The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 451: A solution to improve Taoism

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When Chu Ting began to practice the resonance of the field of spiritual ability, the Daoist Dao came to this open practice field. ; Romance starter

Like Chu Ting, when he entered the door and saw a lot of monks sitting in the center of the venue without any cover-up, he was a little dumbfounded.

But he deserves to be a lunatic, completely different from ordinary people. Other people are shocked, but he feels fun. When he is planning to join in and practice together, he is stopped by Yang Chen in the back: "Lao Tao, you have not practiced. The spirit formula cannot be entered!"

"What? Why?"

The insane person stopped doing it.

Yang Chen naturally spoke out about the conflicts of spiritual power, but the Daoist people became more dissatisfied when they heard it: "Your boy, what kind of formula is it? The old way of thinking is hard to steal... cough to find, Specially applied to the cultivation of spiritual planting, can not be discarded casually!"

Yang Chen frowned.

It is true that there are thousands of good formulas, and there is the same bad: in order to suit the vast majority of people, it has made quite strict requirements on universality, so it is too modest, and there is no unique magical use of various mental methods. Too.

Of course, this problem is not unsolvable. You only need to add different plug-ins to the mind function of different unique functions. When practicing, you can choose different plug-ins according to your needs, so that your spiritual power has different attributes. Has different functions.

Technically, this is not difficult.

But Yang Chen can't do it now.

Because the afterlife formula does not exist, it is a new thing. To add plug-ins, you must study different mental methods before you can develop different plug-ins.

It is not a problem to develop plug-ins, it is not difficult, but there are too many mental methods for unique functions. How to make the Kailin formula compatible with all unique mental methods and transform them into the unique spiritual power you want is a big project.

That requires the support of a huge database.

This is not a direct way to use the mental method. You must analyze different mental methods in order to develop the corresponding plug-in. Moreover, this kind of analysis cannot be done by theoretical analysis alone, and experiments must be done.

This is a difficult point.

In addition, we must also consider whether there are conflicts after different mindsets are parsed and plugged in. Are there any compatibility issues? The advantage of Kailin formula is that it is omnipotent. In other words, it is fully compatible. Development of plug-ins will naturally not change this advantage.

In Yang Chen's plan, the Kai Ling formula should become a universal platform. Any monk, after practicing through the Kai Ling formula, can transform his own spiritual power into any desired attributes by loading plugins. When not needed, it can be converted back. There will definitely be a lot of compatibility problems and conflicts in the middle, which need to be solved one by one.

This thing is also very difficult to analyze theoretically, and you must do experiments to get results. This is also a difficult point.

This kind of thing is water milling kung fu. It does not test your genius and whimsy, only your carefulness, your toughness and perseverance.

Yang Chen felt that this job was not suitable for a genius like Liu Lei and Bai Yu. On the one hand, they were a waste of talents. On the other hand, as teenagers, they did not have such toughness, patience and perseverance. The world is famous. On the contrary, it is not enough, so it is very suitable for this.

"It seems that after the aerospace project, Hong Buqi can do this."

Yang Chen made a decision in his heart, looking at the Dao Dao Ren, but could not help frowning and headache.

Because of compatibility issues, he has no way to get a Lingzhi version of the Lingzhi formula directly. Unless the Evil Daoist's spiritual formula will never be upgraded, and he will never want other attributes than the Lingzhi version. Otherwise, compatibility problems will inevitably occur, and it will be in trouble.

But how is that possible?

"It's okay, let the epidemiologist's mentality be used first. Afterwards, the spiritual formula will solve the compatibility problem and then change the foundation."

Yang Chen had no choice but to do so.

"Use it first? Doesn't that mean that the old Tao is far behind others? This is not okay. You have to solve this problem, Yang Chen." But the Daoist Taoist will not do it at this time, after seeing the benefits of the Kai Ling formula How can the traditional practice methods be regarded as eye-catching?

"Okay, I will try my best!"

"Not as much as possible, it is necessary!" The Daoist Dao shouted loudly, but immediately his eyes moved to the man beside Yang Chen: "This Daoist is?"

Yang Chen was surrounded by more Taoist people. After hard thinking and calculation, he found a possible solution to his own problem: he also abolished the foundation and rebuilt the Kai Ling formula.

The mind of Shenxiao School is so powerful that he has a headache. However, I have abolished the foundation, can't you get better? After all, no matter how powerful the mind is, once the foundation is abolished, there is nothing to do.

This idea made Yang Chen's eyes shine, and after calculating in this fortune teller, he found that this approach is still very feasible, and of course it will not prevent it. After all, even more Taoist people's efforts to integrate into Lingwu Mountain Villa, Yang Chen still sees it.

So, Yang Chen took the Genhua Taoist over and prepared to personally help him to abandon the foundation and re-cultivate. Unexpectedly, he met the Daoist Daoist.

Daohua Taoist walked up to the courtesy courtesy: "Crazy Daoyou, poor Dao are more polite."

