The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 470: Before launch

"Xiao Yang, you put the satellite directly on the first rocket launch experiment? Is this a bit too aggressive? Although we are very confident about the success of the launch, what if it fails? Would it be huge? The loss? You also said that this satellite is one of the three core satellites, which is not only expensive, but also extremely scarce. After using the three core satellites, there is almost nothing left."

As an old astronaut, Wei Hua is quite cautious by nature. Especially things like the aerospace industry are so sloppy that they need to be careful. Rocket launches have never actually installed satellites for the first experiment.

Yang Chen smiled and shook his head, "We don't need to worry, I have my own plans."

He said that he had put it on a tray and it was completely installed. Because the fairing and protective layer were added, the Tianluo-1 satellite, which was two circles larger than before, was launched with a finger. The special formation method immediately opened the mouth of the satellite's fairing and protective layer, including the satellite shell, with a "click".

Then Yang Chen stretched his hand in, took out a part about the size of a fist, and made it translucent, like a crystal, with a brilliant blue streamer gleaming faintly on it, moving like a spirit snake.

"This... isn't this the core of the satellite's control?"

Wei Hua recognized it immediately, which is clearly the core of satellite control in the design of Tianluo Satellite. The most critical control core of the entire satellite is installed inside. Its technology combines traditional technology and psionic technology. Its high technical content is unique in the entire world. Even he believes that this technology is at least five to ten years more advanced than the existing technology!

Yang Chen nodded: "Yes."

With that said, he flexed his fingers and forced a drop of fine blood from his fingertips, soaking in the air, or making a blood mist. Then Yang Chen read the mantra gently. Spiritual power comes out of the palace. Numerous dense particle equations are formed in the air, and these numerous particle equations have fallen into the blood mist. Blood Mist immediately became like a living creature, and after a moment of strange twists and changes in the air, the entire control core was completely defended in it.


Next. Yang Chen sipped and pointed his hand at the core. I saw that the control core completely inhaled the blood mist, and then it twisted itself, as if to change the essence. It is not a substance, but a singular existence that has turned into a half-empty half-real.

"This is... this is a magicalization?"

"Yes." Yang Chen thought, and the core of control immediately flew over his head and fell into his body. He merged with him and disappeared: "I have refined the control core of this satellite into a ritual weapon. By virtue of the induction between this mortal weapon and me, even if the rocket launch fails, the core can also be used to control the satellite. Return safely without crashing in the air, thereby losing a satellite."

Saying Yang Chen looked back at Wei Hua with a smile: "In this way, Wei Lao does not have to worry about the loss of the launch failure. The key is that no matter what experiment, it will eventually be put into use. So how can various experiments be compared? Can the real launch reveal all kinds of potential problems?"

"However, there are 36 satellites in total. If you want to implement so many satellite control cores, this burden can be borne..." Wei Hua was still worried.

"It's okay, it really needs to be institutionalized, but the control core of the three central satellites, for other things, just pass the central satellite. So you can have the best of both worlds."

Wei Hua nodded.

Xiao Ran on the side also said: "Feasible."

As for others, there is no objection.

"In this case, everyone will start preparing."

Yang Chen instructed them to leave for a while and waved Zhu Zhiying's phone.

"Xiao Yang, are you? How is your progress? Is there anything I need to help?"

After receiving the call, I wish the hero Zhu Yang thought he would ask him to help again.

After all, in his view, something as advanced as the aerospace industry, relying on private power, will certainly encounter many difficulties and need the help of the country.

Unexpectedly, Yang Chen told him that the rocket and satellite research and development have been initially completed. The first rocket launch test will be conducted tomorrow, and he is invited to visit the site.

"Xiao Yang, do you still remember to let me visit..." Zhu Xiong could not believe how much he heard, even though Yang Chen had done many unimaginable careers and subverted a lot of common sense, but I wish you such a big event The hero still inevitably has some lack of confidence, so he persuaded: "Xiaoyang, don't worry. This research work must be done step by step. If you have any problems with me, I can definitely help, why do you want to make false heads? What about?"

Hearing Zhu Zhu thought he was making a fraud, in order to enhance the confidence of Zhu Xiong and others, Yang Chen also smiled bitterly and explained: "Zhu Lao, we are really done, and we will never be half-false! When will I Yang Chen Have you made any fakes in these scientific research matters?"

