The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 468: Centaur Rocket Engine

"The 174th Centaur Pneumatic Fusion Engine's 174th Propulsion Experiment, now starts!"

With an order, Xiao Ran, who was the operator himself, pressed the button to start the engine, and the nozzle of the "Centauri" rocket engine, which was firmly placed on the test bench, emitted a blue flame that was barely visible to the naked eye. Light. At the same time, connected to the test bench, the engine thrust detection particle matrix, which is used to detect the engine's propulsion number, represents the value of the rocket engine's thrust, and jumps quickly from zero.

"The thrust is 10 tons, the engine start time is 0.3 seconds..."

"Thrust 51.5 tons, engine start time 1.1 seconds..."

"127.3 tons of thrust, 1.5 seconds of engine start time..."

"364.9 tons of thrust, 2 seconds for the engine to start..."

"A thrust of 513.3 tons and an engine start time of 2.3 seconds..."

"A thrust of 901 tons and an engine start time of 3.9 seconds..."

"The thrust is 2800 tons, the engine start time is 4.8 seconds..."

"A thrust of 5,500 tons, and an engine start time of 5 seconds..."


With the rapid refresh of data, the state of Xiao Ran and others changed from excited to almost excited!

It should be known that the carrier rocket with the highest thrust is currently the Saturn V rocket used by the United States for the Apollo moon landing and the former Soviet Union’s Energy Source.

The Saturn V in the United States is currently the most powerful launch vehicle with a take-off thrust of only 3408 tons. The former Soviet Union’s Energy rocket has a take-off thrust of only 3200 tons. It is not as good as Saturn V. The former Soviet Union has tested a carrier with a take-off thrust of more than 4,600 tons. Rockets, but this plan eventually failed.

Either way, no matter if it failed to develop or was put into use, the take-off thrust did not exceed 5,000 tons.

Compared with the thrust of the current Centaur Psionic Fusion Fusion Engine, the difference is too far. Because after reaching 5,500 tons of thrust, the reasoning of this engine has not actually reached the limit.

Moreover, it only took five seconds. The thrust rose to 5,500 tons. This increase in thrust speed is unmatched by any other launch vehicle.

Or it can be said that no current aerospace engine in the world can reach this level!

Thrust data is high. Represents the same number of rocket engines, can send more material into space.

and. This is just a rocket engine!

Those who have watched the live broadcast or rebroadcast of the Chinese satellite launch should know that in many cases, the rocket launch is not just a rocket engine. The same is true for rocket launches in other countries.

When the US space shuttle was launched. Several rocket engines are also used. Another example is the former Soviet energy carrier rocket, which reached 3,200 tons of thrust. But it took four rocket engines to do it.

On the thrust of a single rocket engine, the current "Centaur" has far exceeded them.

And this is not the limit.

"Xiao Lao, the current rocket engine is operating normally. Do you want to increase the engine thrust to the limit?"

Asked a casual repairer next to the record.

"Wait for me to see."

Xiao Ran approached the running rocket engine to check the situation.

Different from traditional rocket engines. The "Centaur" rocket engine does not use combustion to provide energy, so the temperature at the engine nozzle. It's not that high.

Add up, which is what the three or four Baidu looks like. So Xiao Ran could get closer.

If you want to return the traditional rocket engine, the high temperature can't bring people close. This is why there is a large pool below the rocket launch pad to cool down.

The small version of the rocket launch pad previously made by Yang Chen did not have this facility at all. So Xiao Ran looked at it and knew that this thing would not work for launching a traditional rocket.

After Xiao Ran got closer, although the rocket engine was different from the traditional one, he still saw the running state of the rocket engine with his own experience.

Because the design of the "Centaur" rocket engine is itself a copy of the traditional rocket engine, that is, the conversion of traditional solid and liquid fuel into psionic and nuclear fusion.

"Is the current mode still the anti-gravity mode?"

"Yes." The operator glanced at the record and answered.

The "Centaur" engine is based on space navigation and is intended to be the first version of a series of general-purpose engines. This engine will be used not only for traditional rocket launches, but also for space shuttles, shuttle shuttles, and existing traditional spaceships (that is, similar to the Shenzhou, which must be sent to space by rockets, it does not have its own Spaceships independently separated from the gravity of the earth), interstellar spaceships (that is, real spaceships described in science fiction works), etc., serve as the second cornerstone of Yang Chen's space career.

