The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 400: Light pursuit

"Yes! Feng Daoyou, Yang Chen and his colleagues used the power of the formation method to emerge endlessly.

Gui Hai agreed with a loud voice, and he glanced at Feng Tuo: "I know that the retreat is against the Taoism of Taoist friends, but Yang Chen did not fight against me with his own strength, but with the help of external forces. , It’s not a fear of war, Feng Daoyou knows clearly!"

Feng Tuo didn't talk much, shouting: "Alright!"

The two returned to the sea business strategy and were overjoyed, and flew back at the same time.

But at this time, the pulse bomb that flew came to draw an arc in the air and chase it up!

Feng Tuo coldly shouted: "Broken!"

Suddenly lifted the long sword in his hand, a fierce sword light of more than ten meters long, carrying the power of destroying the mountain and breaking the Yue, and attacked the pulse bomb first.

The pulse shivered slightly in the air, as if indecisive, but in the end, he flew towards the sword light more than ten meters long.

In the end, the two sides collided in the air, and a sudden "wave" exploded, and within that time, within a radius of nearly ten kilometers, within the range of the influence of the entire array of Yuanci Xuanchen Cave, a small sun rose for a time. A huge and terrible air wave instantly swept through the entire formation space, and those things that were not fixed firmly enough were either blown up or down, or simply rolled up in the air and torn to pieces!

The three ancestors who were retreating were all eclipsed when they saw them. Their retreating body was even rushed by the shock wave, and their footsteps were not stable. They stumbled for a few steps before they stabilized their body.

Seeing all kinds of debris flying in the sky, they were scattered everywhere by the waves, Yang Chen was also made a mess, and he was made like this by his own means. For a time, he was also disgraced, quite embarrassed and embarrassed.

As a result, the three Fengtuo retreated faster. Before Yang Chen's next shot, he had withdrawn from the formation space and reached the gate of Lingwu Mountain Villa.

Yang Chen's formation also covers the entire space of Lingwu Mountain Villa now and in the future, beyond Lingwu Mountain Villa. But it is not covered. Outside the gate. They have disengaged from the influence of the formation.

However, they did not mean to continue to attack, but simply turned around neatly and left.

But before he left, he did not forget to yell: "Yang Chen. With the help of the formation, you are lucky to win. I can't accept it! And wait for the next day, and come to a fair fight!"

Yang Chen listened with sneer and was right: "A fair war? I can only do it at the seventh order, and now I only have the first order strength. You are the eighth order ancestor, when three people came to the door together. Do not tell Yang What's fair, I'm repelled now, so I'll be fair. Do you think your face is too thick?"


To Yang Chen's words. The three ancestors were speechless, only humming away, so stay away.

The Yuanxian Xuanchen Cave is in a big formation. It is now fragmented, all kinds of debris and debris are everywhere, and there are large and large areas of the ground that have been damaged, and many buildings have been broken or destroyed. If they are restored, at least an additional seven Eight-day construction period.

Yang Chen knows that this is because many buildings are doped with the best quality building materials. Otherwise, if it is an ordinary building standard, I am afraid that most of the buildings in this villa will be destroyed.

However, in fact, the fighting time between the two sides was not long before, and it was not so intense.

Yang Chen did not use all his strength to deal with the three ancestors.

His enemies are not human monks. Moreover, the ancestors of the predecessors must have been born. These scattered ancestors are more likely to keep up with the times. It is more likely to survive the cataclysm of the explosion of geomagnetic core energy, and he is even more It's impossible to kill.

Therefore, Yang Chen did not really use the power of the formation method, otherwise the attack frequency of the psionic electric cannon, the metamagnetic ray, and the Xuanchen pulse bomb would not be so low, and it is impossible to let the three ancestors just suffer. Some insignificant injuries can go away. Although the current formation is not complete, you can also kill all three ancestors here.

Of course, in that case, the opposing party's resistance will definitely become more intense. I am afraid that this Lingwu Mountain Village will really need to be rebuilt once before it can be put into use.

Seeing the three ancestors leave, Yang Chen also returned to the monitoring room in the central villa.

Because there were almost no people in the surrounding area, plus the power of the cover of the formation, although the previous battle was loud and there were more various visions, almost no one outside was aware of it.

In this way, the process that the secular government helps to clean up is eliminated, which is a lot of trouble.

Back in the monitoring room, Yang Chen asked: "Xiao Su, are they really leaving?"

"Yes, father. Judging by their speed, they will be able to leave Nanhu Province in about five hours. But they do not rule out the possibility of changing their direction later."

Xiao Su answered.

