The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 475: Transaction

At the same time Yang Chen monitored the world through the Tianluo series of satellites.

India, on a mountain in Bihar, rows of black air all over the body, Indians with no expression on their faces and angry standing there as a wooden pile, like a special ceremony, welcoming A special identity exists.

A cloud of black mist suddenly appeared there, but now the black mist is no longer completely foggy like before, but has a somewhat substantive feeling, passing a certain state from the previously tangible and dark state of black mist. This change is transformed into a tangible state.

If it is thicker, it can even be called "black water film".

And the appearance of this black mist is completely different from the previous one, and it has become barely human. Although it is not obvious, but no matter the five senses and four limbs, they have already formed vaguely.

"Very well, during this time, the slaves of the saints have completely taken control of this area. Every little bug in this area is a slave of the saints or a believer of the saints. The saints are in this beautiful Planet Purification, the base of this dirty and lowly race, has finally been successfully constructed! Once my holy clan army is here, it will become the bridgehead and command center for the holy clan to conquer the planet!"

Heiwu said quite pleasedly.

When he spoke, the black piles of Indians behind him didn't know if they didn't understand or didn't speak, and all of them were silent, not even the sound of breathing!

The only young man with black air and blood gleaming on his body had some expression on his face, but that was not much.

After saying a few words, it seems that because no one is listening, the voice of Black Mist becomes disappointed: "Forget it, you useless waste products, if the power of the Holy Clan is not enough now, you simply don't deserve to stand behind me. !What do you say, Singer?"

The young Indian, known as Singh, owed his body and looked very polite. Obviously from a high caste.

But regardless of the high caste. Either a low caste or an untouchable, there is only one end in the face of the dark mist: either to be a servant or to be a crippled scrap that is not qualified to be a servant!

"Forget it. You are all..."

Heiwu didn't finish talking, and suddenly looked up at the sky and glanced: "Damn! Psionic scanning? The stupid little bug of this planet. When did you actually master the psionic scanning technology?"

Then he sneered: "But what about this?"

During the talk, the black mist suddenly oscillated on him. Some kind of intangible wave spread instantly throughout Bihar. It reached all the monsters, believers and slaves under his control.

And this time is when the projected image of the scan result in front of Yang Chen was distorted for a moment!

After doing all this, Black Mist lowered his head and looked to the country in the northeast: "I know it must be you! It must be you! Your progress. It's time to interrupt!"

With that, he made a horrible, roaring sound. Drinking: "Jiang Xun, you useless thing! What are you waiting for? You must attack immediately and interrupt the development progress of that country. Necessary! Immediately! Immediately!"

Northeast direction. In a wild mountain and wild ridge in China, a whole body is covered with mist and blood, and there is a monster like Jiang Xun, who is knocking down a wild wolf on the top of the mountain, and his blood is rising. The wolf sucked into a corpse!

Then he sighed and said: "Yang Chen! It's because of you that I lost all the pleasure of being a human being! I will double the compensation for everything I endure! I will Yes! You are waiting!"

He squeezed his fists together, the knuckles of the bones rang, and the resentment could almost condense into substance.

But at this time, the black gas suddenly fluctuated in his body, and the roar of the black mist before it came!

Jiang Xun looked like a monster, snarled and twisted on the ground, struggling until the roar of the black mist stopped, and then barely got rid of the struggle. The grudge in his eyes became more obvious: "Yang Chen! ..."

He squeezed his fists more and more, and his palms were bleeding: "I will avenge! I will! No matter who you are! No matter whether you are Yang Chen, or..."

When it was still two words, his voice naturally subsided, as if he was afraid of something...

The roar spread all over the mountains and all animals fled wildly at this moment, escaping the death.

At the same time, a black gas burst into the sky, the blood flashed, and it did not disappear for a long time...


And almost at the same time, somewhere in the United States. In a small villa in the jungle. No one is around.

Alfonso sat quietly in the room and watched the TV without making any sound. The TV was also in a silent state.

Apart from Alfonso, there was no one in the room.

He sat there quietly, Shen Ning like a sculpture.

It was as if something intractable in him was bothering him.

