The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 362: Zong Shao appeared

This is a grand gathering of wealth and power.

In the middle, power dominates. But rights also represent wealth. Because power can bring wealth.

According to an unwritten rule, everyone enters the villa with a strict hierarchy and sincere respect and lives pretending to be respectful. No one has exceptions. It is like a line of penguins advancing in a queue, slowly leisurely, full of a kind of high-ranking big fan.

At this time, Yang Chen was like a seal that broke into the penguin group to hunt for food. The fierce, rude, and irrespective of any unspoken rules came in. It attracted a lot of eyes, as well as disgust, resentment, and even jealousy. Eyes--Some people, who have become inflamed, will hope that all people in the world will become inflamed, but if there is one, it will almost become his life and death.

And private whispers:

"Who is this? Coming so violently? What is his origin?"

"I don't think there is anything to come. Will someone who has come here drive this broken car? Obviously, it's a small character who doesn't know where, otherwise it won't understand the rules..."

"No, there is no upbringing at a glance..."

"Has the clan family been reduced to this? Actually let such people come?"

Of course, there is no shortage of goods with pits in my head full of envy:

"I'm so envious... so maverick..."

At this time, the case came out from the crowd and rushed towards Yang Chen with great force, which was also seen by everyone.

"Look, Zong Shao is out!"

"Hey, Zong Shao finally couldn't help it."

"It seems that the kid is over. With Zong Shao's temper, what good can this kind of goods that discredit Zong Shao's family end?"

"Unfortunately, it is a pity that he thought he got a quota, he thought he was squeezed into the upper class society, don't he know, whether the upper class society is qualified for him like this..."

There is a lot of talk. Yang Chen also saw that Zong Shao. But he didn't know this guy and ignored it at all, intending to continue to look inside. He had been optimistic about a golden parking space near the villa-at this time the surroundings had been filled with vehicles, but the location was vacant. Isn't it just Yang Chen's great opportunity?

Of course, he knew that the middle of it was greasy, and he was also the elder of the China Taoist League. What scene have not seen? How has this welcome to power changed from ancient times to the present?

But what about that? Based on his current identity strength. How can these secular governments treat him? Not at all. As for the highest leadership of the country, with the huge value he now shows. If the top leadership is so stupid that it will move him, Hua Guo has already been wiped out under the command of such a fool, can it still exist today?

As long as the highest leadership does not do it. Others, what is he afraid of?

He came this time. It is to show that you are clear of the line with the Zong family, but also to warn the Zong family: The Yang family is not the same as before, it is best not to regard the Yang family as your Zong family white gloves.

to this end. Only by simply ignoring all unspoken rules and showing your strength can you dispel all sneaky thoughts. This is not that he does not understand those clever tricks and tricks, but that if he wants to get rid of those messes completely, he can only use this method to cut the mess.

Going to that parking space is his first step to show his strength: I'm here, you can't help me, and I will highlight the tricks in the future, don't trouble yourself...

However, the plan now encountered a little setback: Zong Shaodang was in front of the car.

Under the eyes of everyone, he couldn't make it clear that someone was still driving in front of him? Besides, at his speed, he would not hit anyone even if he drove in the past.

Yang Chen had to step on the brakes.

Zong Shao slightly lifted his chin, a bird like no one in the eyes, who seemed to stand very still in front of the car. Naturally, people around him came and knocked on the window of Yang Chen: "Mr. Yang, come down, Zong There are few things I want to talk to you about."

"Talk about it?" When Zong Shao came to see, the person who came was not good, and Yang Chen was not angry, and got off the car: "Alright, I want to see what medicine is sold in your gourd."

Yang Chen just got out of the car, and a few people came up, almost set him up in front of Zong Shao.

It seems that this should be an action that makes Yang Chen very embarrassed, but Yang Chen's performance is calm, as if he was not forced to go over it, but he walked over in his own steps.

With this demeanor alone, the onlookers narrowed their eyes slightly: "This young man is not easy!"

Zong Shao naturally saw it, but what he thought was Yang Chen's disrespect for his attitude and frowned.

At this time, a young man with gold wire-rimmed glasses who looked more elegant and stood up next to him.

As soon as he stood up, the onlookers were whispering: "Isn't that Sun Yunxiao? He is Zong Shao's dog-headed military..."

"Bah, yuck, shut up, can you say that Gou Toutou? You're not afraid of hearing trouble?"

"He came out, it seems that this young man is not good..."

It turned out that this person was the dog-headed military division around Zong Shao, who looked like Sven, but in fact, everyone who knew it knew that this person was as vicious as a poisonous snake. Under the appearance of Sven, there was a terrible spicy and crazy In the capital, it’s almost the same if it makes people frightened.

