The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 361: Your last name is Yang, you are finally here!

Driving away, feeling the vicious and fierce eyes of Kampot behind him, Yang Chen smiled disdainfully.

Each of these cultists claimed to seek relief from desire and desire. In fact, there are fewer people than they can do. Most people are captured by desire and hope, one by one, arrogant and arrogant, narrow-minded, and that lotus life is pretty good.

This kind of person Yang Chen has seen more in later generations. No matter how fierce they are, they only dare to show off to humans. The Trojan invaders, who are more fierce than them, are either scared like a dog or simply surrendered to each other. Not only does it not help resistance, but it also causes a lot of trouble to humans on earth. Yang Chen has long disliked such people.

Fortunately, come and deal with me when you have the ability to see how I clean up you!

It is the Qingxu group of Baiyun Temple, although it seems to be with the people of Yonghe Temple, it is obviously not the same person. At least, the arrogant and arrogant look of Bai Yunguan's people is much less.

The car drove all the way to the suburbs, and the people in Yonghe Temple and Baiyun Temple were "escorted" all the way behind. However, their "escort" stopped in the suburbs.

That's right, the capital is so big, which one can take care of it? As long as the urban area is controlled, the government departments are just fooled. As for the suburbs, does that belong to the capital? It doesn't matter if something happened is covered by local officials.

The semi-official people of Baihe Temple in Lama Temple don't care, and the others who follow are more and more rampant.

When the car turned on a relatively secluded road, Yang Chen, who thought that those people were going to be in trouble, only found out that those people were still just behind him.

"It seems that there shouldn't be any obstacles on my way. Also, the time is too short, and they have no time to mobilize staff. However, when I come back from Zongjia, I'm afraid I will really do it? Okay. .. Wait for me to take care of Zong's affairs. Act more flexibly."

Yang Chen understood that he didn't get entangled with the people behind, and accelerated the speed directly, not long after. Just outside the villa community of the Zong family.

Most of this community is the residence of noble officials. The environment is still better. In addition, in order to avoid disturbing unrelated persons, there are few residential houses outside, and a large area of ​​wilderness has been vacated. In a capital city with a lot of money, the per capita occupied area is much higher than the average. In order to improve the per capita housing area of ​​our country, we have made outstanding contributions, offsetting the hindsight of poor ghosts who do not know how many have no houses.

Therefore. This car comes and goes, but it is all luxury cars. There is no less than one million. In particular, Yang Chen also saw a lot of broad-minded and beautiful women driving in a luxury car and whizzing past him, and many people even pointed at him than his middle finger. Mocking him at this broken car and broken speed.

It was better until I entered the villa area.

However, this villa area is also bus-to-car today, especially lively, and most of the targets are directed at the Zongjia villa.

Because the location of the sect’s family is exactly in the villa area close to a small mountain package, there is only one villa over there, and there is a separate road extending over it. Most vehicles are driving directly to that road, so it does not matter where the destination is. And metaphor.

Yang Chen knew that this was because the father of Uncle Kecheng finally recovered from his critical illness, and these people went to visit and celebrate. This is what happened after Yang Chen came to Beijing.

Obviously, this grandfather's status was not low at that time, just by looking at the number of people who went to see this and the single villa that clearly showed its status, it can be seen.

It's just that the illness is getting better, it's not something like a wedding. If the wedding is over, people will come more.

Along the way, all are such as Bugatti, Audi, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Land Rover, Bentley and the like, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Porsche, Maybach, Rolls-Royce are also not uncommon.

Yang Chen even wondered, maybe the luxury cars in the whole capital are here now, right?

Anyway, in the capital, at the feet of the emperor, many people have to keep a low profile, but luxury cars are rare.

In contrast, the Passat commercial vehicle that Yang Chen drove became more shabby.

However, unlike ordinary people, he doesn't feel ashamed. He ignores the strange eyes and eyes of people along the way, and drives the car directly inside.

Obviously, there should be an obvious hierarchical system, basically the better the car, the more driving in. Those cars that have just been on the million, just stopped at the intersection, and people walked directly to the villa.

Only those cars with government, military, or privileged brands at first glance can drive in.

To say that the Tianshi Mansion behind the Chinese Metaphysics Portal wants to get the license plates and privileged license plates, that is naturally okay, but the Chinese Metaphysics Portal is nominally Zhang Bingyu. In fact, she rarely manages things, mainly Miao Gaoliang is managing . Miao Gaoliang is also a technical mansion. Just have a network and a computer. You don’t even care about a good car, and you rarely go out. Therefore, the Chinese Metaphysics Portal does not have a good car.

When he went in, he was particularly glaring.

Someone immediately frowned at the door of the villa and asked the waiter next to him, "What's wrong with this person?"

