The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 399: Continuous attack

In Yang Chen's eyes, he even emitted several long and intense lights.

The ancestors all had a gimmick: This could only represent that the power Yang Chen had mastered was so strong that it overflowed the body!

In accordance with the current situation, there is a strong warning sign in everyone's mind.

"Be careful!"

Feng Tuo shouted, and at the same time, his body had retreated.

What a sword that cuts across the world, and apparently, under the condition of nearly mobilizing the bottom of the press box, he can still withstand the attack and retreat. This ability to control his own strength has reached an incredible level!

However, at this moment, a few kilometers away, on a hilltop, a white electric awn suddenly lit up so strongly that it couldn't be seen directly. An electric light, at least a few meters in diameter, shot out at a terrible speed close to the speed of light, just a flash , In front of the three Fengtuo!

Psionic electric light cannon, launch!

The light has not yet arrived, and the terrible and destructive breath has penetrated deeply into the hearts of the three ancestors.

They even had a terrible hunch: Once they were completely hit by this electro-optical light, even if they were the bodies of a powerful eighth-order ancestor, they would be completely wiped out!

Feng Tuo saw that the retreat was unrealistic, and the reaction was extremely fast. The sword in his hand skyrocketed, and he headed towards the light.

At the same time, the black and white mysterious light on Gui Hai's body immediately reversed direction and shot towards the electric light.

In the mouth of Shanglue, another sip of blood was sprayed, and a scream was made, and the starry star that had been transformed by the bead suddenly changed its direction and hit the electric light.


The electro-optical mixture circling around with a flash of lightning, separated from the old, let the three ancestors' minds and spiritual powers in their bodies work, and they actually had a feeling of numbness, as if for a moment, the whole person was paralyzed Must be stiff!


The three of them stopped drinking, and the blended spiritual and mental powers suddenly shocked, finally breaking free of this feeling of paralysis and stiffness in the whole body, but after this, they output the power from all over the body. It has also become a bit stagnate, and the intensity has become a little less.

The three ancestors have not allowed any reaction. At the next moment, Dianguang had hit them exactly-to be precise, it hit the star of Feng Tuo's sword, the black and white mysterious light of the return to the sea, and the beads of Shangluo.



The sound of electro-optical sounded instantly, and I saw that the brightness of the electric mandrel suddenly became dazzling. Then there was a "popping crack" bang, and countless giant electric snakes exploded their nests instantly. Splashing insanely in all directions, everything that passed by was blackened.

And the power from the three ancestors. At the time of the violent sputtering of countless electric snakes, it was in direct confrontation with this electro-optic.


Feng Tuo Yi Jian although the sword light burst. Instantly splitting the space of tens of meters, the terrible power of destruction seemed to split the space and was touched by the electric awn. The sword light suddenly dimmed, and Feng Tuo shook his body violently like an electric shock. You can already smell the burnt smell.

"Click click..."

Gui Hai's entire body slammed and then leaned back, and the blood in his mouth finally spewed out, and the black and white black light had been completely melted by the electric awn. in his body. The black and white lights and shadows representing the Vientiane Qiankun Bagua array were trembling, barely maintaining the situation of incomplete destruction.


Shangluo's bead, which turned into a starry star, was a little bit hard, but it was beaten back by electro-optics, and was not damaged much.

That's because the business strategy was still reluctant to watch the bead of hard sacrifice being destroyed, so he adopted the unique technique of Buddhism to discharge the powerful force that crashed into the bead to himself.

As a price, he was bombarded by an invisible force from the void!

Just listening to the sound of "Dong Dong" sounded like drums intensively, and his figure trembled continuously, but in an instant, the place where he pedaled had broken the ground and was directly driven into the ground at least one foot deep. A large deep hole was knocked out on the ground, and the surrounding slate and cement were scattered, revealing the soil under the road.

On his body, there was even a series of golden lights, and Venus continued to burst and burst. Every burst of Venus unloaded a force, and at the same time consumed a Buddhist wish of Shanglue.

So many Buddhist wishes are at least equivalent to 20 years of business strategy practice, and for a while, the business strategy is extremely painful.

Fortunately, after causing such great damage, the electric awn finally dissipated at the same time.

It was easy to cope with this electric mango, but the three of them were too late to relax, and their face changed dramatically!

Because they clearly saw that the crystal ball above Yang Chen's head flashed again, and they saw that Yang Chen pointed his hand at them, and the mountain that sent the electric mango, the electric light was on again!


Gui Hai heart curse!

This terrible electric awn can be launched continuously. What's even worse is that even if the distance is a few kilometers away, even if they want to attack, it is difficult to do.

If there is no other interference outside this large array, their attack will extend beyond several kilometers, and there is no problem.