Generally speaking, the emergence of Sun Yunxiao means that someone is unlucky, and it is the kind of tragic bad luck.

However, on the surface, Sun Yunxiao still smiled very softly. He came to Yang Chen and pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose gracefully. He smiled and said, "Is it Mr. Yang? From Jinzhou, an old friend of Minister Zong The son of Mr. Yang Xiuyuan, Chairman of Hengyang Group, and Ms. Jin Meifeng?"

As soon as he said this, everyone immediately understood that the Yang family should be Zongjia white gloves.

All in all, the family style of the Zong family is at least good for the two generations from Zong Lao. For the white gloves of their family, they are all called in the name of old friends.

This superficial politeness, although not able to change the fact that those white gloves run away, is at least respectful in this attitude, but has made many white gloves loyal.

However, people's understanding of the Yang family, except for a little deviation.

Strictly speaking, Yang Xiuyuan was a poor and cheap acquaintance that Zong Kecheng knew when his status was not high. Although he later helped him make a fortune, and the exchanges between the two sides looked similar to those of white gloves and umbrellas, but in fact The Yang family is really not a white glove. That was just Zong Kecheng's personal friend.

Only this point, not many people know.

Because of this, Yang Chen was anxious to get his relationship with Zongjia cleared. After all, the interest in his hands is bound to grow bigger and bigger. If the name of Zongjia white gloves is hung, there will definitely be monsters and moths. Yang Chen does not have the time to spend time with others. Simply ignored the matter directly.

Of course, if the uncle Zong really has feelings for Yang Xiuyuan, this personal opinion can still continue to communicate. In the past, Yang Xiuyuan was to pull the flag to make tiger skin and help the development of the enterprise, but he did not completely dispel the ambiguous identity of white gloves. But now, this is not necessary. Naturally, it is necessary to restore the relationship to the previous one.

Presumably, without the right-and-money deal, Zong Kecheng and Yang Xiuyuan, the old friends, should have a more comfortable relationship.

This Sun Yunxiao did not know whether it was knowing or intentional, but instead he wanted to take this identity under the broad public.

Of course Yang Chen was unwilling to fight back and said: "Yes, my father was an uncle of Zong Uncle. After many years, this friendship still remains the same. Zong Lao can be regarded as the elder of his father. Come and visit."

In this discourse, the position of the two parties is set at the intersection of the poor and the cheap. The discerning person knows at a glance that the Yang family is not the Zongjia white gloves-because as white gloves, you have to know the advance and retreat, you must see your identity, Zong always is Your father's elder? Every white glove, match? in turn. Since I dare to call it that way, it is naturally not a white glove.

A touch of cruelty flashed in Sun Yunxiao's eyes, of course he heard the deep meaning in Yang Chen's words, and was about to speak, but he heard the already impatient younger said: "OK, Yang Chen, don't need to talk so much nonsense , Ben Shao has something to do with you."

After talking, he turned to Zongjia.

Fortunately, he knew the point, and he didn't plan to talk about things in a large audience.

Sun Yunxiao's eyes were helplessly dimmed for a moment: this young master really couldn't afford it. He didn't even hear the deep meaning in Yang Chen's words. He just did his own thing. But if you don't immediately refute Yang Chen's words, Yang Chen's clarification can be taken!

But what can he do? Who let this be Zong Shao of Zong Family? Apart from Zong Shao, who else can use him and dare to use him? If you know that the road is black, you have to walk obediently.

He turned angrily and waved his hand: "Follow!"

No longer say a word to Yang Chen, followed Zong Shao closely.

"Let's go..."

A few people who framed Yang Chen spoke roughly, and then framed him.

There was another person who stayed and drove Yang Chen’s car outside. Of course, this kind of car was not worthy of staying here, only had a parking space at the intersection.

The onlookers looked a little bit puzzled: to say that the Yang family is a poor relationship between Minister Zong? This young man's attitude is nothing like it. But can't I say it? Zong Shao did not refute him. what the **** is it?

Looking at this scene, a middle-aged man with a dignified look sitting in the Audi car next to him, with a smile on his lips: "Interesting."

Beside him, his face looked a bit like him, but without that dignified breath, it should be another middle-aged man of this middle-aged brother who shook his head again and again: "It's interesting, I didn't expect this Yang Chen, Zongjia and this It seems that the foundation of the Clan family is indeed not shallow. It’s just that the third generation of the Clan family is too bad, and this is also the case with the most curious Zongjia Primary Three. I’m afraid that this could become a strong helper of the Clan family after Zong’s old age. People, they will be driven away by this small three-life student. If Zong Lao knew, he wouldn’t know how to be angry..." (to be continued.)

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