The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 452: Ping An Gong Gong

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Dianmang chaosed like a spirit snake. Among the dynamometers, it was bright for a while as a small sun burst. Coke Novel Network has updated the finale

Not only that, Yang Chen felt a strong spiritual force fluctuation, and the whole motility machine was trembling slightly, as if it would collapse in the next moment.

If it really collapsed, it would not only be the dispersal machine but also the more Taoist people in the disperse machine. This monk of the sixth order peak, in a blink of an eye, will be turned into powder by countless electric mans!

"not good!"

Crazy Taoist is also shocked.

Such a strong fluctuation can't hide him at all: "Yang Chen, what is your kid doing? This is simply a bomb! Quick! Rewind!"

On the occasion of the electric light flint, he yelled and reached out to pull Yang Chen, trying to pull Yang Chen to a safe place. As for the more Daoist among them, because of being at the core of a drastic change, the Daoist Dao can only give up.

"Be restless!"

Yang Chen's body shook gently, avoiding the insane Taoist, and his thoughts moved, so large that the powerful power of Peiran Moyu descended from the sky, blessing it on the San Gong machine.

Suddenly, I saw a soft light shining on the motility machine, a subtle power of some mysterious power, the endless electric awn in the motility machine, dissipated in the infinite void in an instant, I don’t know Where did it go!

The lunatic Taoist even clearly felt that the void seemed endless, and the world was strange, but it was just a glance, and he disappeared without giving him a chance to look at it.


The insane Daoist was dumbfounded: "What power is this? Is it the legendary technique of cave pot?"

The technique of cave pot, also known as pot sky, is a magical power of a sky in a gourd. There are folk legends of Hugong in the folk, "Hou Han Shu" even records that Fei Changfang became a fairy for Hugong disciples. It is also said that Zhang Shen, a disciple of Zhang Tianling, the first generation of Zhang Tianshi, became an immortal and was called Hu Gong.

In the metaphysical world, of course, this is not a fairy. It is just a powerful metaphysical monk who is proficient in space magic.

However, in the current metaphysical world, most of the space magical powers and spells have been completely lost. It is not surprising that the epic Daoist is so shocked that he does not have a space ring as written in the net novel.

Yang Chen was smiling.

There is not much research on the art of space in later generations. The Tianxian Formation of Yuanci Xuanchen Cave had to acquire a lot of rare materials that could open up space, and because of the invasion of Troy, it could not be popularized in later generations.

Yang Chen didn't know that magnet before, and later found that it was also a space material when he formed the array, so he took the opportunity to prepare the formation method and replaced it with Yuanci Xuanchen Cave Tianda Formation.

It's just that this method is too demanding. Yang Chen has just completed more than 10%. This self-produced hole is still gestating and has no storage or living functions. There is still no problem with the power, which is what the epidemiologists have seen before.

This spiritual riot of the Taoist people is quite fierce. It is not only fierce to foreign enemies, but also fierce to itself. Not only is it preventing unfriendly enemies, but someone who kindly wants to solve the problem of the Shenxiao sentiment, and it must also be killed. and. The evil of the mind is self-evident.

But with Yang Chen here, no matter how malicious the mind is, it is useless. The technology that Yang Chen has mastered is too crushed. Whatever method you use, it must be turned into a bubble!

The violent spiritual power just left the body of Genhua Taoist, and was pumped out completely. Not only did it not be too late for Yang Chen, even if it hurt the Genhua Taoist, it was not much.

But after all, the Taoist cultivation has been improved to the sixth level, and the spiritual power is also endless. Yang Chen also took a period of time to extract his spiritual power to near exhaustion.

The reason why he didn't fully extract it was to avoid harming the fundamentality of the Taoist people, and with the little remaining spiritual power, even if he was still in riots, the impact was not great, so he stopped.

But even so, this more Taoist body, but also has been scorched by the violent electric man's body half of the body!

Fortunately, Yang Chen's measures were taken properly, and the cultivation of the Taoist people was not in vain. The bearing capacity was quite good. Although the focus was half, the breath was still stable, but the person was close to a semi-coma state.

But this also changed the perseverance of Daoist people. It was also unusual. Before that, Yang Chen told me to stay as clear as possible, but he also insisted that he would not be comatose. He always kept a little bit smart.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhsum; reaps the perseverance of the future of the main faction, it is admirable with this perseverance!"

Now that there is no danger, the mad Daoist also relaxes, and looking at the more Hua Daoist looks miserable but not life-threatening, he can't help but shake his head and ridicule.

Although it was a ridicule, but looking at him, he really admired the perseverance and tenacity of this more Taoist.

The feeling that the entire body is covered with spiritual power is raging, but it is definitely a kind of torture. It is not something that the idle people can bear, and it is no wonder that the mad Taoist is like this.

"Fortunately, it's okay, and finally there is no big deal."

Yang Chen was also relieved. If you have prepared in advance, with Yang Chen's technical level from later generations, there are some means to avoid the current situation of almost getting out of hand. But he knew nothing about it in advance, but fortunately it was handled properly, otherwise it would be really troublesome.