Suddenly, there was a noise outside, the door was pushed open, and a group of people came in.

For the first time, a tall eagle-hook nose shouted: "Alfonso, what are you still thinking? We have waited a long time, should we wait any longer?"

Alfonso didn't look back, and answered in a hoarse voice: "If necessary."

"Do you think it is necessary?"

"Unless you want to die!"

"Is the yellow-skin monkey so powerful? I don't believe it! We used the most powerful weapons, the most powerful soldiers, and the most powerful agents in the United States. Isn't it possible to take that person?"

"I think so."

"Alfonso, are you sure you are not scared by someone?"

Alfonso slowly turned back: "It's not too blind to your eyes with your arrogance, Anthony. If he doesn't have such a skill, why should we let you and I work together against him?"

"Okay, you're right." Anthony casually found a chair next to him, and the group of people behind him still stood respectfully in the room.

"So, dear Alfonso, what's the matter with me?"

"Our satellite has just discovered something very important." Alfonso's voice was very hoarse, obviously the result of the huge pressure it had previously suffered.


Alfonso pressed the remote control in his hand, and the huge 54-inch high-definition TV screen suddenly jumped: "Here are some satellite photos of China over China."

Anthony looked at the screen and found that these were pictures of some rocket launches. The reason why he thought it was a rocket rather than a missile was because he clearly recognized the satellite fairing above the rocket.

Anthony shrugged: "China is launching their rockets again? They are always like this. Recently they have become more active on space projects. At least they are doing better than NASA. We have been away from the moon for a long time, but we can’t see the return. That day."

Alfonso shook his head: "Do you know where this photo was taken?"


Alfonso reported a latitude and longitude: "This is it."

"Wait!" Anthony suddenly felt very familiar with this latitude and longitude: "Why is this latitude and longitude so familiar to me?"

"Because it is the latitude and longitude of the target city!"

Alfonso is amazing.

"What?" Anthony frowned. "I remember that China only has four major space centers. In the target city, there seems to be no space center?"

"of course not."

"So what is this?" As a qualified special forces member, Anthony is stronger in military knowledge than Alfonso: "Ballistic missiles? But what missiles will have a satellite on top of them? Say, this is the latest model of China's sub-guided multi-warhead missile? But why is it like a satellite launch?"

"That's the satellite launching!"

"This is impossible! In a city without a space center, what would it take to launch a satellite?"

Anthony flatly said.

"But it was launched. And the coordinate point of the launch is in the target manor!"

"This... this is even more impossible! Is every manor capable of launching satellites?" Anthony refused to believe more and more: "Afonso, did you smoke too much marijuana and get nervous?"

Alfonso glanced at him slowly and said: "Excellent agents will never touch LSD."

"Then why..."

"Don’t ask why! What is the unquestionable fact? Why? Why, listen, Anthony, hope this will make you a little less arrogant than you should be. This rocket is launched from the target manor. Yes! And..."

Alfonso will emphasize two words: "The target also mastered the return rocket technology!"

"Haha, this is absolutely impossible!" Anthony couldn't help but laugh out loud: "For the time being, in that dictatorial and dictatorial country, whether privately mastering satellite technology and privately launching satellites is possible. Even if possible, return rocket technology like this How can he master the technology? If he really has such a capability, then he can launch an intercontinental missile and hit the United States!"

"Unfortunately, he really has it!"

Alfonso said in a deep voice, the photos on the TV screen began to change, and the rocket first flew into space at first, but after a few photos, it changed to another one. A photo appeared of the rocket shooting towards the earth, because the extremely thin and friction produced a huge flame sheath sheathing the rocket in it.


Anthony had to be moved.

This is clearly a rocket that is returning to the atmosphere.

The next photo shows how the rocket is constantly approaching the earth.

In the last few pictures, Anthony clearly saw parachutes popping out to slow down the rocket.

Then, I don't know what the reason is, maybe it's because the satellite photos can only be seen from the head, but the reason is not visible at the tail. Anyway, An Dongli found that the rocket is constantly decelerating and is about to land on the ground.


Then there was nothing!

"What's the matter? Why are there no photos?" Anthony asked quickly. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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