However, this extension is still very reluctant, and if there is a little interference, the power will be out of control or weakened. The eighth-order ancestor can really fully control the effective attack distance of the power, but it is only more than three or four hundred meters. Only after reaching the ninth order, the effective attack distance can be extended to eight or nine hundred meters, but still can not break through to one kilometer. As for the seventh order, that is, the effective attack distance of a maximum of ten to thirty meters or thirty meters.

The so-called effective attack distance is equivalent to the effective range of the gun. In fact, the bullet can fly farther than the limited range, but the power and quasi-head will be greatly reduced, and the effective attack distance of the monk is similar.

Of course, this is the case of fighting monks. If you are not facing a monk, then the effective attack distance will also increase several times.

Not to mention, now that their attack can maintain the power that does not have to be much worse under normal circumstances, it is because the Vientiane Qiankun Bagua array offsets the effect of the Yuanci Xuanchen Cave Tianda array. Once out of the influence range of the Vientiane Qiankun Bagua Array, any of their attacks must be suppressed by the large array. By that time, let alone extend less than a few kilometers, even if it is barely extended, then a force attack can kill one. Mosquitoes are no threat at all.

However, it is different. With the blessing of the Tianci Xuanchen Cave, the attack distance of several kilometers is simply a piece of cake.

"Hugh is rampant!"

Fengtuo's response was extremely fast. When he saw electro-optical flashing, he did not deal with electro-optical, but focused his eyes on Yang Chen.

After beheading Yang Chen, what are the fears of the formation?

The long sword in his hand throbbed, the sword energy instantly condensed, turned into a thousand swordsmanship, formed a monstrous blade storm, and then folded together into a crescent, every minute and every inch with countless powerful and terrible sword energy, tear Cracking the air, where it passed, formed a vacuum that could not be restored for a long time!

I saw Jianguang flashing, and this crescent had already reached Yang Chen. Across the distance, Yang Chen's skin was spurred by the sensation of Jianqi, and countless dense red dots were faintly visible, which were all caused by Jianqi's puncture.

Yang Chen chuckled, and the light flashed on the top of the mountain, before the crescent moon, and before Yang Chen, he wrapped Yang Chen directly!

Does Yang Chen want to commit suicide?

Feng Tuo began to startle slightly, and instantly saw the flash of light enveloping Yang Chen, and tens of meters away in a blink of an eye, far away from Feng Tuo's sword gas crescent.

This turned out to be an electro-optical escape!

Unexpectedly, the psionic electric light gun can not only attack, but also be controlled by Yang Chen to perform the escape method!

Feng Tuo's eyes narrowed, but he saw it again, and another light flashed above the other hill.

This time came very fast. Since he saw the flash of light, dozens of rays hit the sword in his hand.

Only listening to the dozens of sounds of "Dangdang Dang" connected together, Feng Tuo only felt that an inexplicable force affected the sword in his hand. For a moment, the atmosphere of his sacrifice in the sword suddenly decayed, Suddenly understood that this fear is the kind of meta-magnetic force attack that specializes in various metal weapons.

That's right, this is meta-magnetic rays!

Yang Chen set the second temporary attack formation method above the mountain.

The meta-magnetic ray attack power is not as powerful as the psionic cannon, but it is faster than launching and can be densely shot.

The sword is a restrained metal weapon in the face of the sword, but it is a intensive piercing to other people.

Both Gui Hai and the business strategy haven't had a fundamental response, and they have already made the move.

Gui Hai's black-and-white pattern was only turbulent for a while, and he was directly penetrated, instantly punching out a dozen blood holes in Gui Hai's body. Obviously, this element has strong penetrating power.

In the business strategy over there, Venus continued to explode, but he could not completely disengage his strength, and he was stabbed out of a dozen blood holes.

Fortunately, the rays are very fine, and the blood hole is not big. But even so, they were covered in blood and looked terrible. If they weren’t their ancestors, it’s just this one that will let them lose their fighting power one by one.

And this is not over yet. Above the third hill in the distance, another ball of light rises up, coming towards this side.

The speed of the light ball is slower than the previous two attacks. When UU read the book, the three of them felt locked by some invisible power, as if they could not dodge at all, and they could not escape.

The speed of the light ball looks much slower, but the threat to the three people is greater than the previous two combined!

When the sphere of light is flying, you can see the luminous star surrounds the sphere of light, above the top of the head, there is a faint star, the Big Dipper.

Xuanchen pulse bomb!

Yang Chen prepared the third and strongest temporary attack formation.

Neither of the previous two formation methods could change Feng Tuo's color, but as soon as the sphere of light appeared in front of him, his face suddenly changed and he shouted: "Not good!"

His body retreated, and he shouted, "The two Taoists quickly retreated!"

In a blink of an eye, he had retreated to the side of Guihai Business Strategy, and reunited with each other. The long sword in his hand turned into an infinite sword, blocking it in front of the three people.

"Feng Daoyou, I'll wait for the moment to avoid the sharp edge!" Shanglue's eyes were anxious and he shouted loudly. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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