The waiter greeted at the door was also sweating: "Mr. Meng, I don't know..."

"Check carefully."

Mr. Meng said coldly, "How can I let a Maotou boy break in? No, the rules can't be messed up. If the boy doesn't obey, he will drive him out. When this is the place, can any cat or dog come to fight the autumn wind? ?"

This Mr. Meng is the confidant of the clan family. He has always helped them deal with daily affairs and has great power. The waiter did not dare to neglect. He quickly turned over the list of the guests with the photos of the guests-of course, those who are less frequented by the guests to take the photos for identification-suddenly came to light:

"It's him! The Jinzhou people are said to be the children of the friend's family that Zong made in Jinzhou. The name is Yang Chen. The company's business is Hengyang Pharmaceutical, and the family property has billions of billions. Oh, it seems that he still has Started a business, what is Tongtai Industry."

"Yang Chen? Start your own business?" Mr. Meng's mouth flickered with a taunt.

He began to feel that the name Yang Chen seemed a bit familiar, but if he thought about it carefully, he couldn't remember where he was familiar with it. Just disdain the so-called self-employment.

Can you start your own business at such a young age? Just kidding, it's a leather bag company, fooling around with my parents' yin's money, right?

But it's not right. It is said that there are billions of companies in the family. No matter how poor it is, it won't drive a tens of thousands of Passat business cars, right? What is this place? Doesn't he know anything about human relations? If he wants to come to Zongjia, even if he doesn't have a good car, should he rent a good one?

"Everyone started their own business, how can they still drive this car?"

The waiter vigorously flipped through a printed booklet, which wrote down the details of the less frequented guests for reference by the receptionists. Because there were too many, they were not printed with the list.

"By the way, his company nearly went bankrupt some time ago, and later he became a Zhu family, which made him barely breathless."

"The Zhu family? No wonder." Mr. Meng lipped his lips.

In his eyes, the Zhu family is a small family. In the eyes of Jinzhou people, it seems to be a good one, but in Beijing, that is a small role, which is totally worthless. Relying on the goods of the Zhu family, it is no wonder that this is the case. How can I guess wrong, this kid came to pretend to play the autumn wind? Now it's critically time to run the clan to fight the autumn wind, then your kid is wrong!

"Since Minister Zong's poor and cheap fellowship, then don't be ostentatious. You go to warn him and let him not drive in the broken car. It's not shameful enough! If other people are dissatisfied, weird The people of our clan are not sensible!" Mr. Meng ordered.

"Who dares to be dissatisfied as our ancestor? Right, Mr. Meng?" The waiter quickly agreed, looking at Mr. Meng's face carefully. He is also used to the fact that the Zong family is high up. How can these so-called high-ranking officials, who are running to visit Zong Lao, show their sense of existence, to their eyes?

"What do you know?" Mr. Meng's face was a little slow, and he shook his head: "Zong Lao is old after all, and the entire Zong family can be supported by his old man. No one dares to blast the thorn while he is there, but it must be in case ...Our clan family is now on thin ice..."

"Oh..." The waiter repeatedly said that he would walk to Yang Chen's side. Just a few steps later, a young man next to him sprang out and grabbed him: "Hey, Yang Chen's kid is here?"

This person was the same Zong Shao who appeared after Yang Chen came to Beijing to leave the airport.

Obviously, his status in the Zong family is not low, and the waiter immediately and respectfully replied, "Zong Shao, yes."

"Why are you going?"

"Mr. Meng asked... Don't let Mr. Yang Chen drive in..." The waiter didn't know how this young man and Yang Chen had a not talk nonsense, hesitated for a long time before he arrived.

Zong Shao looked up and saw the Passat business car that was slowly coming in like a magnificent eye under the eyes of the public and with strange eyes. He sneered: "Tongtai Industry with the surname of Yang has no less money, come to me The Zong family was driving such a broken car and it was really awesome! Okay, you don’t have to deal with this matter, I will deal with it!"

He said that he was very serious in handling the second word. Hearing that the waiter couldn't help but tremble, he knew in his heart that Yang Chen was only afraid of sitting on the wax. The name of Zong Shao, the devil of the mixed world, is well-known in Beijing.

However, he didn't dare to disobey Zong Shao's order, but Mr. Meng ordered it, and struggled hard: "But, Mr. Meng..."

"You care about him? Go back and say something to him, and say what I said. Could he still blame you for failing?" Zong Shao was obviously not polite to Mr. Meng, his eyes rolled, his eyes glared, and the waiter left Too.

When he left, Zong Shao looked at Yang Chen's vehicle with red eyes: "Your surname Yang, you finally came, you know, how long Ben Shao waited for you..."

After he finished, he waved at several people around him: "Go, go up!" (To be continued.) Activate the new website

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