"You haven't done any fakes in this respect. But... are you too fast? Since you started preparing for the aerospace industry, it's only been less than a week..."

I still wish the hero a little doubt.

"In short, you will know when you come to visit. I can't say more here than the fact that the real launch was successful." Yang Chen said helplessly, and finally reminded the hero: "In addition, please also wish the old Let me know to the country, including the air force, radar station, and air control department, please greet me. I will launch an experimental rocket here to avoid misunderstanding due to poor communication."

"This... what you said is really true? The two of us said in private that it doesn't matter. If you really inform the country, it's no joke!"

"Absolutely true, I wish you the best despite the briefing!"

"Okay..." I wish the hero hesitated: "Then I will let you know, what time will the launch start tomorrow? I will arrive on time."

"It's exactly 6:30 in the morning, no more than a second, no less than a second."


The next day, exactly at 6:20 in the morning on March 1, Zhu Xiongxiong and Yang Chen had already stood in front of the rocket launch pad in the engineering area.

I heard that Yang Chen really made a launch vehicle, and it was still the kind of rocket made by psionic technology. For a time, the experts and professors sent by the High Energy Institute and the military research institutes to communicate with Thai Industry also followed. I wish the heroes come together and say they want to witness this trouble-saving in person.

In addition, even those guests who came to the villa to visit the high-tech new energy, also received the news, also went here to observe the ceremony.

Therefore, this time the rocket was launched, but it was also full of people, and there were 70 or 80 people watching the ceremony.

Yang Chen temporarily built a temporary viewing platform next to the rocket launch pad. Except for the operators, everyone stayed on the viewing platform.

At this time, ten minutes before the official launch, Yang Chen and others were nervously inspecting the satellites and rockets and preparing for the launch.

At the same time, many phantom magic arrays projected the video projection of the entire launch pad, satellite and rocket body, satellite and rocket status data in the air for everyone to watch and understand.

In addition, there are related measurement and control data, important indicators, and rocket and satellite remote control platform interfaces, which are displayed on the operation platform of the relevant operator.

Basically, except that the technology of most things is completed by psionic technology, the whole scene is no different from the ordinary satellite launch.

"How? Is this thing reliable?"

"I think it should be reliable."

"Have you not evaluated this technical level?"

"It's hard to say now."

"Do you think this launch will succeed in the end? If it succeeds, can it really fly into space, successfully put the satellite into the preset orbit, or can it just fly out of the atmosphere?"

"That's not good..."

"I see, there should be no problem. Our little President Yang has never been chaotic in this regard."

"That's not necessarily. Whether this psionic technology can be used in the aerospace industry is only theoretically predicted. Even if it can really be done, I think that the probability of success in one time is still small."

"I heard that this young man Yang is full of confidence and obviously is an experiment, but he put the real satellite on, and it was a successful run..."

"Well, young people... haven't encountered any setbacks before, it is inevitable that their confidence in themselves is overdone..."


For a time, the experts in the high-energy institutes and military research institutions watching the ceremony were whispering, some were very optimistic, but some were not so optimistic.

One of the experts who engaged in the Shenlong space plane even sighed: "If this is really Xiao Yang's success, I think our project team can also be removed. He can come up with the launch vehicles and satellites that have successfully entered orbit in seven days. , How long does it take to get an air plane? Half a month?"

"It's not An expert working on hypersonic vehicles next to him also said: "In fact, your space plane project, our hypersonic vehicle project, are very closely related to this carrier rocket and satellite. . If he wants to be successful, he is afraid that it will take a few months to complete the technology of our project. "

The expert who researched the aerospace plane before smiled bitterly: "If this kind of thing really happened, I should have been happy, but when I thought about the projects that we worked hard, and spent a lot of money and resources, people would take a few days to a month. It can be completed, in my heart, it is really not a taste...

"Yeah, it makes us feel like we're like waste, completely under the weight of the country..."

Other experts also smile at each other bitterly. How could they not feel such a feeling?

This is the result of the strange technology rise of Yang Chen, and for the foreseeable future, a similar situation is afraid that it will continue to happen...

In any case, in the complex mood of the experts, the time for the rocket launch experiment finally arrived... (to be continued.) Launch of the new website

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