The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 476: Betrayal from the metaphysical world of Hua Guo

"No, there are photos."

Alfonso said: "It's just that the picture is blurry."

He said that he pressed the remote control again, and a gray appeared on the TV screen, which didn't look normal.

"How is this going?"

"According to expert analysis, this should be some kind of special digital interference technology. Under this technology, all photos and videos taken by digital methods will be disturbed, leaving only a piece of white and nothing to see! "

Alfonso looked dignified: "This kind of technology has already existed in the United States. But that person's technology is more powerful than the United States. The United States can only interfere with digital cameras and camcorders. And that person's technology can disturb this kind of interference. , Continue to all digital methods. In other words, even if the photo-sensitive camera is used, as long as the photos are transcribed by digital, or any digital form of transmission and encoding, it will be interfered!"

"That is to say, we can only see and rinse through photographic methods, and no one of them involves digital technology, can we see the truth?"

Anthony's face also dignified.

Alfonso nodded: "We still cannot understand the principles of this technology."

This technique is too sharp.

Modernity is an era where digital technology has been highly developed and even indispensable. Once a place cannot be photographed by any direct or indirect digital method, then it can only take the original method, personally send people or shoot planes to shoot with old-fashioned cameras, and rinse with old-fashioned technology, because modern printing technology is also digital of. Even rinsing can only choose old-fashioned technology that does not involve digital technology at all.

In addition, the photos can only be delivered in kind—because even faxing and scanning involve digital technology.

Not to mention the efficiency, the feasibility is too low.

The Chinese government no longer has the ability, and it is impossible for the Americans to unscrupulously go to the counterweight to shoot in person-and obviously the manor is the ground.

And this way of transmitting photos through physical objects is also very troublesome-if you do not smuggle. After the customs security inspection, there will be X-rays to check the luggage. Traditional photo-sensing technology film is so exposed that it will be exposed and scrapped. If you smuggle, this kind of thing will have to be sent back to the United States, which will be very troublesome.

and. It is useless even through spy satellites. Spy satellites now also mostly use digital camera technology. Even with the traditional light-sensing technology, the satellite photos must be transmitted to the ground digitally-it is impossible to send someone to heaven to pick up the film after the film is used up? That cost is too high.

Now Anthony has completely believed. The manor really fired a rocket.

Because this kind of advanced black technology is used to prevent spy satellites and spies from taking pictures, saying that what is inside is not important.

Who would devote so much effort to something that confuses people?

"Then what should we do?" Anthony frowned. It feels tricky.

"This is just the beginning."

Alfonso sighed: "In fact, the overall rocket launch. There are thirteen times in total, including the total interval. No more than twelve hours!"

More rocket launch photos appeared on the TV screen, and the background environment around these photos was completely different. So Anthony can still recognize that these rocket launches are not pictures of the same launch. The time stamp attached to the photo also illustrates this.

"What?" Anthony couldn't help shaking.

He still knows more about satellite launches.

Such high-density, high-frequency rocket launches cannot be achieved even in the United States-because large launch vehicles are mostly liquid fuel. Only a small proportion of solid-liquid mixed fuels are used, and very few of the most advanced launch vehicles use solid fuels. But no matter which kind, the preparation work is also tedious and long. Thirteen launches within twelve hours, unless thirteen rocket launch pads are prepared in advance.

However, at the size of that manor, there are simply no more than thirteen rocket launch pads, not to mention thirteen, even two or three are enough to choke! Although it is not possible to take pictures of the manor, it is okay for people to go outside the manor to assess the area, or directly steal the size of the manor land filed in the local government department through spies.

"What do they want to do? Are Chinese people ready to fight nuclear war?" Of course Anthony knew that things had passed for so long and there was still no nuclear war. Obviously, China did not launch nuclear warheads. This is just a joke to ease the tension: "Or do they intend to occupy all space in a short time?"

Alfonso's expression became more solemn: "No matter what kind, it is a great threat to the United States. And all this, before the person appeared, the Chinese can't do it. So that person must die!"

"Everyone knows he must die! The problem is, how to make him die!" Anthony frowned and felt a headache.