"More Daoist?" The epic Daoist lost his voice: "That Shenxiao School's best disciple is most likely to be the next leader?"

Daohua Taoist smiled and said: "It's not anymore. Poor Dao is now nowhere."

His demeanor is indeed impeccable. When he said this, his tone was gentle and gentle, and there was no resentment or regret as a traitor.

The insane Taoist couldn't help but roll his eyes, and said to Yang Chen: "Yang Chen, your kid dug the corner of the Shenxiao School, are you afraid he will come to the door?"

Yang Chen smiled and said: "He can come. I am worried about the power of my Yuanci Xuanchen Cave. The former ancestors have not tested enough. More tests are needed!"

"You're ruthless!" Even if the whole heart is focused on the cultivation of Lingzhi, the lunatic Daoist who doesn't care much about the outside world knows that the three ancestors who had repaired some time ago killed Lingwu Mountain Villa, and they were beaten and fled.

The Shenxiao faction really has a deep foundation, and the power of the Faction faction, together, can outperform the three ancestors. But unless he is out of life and intends to die together, it will be impossible for the forces of the Faction to kill him.

Can’t just come out of the nest and face the big repulsion of the three ancestors, isn’t it just the food delivery?

So, if you know that the Taoist people are in Lingwu Mountain Villa, then the Shenxiao people will pretend not to know, otherwise where will this face go?

"Huh?" When I looked at the Taoist, the Daoist was strange: "It's not that Shenxiao has the best control over the disciples under the door. Anyone who goes out of school will not abandon cultivation, but it will make the cultivation invalid. person?"

The Taoist Renhua smiled and said with a smile: "This statement is not false, the poor Dao is suffering from this."

"Then what are you doing at the training site? Don't you feel shocked?"

"It used to hurt your eyes, but now it doesn't."

"How do you say this?"

The Daoist Taoist glanced at Yang Chen: "Perhaps Yang Zhenren's spiritual formula can help the poor."

Emotional Daoist's heart moved, exclaimed: "Are you going to abolish the foundation and practice the spiritual formula?"

Nobility Taoist nodded.

"Yang Chen, you kiddy!" The insane Daoist cried out: "If you really abandon the foundation and re-cultivate, you might actually be able to contact the control means of the Shenxiao School! Hey, if this news spreads, the Shenxiao School Even if you know you’re losing, you’re afraid to kill you!”

The disciples of the Shenxiao School can be said to be suffering for a long time. If someone really has the ability to solve this problem, I am afraid that the Shenxiao School will collapse. The disciples who do not want to be controlled and the disciples who are used to being controlled or even uncomfortable will inevitably be grouped together. To count those with ulterior motives, those with ambitions, those with hostile sect...

That school is completely over.

If you really want to know the situation on Yang Chen's side, you can't even desperately try...

"That's not necessary, now this may not be possible..." Yang Chen said: "However, I really want to come, and I can help all innocent disciples controlled by the forces of the evil school to get out of trouble..."

This is the intention to wipe out all the disciples of other schools and bring them all into Lingwu Mountain Villa......

"You're ruthless..." The epidemiologist said silently.

"Okay, let's get started."

While talking, Yang Chen was preparing the power dissipation machine and adjusting the parameters.

For the monks of the sixth-order cultivation practice of the Taoist, the spiritual power is almost integrated with the body, and it is more difficult to abolish the foundation. In fact, only the spiritual warriors of later generations, it is easier to abandon the foundation. The current rule of metaphysical circles is that the higher the cultivation base, the more damaged the foundation is.

Abandoning the foundation hurts the vitality. If it is not destroyed, it will hurt the vitality more than it is.

Therefore, the power of the diffuser should be adjusted, and there are other aspects that must be adjusted in a targeted manner. This adjustment is beyond the scope of security, and only Yang Chen has the authority to adjust it.

Then Yang Chen let Genhua Taoists sit in the dispersal machine: "Let's start..."

He said that he pressed the button and triggered the power dissipation machine.

At the next moment, a bright white light appeared in the diffuser, and the huge spiritual pressure spread out instantly.

Yang Chen's eyes were As soon as he thought about it, he had opened the spiritual field of the cultivation field, controlled the spiritual pressure around the dynamometer, and prevented the spiritual pressure from being exposed and affecting the people who practiced next to him.

The same is true for white light.

Sure enough, it was a sixth-order monk, and the movement was completely different from that of ordinary monks.

Yang Chen was feeling emotional, and suddenly felt wrong: Wait, this way, it seems that it has nothing to do with cultivation practice, it seems to be related to Shenxiao cultivation method?

To ask him why he judged this way, it's very simple, just look at the electric light flashing in the white light.

"What a Shenxiao faction, not only buried the back door in the practice, but also put a ban on it. It is forbidden to contact the spiritual power of the Shenxiao friars, otherwise it will trigger the prohibition to destroy itself and destroy the disciples and the enemy together!"

Yang Chen looked at the electric mang and couldn't help mumbling.

[It is about 515 soon, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】

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