The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 467: Fully supported shareholders

After being debunked, Laoguan was not angry at all, but just laughed: "Yes, I was really opposed to strategic cooperation with Taitai Industry, but when I came to Lingwu Mountain Villa, I felt that I was wrong. We should cooperate with Tongtai Industrial Co., Ltd., which is the best choice."

This old customs is not an ordinary person, he is also a veteran of the mall, but he is a kind of more old-fashioned person, cooperate with people, and pay more attention to the details and history of the other party. The new type of explosive character who often emerges often cannot make him look at him differently.

No matter how strong the momentum that Tongtai Industry is showing now, because the time is too short, it is easy to fall into its prosperous and vigorous state, and its death is sudden, so Laoguan is relatively strong against cooperation.

In particular, Tongtai Industry and Angyang New Energy are not in the same industry at all, and even if they cooperate, they will not be able to form beneficial complementarities, which is why he objected.

However, in the same way, through Lingwu Mountain Village, his attitude has also changed to favor cooperation.

But this change in his attitude did not come easily. He did see the real thing before he agreed.

"You may not have noticed. Yesterday, I saw it. Do you know how to transport things in this mountain?"

Laoguan asked other people mysteriously.

"How was it shipped?"

"Hey, I've seen it with my own eyes. There are no people, no other vehicles or anything, but a pallet...

Lao Guan happily gestured to everyone with a tray: "It's so big, then, it doesn't have any wheels or engines, no propellers, just floats out of thin air. Everyone knows what this is?"

Everyone shook their heads.

Hu Dong asked in doubt: "Is it magnetic suspension or something?"

Ever since he became a shareholder of Angyang New Energy, Hu Dong began to have a great interest in new technologies and high technology. As soon as Lao Guan said he thought of magnetic levitation.

"Surely not." Lao Guan shook his head flatly: "That's absolutely impossible! I haven't seen this thing about magnetic levitation. It can't fly out of thin air. There must be an orbit below. Otherwise, it can't float. At least Current technology. This cannot be done."

Laoguan is not an idle person, and he knows the technology well. He understands that it is definitely not a magnetic levitation technology. In the future, can magnetic levitation be able to rely on the earth's magnetic field. Flying out of thin air is not easy to say, but this is definitely not possible now.

"Is it something like a spell?" Hu Dong immediately thought of another possibility.

Laoguan glanced at him. Nodded: "I guess that's the case too. Actually, I didn't believe it before, but now the facts are in front of me, I don't believe it!"

Someone said excitedly: "Wait. You guys, have you ever thought about it. If this technology can be used to develop suspension cars or even civil aircraft, it is a revolutionary and life-threatening technology that can subvert the existing transportation means. !"

His eyes were full of flashes, and that was the light of interest.

He said so. Everyone else's eyes were burning, as if they saw one day they depended on this technology to monopolize. The scene of stepping on all the giants in the automobile industry, helicopter industry and even the aircraft manufacturing industry.

It will be a huge chain of interests with an annual output value of hundreds of billions of dollars or even trillions of dollars, as long as you can eat this thing in your mouth, no. Even if the main interest is owned by Yang Chen and Chen Ang, they eat meat, they just drink a soup, that is a huge benefit that can make them die!

As a businessman, who is not willing to start a new industry and monopolize it? The reason why I didn't do it was just because I couldn't do it. But now... they have a chance.

Laoguan and Hu Dong laughed similarly.

Laoguan shook his head at last: "You don't need to think about it. But this thing is in the hands of the person with mysterious means. Let's not talk about whether this technology has the possibility of popularization. , Why should you leave it to you?"

"What's the matter? They eat meat, can't we drink soup? Anyway, we can have such a relationship..." Someone said indifferently.

Hu Dong sighed: "It's nothing. The key is, does this belong to the kind of legendary spell? The spell can't be used by most people? There is no way to promote it..."

"This..." Everyone else was discouraged: "I'm afraid that's really the case. Otherwise, Europe, America and Japan, which have the most advanced technology, do not have this technology. Why can we in China have it?"

If Europe, America and Japan do not exist, can China not have it?

Lao Guan frowned slightly and was not satisfied with this statement, but now it is not the time to say this, he is not entangled.

Hu Dong laughed: "Everyone doesn't have to be discouraged. What's the truth about this thing? Doesn't anyone know? We don't have to do anything else, we just need to have a good relationship with this President Yang. I see this Yang It’s always a good person. If it’s good at that time, as long as everyone’s relationship is close, will you forget that you can’t succeed? Maybe, we don’t need to say, people will take the initiative to come to your door.”

Everyone's eyes lit up and said: "It's not bad, that's it!"

