The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 469: Engine test completed

"Why should I call this engine'Centaur'?" Xiao Lao, should you understand?"

"I understand." Xiao Ran nodded.

Why did you call this rocket engine "Centaur"?

Because of this rocket engine, it is aimed at Centauri only 4.2 light-years from the earth.

Centaurus is the closest star system to the solar system.

For astronomers looking for terrestrial planets or livable planets, this galaxy is the most promising place for humans to find terrestrial planets and livable planets.

Other galaxies are too far away from the earth, far from what can be expected in just a few hundred years.

Therefore, in science fiction works, Centauri is often capitalized as an important goal.

Yang Chen's goal was also aimed here.

He hoped that this rocket engine could one day bring humans to Centauri. Out of this hope, Yang Chen named the engine "Centaur", which is "the engine that guides humans to Centauri."

Even if there is a risk of Trojan invasion in the future, space immigrants are also an option when it is really impossible to fight the enemy. Having the ability to sail to Centaurus is still of strategic importance for resisting invasion.

When Yang Chen said this, Xiao Ran also understood: "So you are not satisfied with the level of the existing engine."

"Yes." Yang Chen nodded: "To go to the Centaurus, the amount of thrust we need, 10,000 tons is not enough. Because we must carry enough fuel to be able to travel to and from the Centaurus. Perhaps the amount of fuel itself is It needs tens of thousands of tons or even hundreds of thousands of tons. Such a large number of tens of thousands of tons of thrust is basically insignificant. Moreover..."

He pointed to the engine on the test stand: "The current model can only be used on Earth. To be precise, it can only be used on planets with an atmosphere. Psionic engine technology, although it can arouse ubiquity between heaven and earth The spiritual power is used as an energy source, but only spiritual power is not enough. To form a thrust, according to the law of conservation of momentum, it must be thrown back by the working medium as a provider of momentum."

"This. The anti-gravity mode is impossible. Because of the principle of the anti-gravity mode. It is to use the ubiquitous atmosphere as the working fluid to provide reverse momentum, and it does not spray the working fluid itself. That is why the engine The reason why the nozzle can achieve such a low temperature. Once it is in space, and there is no working fluid in the outside world, you can only provide the working fluid yourself, and when the time comes. The thrust that can be provided is definitely not so great."

Xiao Ran nodded: "That is, into space. The way of propulsion will still return to the traditional engine."

"Almost so. The biggest advantage of the psionic engine is only in the psionic drive mode. The impulse provided by the working medium can be amplified by the amplification of the psionic particle matrix. In other words, the working medium of the same quality. The psionic engine It will get a greater impulse as a thrust than traditional engines. So, the amount of fuel we need. It will also be much lower than traditional engines."

"Well, isn't it good to come this way?" Hong Buqi and others all listened to the study and listened carefully. He couldn’t help asking this question on behalf of the observers around him: “This means that our requirements for working materials are not so high, so the quality of the materials needed for space navigation is not so big. So the requirements of real people Is it too high?"

"No," Yang Chen shook his head and sighed, "Centaur is too far away from us. As long as 4.2 light years, what will happen will never be what we can predict now. So, we can only do as much as we can Carry materials to avoid unexpected situations during the voyage. So, our thrust is still not enough, far from enough..."

Thousand tons of thrust is not enough, how much is enough?

Someone seriously asked this question.

Yang Chen thought for a while: "In my opinion, it is not high enough. Of course, considering the situation, basically, the thrust of more than 200,000 tons is barely enough."

Hearing this, people looked dull.

The current tens of thousands of thrusts are almost beyond their imagination. Yang Chen’s standard is 20 times as good as he is now, and he doesn’t know what to do.

Don't look at the fact that the development speed of this engine is not slow now, it is because most of the technology is provided by Yang Chen, and the main computing power is also the reason why Yang Chen provides, and it is not achieved through traditional technology but through psionic technology. Otherwise, even if the best scientists in the world are assembled, it may not be possible to succeed in decades, not to mention their Caotai team.

Some people may wonder, if the American Saturn V carrier rocket in the 1960s and 1970s could reach 3400 tons of thrust, how difficult would it be to reach 10,000 tons?

But be aware that the American technology of the 1960s and 1970s is still unsurpassed. Forty or fifty years have passed, why can't technology be surpassed? Of course, this is because the United States no longer conducts moon landings, but it also shows how difficult this technological progress is.