The first cornerstone is, of course, the Tianluo series of satellites with functions such as communication, navigation, positioning, energy particle scanning, and space operations.

It is also because of the intention to make a series, so the original version of the "Centaur" engine will have multiple modes, which is also based on the differences in the environment and the functional requirements.

First, the first one is the anti-gravity mode needed to break away from the earth's gravitational circle. In this mode, it doesn't actually look as tall as the name. Because it includes real anti-gravity technology, but because the technical level is not enough, the traditional methods of getting rid of the gravity of the earth are used. To put it bluntly, it is the usual way of working for a rocket engine, only to talk about the conversion of the original fuel into psionic energy. Therefore, it should be called "anti-gravity mode."

"So, first use a separate psionic engine to run at full power for one hour, then switch to a psionic, nuclear fusion engine to run at full power for an hour."

Xiao Ran ordered. He behaves differently in peacetime. Instead, Xiao Ran, who has fallen into a working state, is not so reluctant to speak like gold and is very reticent. But still no word is nonsense.

"Yes." The operator immediately manipulated the engine to maximize the thrust of the engine.

With the advent of the thrust limit, the entire fixed engine test bed was shaking slightly, which represented an immense amount of power and was erupting on the test bed.

The entire test bed actually uses nearly a thousand tons of stone counterweight, and at the same time, the entire test bed is connected to the ground by the force of a large array. As long as this connection continues, even if it is a huge force of hundreds of thousands of tons, it will never break away.

Otherwise, the engine can be fixed in an ordinary way, so the massive thrust cannot be fixed at all.

But even so, the test bed began to tremble, which means that its own material has been greatly affected by this huge thrust.

Once this material can't be loaded, even if the strength of the test bed connected to the ground veins can refuse the push of greater thrust, it will still cause the connection between the engine and the test bed to break, resulting in a terrible collision accident-more than 5,000 tons of thrust The impact, it will be a disaster.

Fortunately, Yang Chen saw the machine quickly, and immediately used the power of the large array to protect the entire test bench. In this way, in fact, all the forces received were transferred to the earth by the large array, and the connection part of the test bench itself If the force is not large, there will naturally be no problem.

Fortunately, the normal array and the large array of the thrust detector are connected, and the thrust data can still be accurately read. Otherwise, safety is safe, but the thrust cannot be detected.

"Thousand tons of thrust!"

"Thousand tons of thrust!"

"Thousand tons of thrust!"

All this did not affect the experiment. When the thrust rose to 10,000 tons, everyone cheered almost at the same time!

This is a record, a record that surpasses more than twice the strongest thrust technology currently mastered by humans.

Finally, when the thrust value reached 11,325.74 tons, the engine finally reached its limit.

Xiao Ran also smiled with great joy.

This is a level that neither the Americans nor the former Soviets have reached. This is Xiao Ran, who has pursued the aerospace technology of the United States and the former Soviet Union as his highest goal all his life. It is inevitable that he will change his former silence and look cheerful.

"Yang Chen, good job! Although this technology is not yet able to be traditionally technologyized and has not been accepted by the country, I believe that that day will not come too far!"

The so-called traditional technology is not to say that this technology can be reproduced through traditional technology, but to let these technologies get rid of the biggest shortcomings of psionic technology: they must be manipulated by humans, at least open.

Once the shackles are freed, the psionic technology is also a new theory of traditional technology ~ ~ rather than a special technology that is now somewhat different from the traditional technology.

The greatest value of science and technology is that as long as it is researched, it can be copied and reproduced without restriction, so that large industrial production can reduce the original high cost to the price of cabbage. Once the research is done, there is no need to be a scientist, as long as you press the button, you can use it.

Psionic technology, at least what the existing psionic technology lacks is this. It is not impossible to reproduce, but it cannot be reproduced in ordinary people. This is a fatal flaw at this point.

So either Yang Chen or Xiao Ran et al. The greatest effort is actually to make the psionic technology the same as the traditional technology. This is not so easy. Because even the afterlife will not be able to do it-after all, when all people can practice, even many people are born with a cultivation practice, even if it is not the case, they will soon have a cultivation practice, there is really no need to develop not a monk. The technology used. But now it is different.

However, Xiao Ran's joy did not make Yang Chenxi smile, he shook his head: "Now this technology has not met my requirements."

"This kind of technology has not met your requirements? What kind of technology do you want?" Xiao Ran couldn't help but be surprised. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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