Lao Guan also laughed: "Not only that. Maybe, we still have a chance to get the legendary spell that can live forever! Isn't that what we want most?"

The enthusiasm of the people couldn't help but increase.

These people can be regarded as winners of life. The family has a lot of money and lives abundance. Now they are counting on longevity and health. This thing, compared to the massive benefits that may have existed before, is another good thing that will make them feel good.

Laoguan and Hu Dong glanced at each other, and in eye contact, they had reached a tacit understanding of cooperation.

Laoguan said: "So, if we go to help Xingguo Metallurgy, what's the problem?"

"What's the problem? Of course it's okay!" everyone said in unison.

"Aren't you afraid of the Mitsubishi Group?"

"Afraid of what he did?"

For a profit of 300%, capitalists can take all risks. They were reluctant to help Xingguo Metallurgical simply because they did not have enough interest to make them excited. Once this interest exists, what is terrible for the Mitsubishi Group? Although the Japanese have great influence on the coast of China and the south, they are not vegetarians. If they have a relationship, they need funds, they have nothing to do with Mitsubishi.

If it is only the hope of longevity or only the huge benefits, some people may not be able to get rid of doubts. But now it is a two-pronged approach. No one has any objections. They are all talkative. Discuss how to help Xingguo Metallurgy and how to use this method to shorten the distance with Yang Chen.

"By the way, don't forget. There is also a Hengyang pharmaceutical company in Mr. Yang's family. Everyone wants to have a relationship with Mr. Yang, but this enterprise is also indispensable."

"That is of course! I am still influential in the southern part of Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. The government agencies and medical units there can purchase medicines. It can be handed over to Hengyang Pharmaceutical."

"I can operate Sujiang Province to hand over the provincial government purchase orders to Hengyang Pharmaceutical..."

"I can try Jianfu province..."

When it comes to the parents of Bach Yangchen, everyone is even more exciting. You gave me a big order with a total order value of over 10 billion for Hengyang Pharmaceutical!

This thing, Hengyang Pharmaceutical can't even eat it now. But it doesn't matter, you can subcontract it. In order to get rid of Yang Chen's parents. These shareholders have planned to increase the profit of the orders handed over to Hengyang Pharmaceuticals as much as possible, which is really not feasible. It is a big deal to get a preferential price from the government, and then pay for it yourself, giving Hengyang Pharmaceutical a very favorable price. Even if it is subcontracting, Hengyang Pharmaceutical can still make a lot of profits, and the final supplier also has benefits. At that time, Hengyang Pharmaceutical can make money without effort.

In addition, which of these shareholders is not an elite? In addition to these, those who were close to Yang Chen also fell into their sight. No matter who they are, as long as they seem to have a good relationship with Yang Chen, they have been bombarded by them.

Even Don Inno, who is still studying hard in school, was inexplicably flattered by people and sent a lot of good things. What he wanted was nothing. If the person who came out was a woman, she had to wonder if a big boss valued her desire to support her. Of course, this is a later story.

And after this, especially after a few days of living, everyone feels a hundred times more mentally, and those who are not in good health, those diseases on their bodies have been cured long ago, at least it has improved.

Some people even left Lingwu Mountain Village halfway, and when they came back, they secretly told others that he fought Sanliu with a little lover at night, and still felt that he had more energy. Before, I couldn't do my best, and asking for help and aphrodisiac remedies were completely ineffective. But now, he has planned to add another son and daughter to himself.

For many shareholders who are already young, this aspect is also a big problem for them. They are rich and related. What women can't play? But if there is something unspeakable in the body, you can't play it. When I was young, I was busy making money. I didn’t have any thoughts or opportunities to do this. Now that I have a chance, I can’t do it. Is there anything more sad than this?

But now...

Immediately a few more people left Lingwu Mountain Villa. When UU returned to, he was also full of red light and full of surprises. Everyone knew immediately that this effect must have been immediate. This kind of benefit is absolutely necessary regardless of whether you have problems in that respect now. After all, who can guarantee that he will never be old? Who can guarantee that the day when he won't work will never come?

For a while, with such tangible benefits, shareholders became more fanatical.

It was a day or two of effort. When the satellite system test came to an end, Yang Chen temporarily withdrew from his work and saw Chen Ang coming over to rejoice: "Yang Chen, get it! The shareholders of Yang Yang are now fully supportive. Cooperate. Looking at their posture, who would dare to say to stop cooperation, it is estimated that they can swallow the life of talking!"

Yang Chen just smiled. He asked these people to come to Lingwu Villa as a guest. Isn't that what he asked for?

He was not surprised at this result. Because he knew that with those things owned by Lingwu Villa, these shareholders would surely be moved.

So he was just a little happy, and he re-entered the experiment.

This time, the experiment was a rocket engine. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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