Such a hard-to-reach technology is far from enough, and the harder technology is even more choking to achieve.

Seeing that everyone’s fighting spirit seems to have been hit, Yang Chen hurriedly encouraged everyone: “Everyone doesn’t have to be afraid. Our technology is just beginning, and we are far from reaching the bottleneck. In the foreseeable future, we can quickly surpass this. The level has reached or even exceeded 200,000 tons. Human beings are facing difficulties. Through continuous efforts, we can continue to make the impossible impossible. Otherwise, how can human beings not be able to change from the ground. Cheng can now send people to the moon, and send the aircraft to Mars, Pluto, and even outside the solar system? Difficult, just because I don't do it. Going to do it, no matter how difficult it is, don't fail us! You guys, work hard!

After a few moments of silence, the crowd finally broke out and shouted: "Yes, we can do it! What difference can we make than flying to the outside of the solar system?" , Then we will be able to surpass the 200,000-ton thrust difference!"

The fighting spirit finally rekindled.

Xiao Ran Weihua nodded with satisfaction. But they are old experts. When the poor and the second were engaged in research, the difficulty they encountered was not greater than this. Don't you still cross over? Not much did they lose their fighting spirit.

In fact, the following people are basically people who have perseverance, but were scared by too high a goal before, otherwise, they will not lose their fighting spirit. Because of this, Yang Chen could make them rekindle their spirits with a little effort, and it was not easy to change other people.

After such a gap, the experiment continued.

This time, the engine mode used by the psionic hybrid nuclear fusion was used.

This mode, named Space Mode, as the name suggests, can be used in space.

In fact, in addition to providing energy, the nuclear fusion engine has another important function, which is to provide working fluid. The fusion product will be projected towards the rear of the aircraft as the working fluid of the engine, providing forward impulse to propel the aircraft to fly in space.

Basically, this mode will also become the main working mode of the engine in the future plan to fly to the Centaur spacecraft.

After all, in space, especially the meteorite belt, it is not too difficult to replenish water. As long as there is water, it can be decomposed into hydrogen and oxygen. Oxygen will provide oxygen to the spacecraft's life-support system, and elemental hydrogen will be converted into isotopes as a fuel for nuclear fusion. Psionic Technology predicts the technology that can convert ordinary hydrogen to nuclear fusion fuel such as deuterium and tritium. Although it is not available now, it should be able to be developed.

This is more secure than carrying materials from the earth to the other side of the sky.

The test of space mode is not easy. Yang Chen must provide a space close to a vacuum as an environment that imitates space. It would be easier if this was not done through the array method, and if it relied solely on traditional technology, there would be almost no way to do it-although humans have the ability to create an approximate vacuum, it is necessary to create a vacuum on a large scale, especially large enough to test the engine data Large vacuums are really not easy. Unless you go directly to space to do experiments, there is no such problem, but in that case, the cost is too high.

The formation method is simple. The formation method will continuously extract the air in the experimental space and prevent the outside air from entering. This requires only a relatively simple extraction and isolation method to complete.

This test took another half a day. Overall, the data of the rocket engine basically met the design requirements. As for the specific situation that will be encountered in the application, it is not the current closed-door way of making cars, which can be tested. It must be in space before it can be exposed.

"Are Tianluo-1 satellites manufactured now?"

Yang Chen asked Wei Hua next to him.

"It's all done, just four hours ago, we have installed the last component of the fairing outside the satellite housing."

"That is to say, everything is ready now, only owe Dongfeng?"

"Yes!" Wei Hua's face looked forward and excited: "I am looking forward to what kind of function this satellite will what kind of function? It will definitely be better than what you know Much more.

Yang Chen heart said.

At least, Wei Hua knows nothing about the satellite's combat system. As a satellite expert, if there was any attempt to turn the satellite into an attack on the satellite, he could not hide his eyes. Although he was not involved in attacking satellites, the related things were still recognizable.

But the real combat system is entirely a product of psionic technology, which Weihua cannot recognize.

"That's good! Our launch vehicle has already been manufactured, and we are waiting to install a rocket engine. Then tonight, we will work overtime to install this engine and satellite on the rocket. Tomorrow, we will officially start the launch vehicle launch experiment!"

Yang Chen gave a command with a big wave.

"Wait!" Wei Hua suddenly raised an objection. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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