Now, it’s time to reap the results of the battle: "We saved the Taoist riot spirit in the prototype of Dongtian space before. Because Dongtian had just formed the prototype, the chaos was not opened, and the yin and yang were undecided. Not counting the years, the time flow rate is different from the outside world. Unfortunately, this situation is not controllable, otherwise it is really possible to study the means of manipulating time. But even so, it can rely on this feature to temporarily change the Taoist riot spirit as it is. Save it for future study."

This is Yang Chen's greatest achievement and what he wants most. As for the rest, the gains are not enough incidentally:

"However, this matter is not urgent, and there is still time. Now this situation is more urgent for Daoist people. Fortunately, the previous measures have basically made no mistakes, and the Daoist people have successfully dispersed the foundation."

Yang Chen pinched the trick, as a primer, to provoke the power of a large array, a ray of light shot from the dome of the training field, milky white, rippling like a wave of water, falling on the more Hua Taoist, but like dew drops into the dry In the desert, in a blink of an eye, it disappeared without a trace, and all of it was absorbed by the more Taoist body.

"Using healing spells, it is still more sensational for monks in metaphysical circles. It is much more inefficient and inefficient than the feeling when treating two old experts before."

Right now, the magic effect of the fifth-order Grand Gan Lin has been stronger than that of the eighth-order spell against the two old experts.

In a few moments, the Daoist zoom body has fallen off a piece of burnt skin, revealing a new pink muscle color. Then he whispered and opened his eyes.

When he first opened his eyes, he was still in a daze. After turning a few times, he got the focus. His eyes fell on Yang Chen, but his voice had become a little hoarse: "I have succeeded in dispersing power?"

"Yes, although something went wrong, the final result was quite satisfactory. How do you feel about Daoyou? Do you want to take a break."

Yang Chen asked with a smile on his face.

"Fortunately, let's continue to the next item."

Although the voice of the Taoist people is weak, it can be clearly heard that it is not hurting the fundamental kind.

Yang Chen nodded and reminded with regret: "Dao You, Shen Xiao sent the repair method to contain a killer. I didn't have any preparation before. I was caught off guard. I had to drain the Taoist spiritual power. That is too dangerous. Today, there is no way to return it to Daoyou. If Daoyou can rebuild, I am afraid that there is no way to resume repairing as quickly as other Daoists who have rebuilt their foundations."

"It's okay." Genghua Taoists are very open to see: "As long as the gangrene of the Shenxiao School repairing the tarsal can be removed, and the Taoism can be re-established, the poor Dao is already lucky. How dare you have other extravagances? Believe it? It is no longer a matter of time to use the ability of the poor to resume cultivation, and it is not too late to argue about this."

"Okay!" The lunatic Taoist gave his thumbs up: "It is indeed the seed of the master. With this open-mindedness, I admire you for the old way! If you want to pay back the old way, if you encounter this situation, I am afraid that it may not be true."

"Senior Senior has won the prize." The Daoist even humbly said. The Daohua Taoist is now only thirty years old. According to age and seniority, the Daoist Taoist is really his predecessor.

"Ha... Senior epilepsy? Why does this name sound so awkward?" Yang Chenli gave a glance to the Dao Renren, and shook his head again and again: "I feel like there is something like a monkey and a crown..."

"You're the monkey and the crown!" The insane Daoist sneered and said disdainfully: "You don't know how good your predecessor is! You haven't been polite when you know your kid, or are people more friendly..." "

Of course, Yang Chen could not tolerate the practice of slandering his own self, and immediately sneered.

Daohua Ren saw that the two were deliberately amused to relieve his mood, and smiled gratefully.

"Okay, seriously, Daoyou, you are almost resting now, and you can start to rebuild the formula of Kai Ling immediately." I am amused with the Daoist Daoist, and the appearance of the Daoist Daoist is almost restored, Yang Chenbian Open mouth.

"Okay, everything is up to the arrangement of real people." He said that the Huanhua Taoist had left the motility machine, and at the prompt of Yang Chen, he sat down in a semi-open area next to the practice field, covered by a circle of half-person high screens.

Suddenly an aura of light fell on the more Taoist people.

"This aura concentration..."

The insane Daoist suddenly widened his This aura concentration has not only formed a spiritual fog, but also almost formed a thin water curtain. It is several times stronger than the spirit fog state:

"This concentration of Reiki may have existed in ancient times. Now even the Daling School's spirit land and blessed land can't reach this level? Not to mention that Yang Chen, the kid, can even get it out of hand, and don't know him How it was done is really unbelievable. The concentration of the aura has reached the level of the aura. If you want to further condense, it is not simply a matter of stacking the aura amount..."

"Should I help you with computing power?"

When Chen Dao was shocked, Yang Chen asked again. The cultivation of this spiritual formula requires no low calculation power. Now that the Taoist people have dispersed, it is not easy to keep up with the computing power.

Daohua Taoist shook his head: "No need."

[It is about 515 soon, I hope to continue to impact the 515 red envelope list. By May 15th, the red envelope rain will give back to readers and publicity works. One piece is also love, definitely better! 】

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