"It can only be said that it is very difficult... but..." Alfonso finally smiled a little: "That country is always not short of people who betray their own country, especially, who contacted us to betray that person's intelligence before. He is also a member of the metaphysical world that was the most xenophobic and hostile to forces outside China!"

"What? People in the metaphysical world of Hua Guo will one day betray information to us?" Anthony almost suspected that there was a problem with his ear.

After participating in the mission of assassinating the Chinese, he also had a deeper understanding of the situation of the global metaphysical community. He is well aware that the most exclusive metaphysical power in the world is the metaphysical world of China.

Whether it's because the metaphysical forces of this ancient country are still immersed in the dream of the United States and can not extricate themselves, so they disdain foreigners, or because the centuries of humiliation suffered by China before made them hostile to foreign countries, in short, Americans, other All countries, they can always find the scum that betrayed the motherland in China with a population of more than 1.2 billion. In the metaphysical world of China, such a person can never be found!

At least, among those monks who truly mastered the power of the metaphysical circles in China, no such person could be found.

The United States has spent a century of time, and only found several loose repairs in the metaphysical circles of China. It is barely possible for both parties to reach cooperation. But even so, those loose repairs make full use of Americans. General cooperation is okay. Once the internal affairs of China are involved, they will be very vigilant and immediately turn their faces, as if they could one day take charge of the authority of the metaphysics of China. So never allow your future interests to be sold out.

There are also those who are willing to sell themselves completely to the United States, but these people are hard to get started, and they are hardly a metaphysical monk. Even if these people, they were often discovered by the monks of the metaphysical circles in Hua Guo, and they soon disappeared.

Therefore, among the metaphysical circles, the metaphysical circles of China are the most difficult to penetrate. It is not only the United States that has been in vain for more than a century, but even other countries are almost the same.

Now a sudden emergence of a true metaphysical monk willing to sell intelligence to the United States will inevitably surprise Anthony.

"Yes. And this person, according to our investigation, is still a big force in the metaphysical world of Hua Guo. Well, they call it a large school of sect." Alfonso looked a little excited:

"The man’s information shows that our goal is to provoke many enemies within China. Perhaps because his reform and subversive theory cannot be accepted by the old forces, so those old forces would rather be hostile to them. Cooperate with us who look down upon us, and we must destroy that person physically!"

"Very good! Very good!" Anthony was even more joyful, and stood up with some excitement, turning around in the house:

"Chinese people are always like this. They always like to betray their heroes. Although that hero can lead them to the top, but because their interests are damaged, they would rather let that hero die! Great! We need this This is what the Chinese people should look like. Not since the founding of Xinhua State, they actually united under a hero to fight against the free world! Fortunately, the hero is a mortal after all, and his life is limited. When he left, he The subordinates began to erode the foundation he left behind."

After two laps, he looked at Alfonso: "Then the person who provided us with information must be firmly in his hand to maintain this line. On the one hand, he should be given enough benefits, on the other hand ..."

In his eyes, there was a cruel look: "Also make him want to stop, never get rid of us!"

"This is naturally handled by our people. Let's consider how to assassinate the target first."

"What intelligence did the Chinese traitor provide us?"

"According to what he said, some of our goals may have come up some time ago, so our strength has been greatly is now at its weakest moment, and now it is the best time to deal with him."

"Since this..." Anthony said cruelly: "What are you waiting for?"

Alfonso shook his head: "But our grasp is still not great. And with the Chinese government's control of the private sector, it is very difficult for us to make a big effort in their country. In addition, Chinese people will certainly not ignore this person. protection."

"Aren't we able to do anything? Alfonso, to know that the goal is now the easiest time to deal with, who knows when he will recover his strength? Do we have to watch the big opportunity to slip away?" Anthony said frantically.

"It's better to wait until he leaves China." Alfonso said: "I think there is still a chance. The Rockefeller Foundation seems to be operating and wants to give this person a Nobel Prize. Maybe through academic exchange? "

"It's best to succeed! Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't wait long."

"Relax, at most half a month. If it doesn't work, then we can only do it in China..." Alfonso sighed: "I don't know how much it will cost..." (to be continued) .) Enable new URL

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