In the previous battle, Xiao Su has been monitoring the whole process, but because of the activity of the energy particles, the effect of the equipment is more or less shielded and affected. Therefore, the monitoring results are still not satisfactory, but there is a lot of key information.

So Xiao Su put forward these places that were not comprehensive enough, and let Yang Chen take advantage of the battle that had just ended, and add it when the battle remains had not been eliminated, to enrich his database.

In the meantime, it is indispensable for Yang Chen to use his own mind instead of sensors to collect information and data.

This time, it has been two hours.

Seeing that the work was basically completed, Yang Chen stopped and said in a deep voice: "Xiao Su, show me the whereabouts of the previous three attackers."

"Yes, father."

Xiao Su displayed a map of Nanhu Province on the display, and based on the detection results of the energy particle monitoring network, it will be reflected on the map in real time. From a distance, it is very clear. Even people who don’t know the topography of Nanhu Province and where the other party is going can follow the map and quickly find the other party’s location.

"Father, why do you ask this?"

Xiao Su was puzzled.

"What are you doing?" Yang Chen raised an eyebrow: "They didn't say that I used the power of the formation to defeat them, so I was dissatisfied, and I still wanted to find a chance to deal with me? Huh, I'm catching up and winning against them. Negative, seeing that they have no reason to say that with the help of the formation, I am not good enough!"

Xiao Su was shocked: "Father, they are just using aggressive methods! You can't really hurt them!"

Yang Chen laughed: "Of course I know they are using radical methods."

Xiao Su relaxed: "That's good..."

But he didn't finish his words, Yang Chen said: "However, this does not prevent me from killing them to defeat them!"

"But... your father is now..." Xiao Su worried.

"Relax, even if I don't recover now, it's not difficult to deal with them!" Yang Chen's mouth showed a smile: "Moreover, I really thought I was not in the big formation, can't I borrow the power of the big formation? Fair? It's not unfair for your three ancestors to join forces in attacking me, so how can I count them with the help of the formation?"

"Can my father be sure?"

"Of course, otherwise, why would I run to death? I still have a lot of things to do, but I don't have the idea of ​​suicide." Yang Chen laughed, then walked outside the door: "Xiao Su, the problem of logistic support , I’ll leave it to you, and wait for my triumphant return!"

The voice fell, and his figure had appeared at the entrance of Lingwu Mountain Villa.

Although there is only a first-order cultivation practice, but with his body that is evolving toward the chaotic Promise God's body, he can withstand extremely high speeds.

And where does this speed come from?

Of course it came from the crystal ball flashing above his head. This crystal ball can allow Yang Chen to use the crystal ball to call the power of the large array after leaving the Tianxian Formation of Yuanci Xuanchen Cave. To be precise, it is the magnetic force of the earth pulse.

Using the magnetic power of this pulse, it can be quickly and easily rushed on the ground.

Just like Yang Chen now.

He is not actually running, but is "gliding". With the help of the magnetic force of the earth veins, he actually "sliding" on the strength of the earth veins, not because he is running. To be precise, the magnetic force of the earth veins is walking without requiring his own movements.

This is similar to the legendary "shrinking the ground into an inch". It is also using the power of the earth's veins, but shrinking into the inch is to take the initiative to cross, and walk with his strength. You don't need to move half. There are still some differences.

This method is called "metamagnetism", and it can be used in any place that has the power of metamagnetism. It is the mainstream of Mercedes-Benz in the future. Originally Yang Chenxiu was not enough for use, but with the help of Tianxian array of Yuanci Xuanchen Cave, as long as it is within a thousand kilometers of the large array, it can be used casually.

In the same way, the support force of the entire Yuanci Xuanchen Cave Tianyang array to Yang Chen also has a range of 1,000 kilometers, which can take effect within 1,000 kilometers, but it is necessary to reach 1,000 kilometers away. Not possible anymore.

But two hours have passed, and Yang Chen still catches up with each other.

Because the other party left, they need to consume their own power, but Yang Chen's Yuan magnetic geography, but it consumes the power of the formation, and it has no consumption of itself. The two are completely incomparable.

Sure enough, it only took an hour and a half before Yang Chen's eyes appeared the shadows of the three ancestors.

After such a long period of time, the injuries suffered by the three ancestors in Lingwu Mountain Villa have basically been healed. Their overall momentum has returned to normal, although it is not yet at the peak, it is not far away.

Yang Chen nodded secretly, this is the only way to defeat the opponent, so that he can be convinced.

Thinking of him rushing forward, above his head, one day, he slowly rose and shouted, "Please stay behind, three!"

The three were shocked, and when they looked back, they all showed incredible colors.

At the same time, a tens of thousands of kilometers above their heads, a high-altitude reconnaissance satellite suddenly pointed the camera at this side. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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