfan hesitated a little. He began to wonder if he had any magical problems before. Why is he so serious about this obviously non-existent thing?

Taking a deep breath, Wei Pingfan finally pressed the calculation button.

I don't know what is used for calculation. Anyway, Wei Pingfan appeared in front of a countdown of 60 seconds. He waited impatiently for a minute and finally saw the data displayed in bright red font on the page.

He quickly wrote down these data, and then immediately closed his eyes according to the requirements of the spiritual formula, and began the action of so-called induction spiritual machine.

He didn't expect much from this, he just wanted to give it a try. Anyway, I did all the movements before, so there is nothing to hinder.

However, his patience is not high, try at most for ten minutes, then plan not to continue, and then completely bury the extraordinary dream in his mind forever, and no longer indulge.

Because he spent all these days in the Chinese Metaphysics Forum and stayed in front of the computer, which made his girlfriend very unhappy. This girlfriend who has been urging him to make progress has asked him not to waste time on the Internet, but to work hard to make money. Otherwise, break up with him.

Wei Pingfan knew that after all, people cannot live in dreams. He must live in reality. You must also succumb to the pressure of reality. after all. He is not too young, it is time to start a family and start a business.

"Just for the last memorial of the dream..."

He thought, according to the calculated data, slowly adjust his body posture, breathing frequency, and the thoughts in his mind.

Cultivation requirements of Kailin formula. It is completely different from the things he has seen and tried before, very strange. In terms of posture alone, it’s not just the five-hearted sitting among the things in front of you, although there are some sitting postures. But more of it is a bit like yoga, but it is not like yoga. The body's flexibility is very high, and his physical condition can be made.

To be honest, if not the door was closed alone in the room. Wei Pingfan was really embarrassed to make such a weird gesture to make people laugh.

"The angle here should be about thirty to thirty-five degrees, and the fingers here should make this pose. The shoulders here should be inclined forward..."

Wei Pingfan meticulously adjusted his body little by little according to the requirements. It is also strange to say that the thoughts and meditations required in the practice of mind were cleared. Originally Wei Pingfan could hardly do it, but in the process of adjusting his body, he unknowingly closed his mind, and the misunderstanding became almost non-existent.

Next, in the slow breath adjustment, Wei Pingfan, who closed his eyes slightly, felt that a starry sky appeared in front of his eyes, and some kind of mysterious, faint aura appeared quietly in his mind.

Although the Qi machine is like a candle in the wind, it is so weak that it can be destroyed at any time, but Wei Pingfan knows that it is something he has never felt before, the so-called "spirit machine"!

Induction smart machine, he really did it!

This thing is actually true!

With a burst of ecstasy, Wei Pingfan felt his body sway, and could no longer maintain the posture required by the Kailin formula, and retreated from that state.

Opening his eyes, his eyes were fanatical.

"It's true! It's true!"

He wanted to yell, he wanted to laugh, he even had a sore nose, and almost burst into tears.

After a long time of emotional venting, it finally calmed down.

Wei Pingfan once again took the posture as required, and wanted to go back to that state again.

But this time, he had no way to succeed.

"What's going on? Was it my illusion before?"

Wei Pingfan sweated from his forehead.

It's okay if you never see hope, but when you see hope, you suddenly find that hope flies away. That feeling is really unacceptable.

Confused, he looked up at the computer and suddenly his eyes lit up: Will it be because this time has passed and the parameters have changed? So the results of the previous calculations can no longer be copied?

He seemed to grab the life-saving straw, rushed to the computer, carefully looked at the explanation of the Kai Ling formula, and finally determined this, then changed the changed parameters to the current time, click to calculate and submit the data, and continue to wait for 60 seconds. , Got the new to the new data, he really successfully entered the previous realm again, and sensed the spirit machine, and what he had to do next was to start further based on this machine Get started.

This step also quickly met the requirements, he felt a heat flow in his body gathered. This is not an illusion, because he can use his own mind to direct this heat flow in the meridians.

It was indeed the aura he drew, but it had not been successfully converted into spiritual power. But now that the threshold for entry has been crossed, this moment will not be too far away.

Looking up, Wei Pingfan only felt that life was full of hope.

So, is everything true? I thought everyone was talking nonsense, is everything true? Does the legendary wonderful world of cultivation really exist?

And...and the nineth prince asked, is it really a so-called monk?

Wei Pingfan quickly jumped in front of the computer, opened the Chinese Metaphysics Portal Forum, and looking forward to it, he sent a message to Jiu IX... (to be continued.) Activate the new website

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