The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 484: 2 test flights

"what happened?"

Liu Lei scratched his scalp and smiled embarrassedly: "Brother Yang, this is the case. Some of the technical parameters of the chips used in some of the functional modules we use have some problems, which are inconsistent with the technical manual we get. ?`? The technical manual sets the parameters, so it is wrong..."

"Have you not tested?"

"Tested, but there are too many, Brother Yang, you are in a hurry, so..."

Yang Chen shook his head helplessly and pointed to Liu Lei, "You are still so dry. Fortunately, all electronic products do not bear important core functions, otherwise, this time the trouble will be big."

Liu Lei threw out his tongue: "Not next time..."

"And..." Yang Chen thought about: "Of these electronic products, the chips from abroad are inevitably a bit uneasy. I think you still design your own chips and refine them yourself."

The chip is not a problem if it is refined in a furnace. Even the most advanced chips can be refined through a furnace. Of course, this method cannot be mass-produced. But how much can a Starship be used? It is still more reassuring to make it out, so as not to cause trouble for the Starship because of the chip with the back door.

"Okay, this may take a few days..." Liu Lei frowned.

"It doesn't matter, I can still wait for a few days."

Yang Chen nodded and said, "Okay, has the fault been eliminated?"

"Everything has been ruled out. We also checked all the original chips, which basically guarantees that there will be no malfunction." Liu Lei asked for help.

"That's fine."

Yang Chen waved his hand and once again drove Liu Lei and Bai Yu off the spacecraft, and restarted the process of the spacecraft taking off.

This time, it was much smoother, and there was nothing wrong until the last second of the countdown.

"Countdown to Star Takeoff..."

"10...9.........3...2...1, take off!"

Accompanied by the sound of the system that collected Zhao Wanru's voice, the Star's engine finally reached the threshold. ??w?

I saw the air floating and twisting on the ground, which is a strange phenomenon caused by the force exerted by the engine to make the star float.

Because of the existence of the "Centaur" engine and the anti-gravity floating particle matrix, the Stars do not need to glide on the runway for a period of time like an aircraft, but take off directly from the spot.

It can be clearly seen that the downward main jet of the engine emits a brilliant blue flame, and this main jet is evenly distributed on the belly of the spaceship. The spacecraft remains level with the ground when floating, so it does not cause a top-heavy imbalance.

Just one second later, I saw the hull of the Star under the action of the engine, slowly floating from the ground, slowly floating to a height of 20-30 meters, then the head slightly tilted up, and then the main engine behind The nozzle spouted a brilliant blue flame, and the spaceship accelerated from zero when only a whistling sound came. The short wings spread the hull of the spaceship with the help of air buoyancy, making the hull's hull lift faster.

The next flight is similar to an airplane, but with a parallel distance of more than a thousand meters, the height of the spacecraft has climbed more than a hundred meters. And the spaceship's head was upturned, almost perpendicular to the ground.

Immediately the engine was running at full strength, the flame of the nozzle of the spacecraft became brighter, and the spacecraft flew into the sky at a fairly fast speed.

Then a conical cloud burst suddenly in the air, and soon a huge roar came from the air. This was the sound explosion and the sound explosion cloud caused by the speed of the spacecraft breaking through the sound barrier.

The supersonic flight caused thunderous roar in the sky. From a distance, even if the weather is gloomy today and there is no sunlight, people can hardly see the little white dot in the sky that represents the spaceship.

Even if it is a flight wake cloud that can be used to distinguish supersonic flight under normal circumstances, it is almost indifferent to see clearly. `This is because the working mechanism of the "Centaur" ii psionic nuclear fusion hybrid engine is completely different from that of the traditional jet engine. It almost seldom injects gas and the temperature of the nozzle is not high.

Soon, the roar of supersonic flight went low, and finally disappeared completely. Then everyone saw the spacecraft dive down from the sky and re-flyed to the open space where the spacecraft stopped before taking off.

Then, under the action of the downward vector nozzle of the engine, the spacecraft slowly landed on the ground.

The first test flight was finally completed, basically a success.

Yang Chen once again turned the cockpit into a transparent state and opened the data interface of the spacecraft.

All the people who participated in the research and development of the spacecraft Star came to download the status data of all aspects of the spacecraft through the data interface, so as to judge the various statuses of the spacecraft through these data, avoid failures, and also draw lessons from them to improve design.

Yang Chen was not idle. He also opened the flight status data and discussed with everyone how to improve the spacecraft design-including hardware and software design.

Although the two sides were separated by a cockpit, the discussion was still quite lively.

Half an hour later, the discussion came to an end. Yang Chen contacted Xiao Su: "Xiao Su, have I finished producing the psionic missiles?"

"Father is assured that everything is done and the missile launcher has been packaged. Now it is disguised as a cargo container used to test the spacecraft's carrying capacity and can be shipped over at any time."

"Then the spaceship will be transported immediately."

"Yes, father."

Soon afterwards, someone pushed three carts, and these three carts were cube boxes two meters long. No one knows what's inside. What Yang Chen told others is that this is equivalent to "ballast" and is a cargo container that is used to test the carrying capacity of the spacecraft, each weighing two tons.

In fact, these are two "flying sword" i-type psionic missile launchers, and 36 "flying sword" i-type psionic missiles.

The so-called psionic missiles are missiles manufactured using psionic technology. This technology is even used in future generations. Because missile technology is relatively sensitive, the design and manufacture of this missile are known only to Yang Chen and Xiao Su Xiaoguang.

The "Flying Sword" i-type psionic missile combines the flying sword and modern missile technology. With the support of the Tianluo satellite system, it has a range of up to 100,000 kilometers and belongs to the atmosphere-space dual-use missile. It has high intelligence, and has four navigation systems: Tianluo satellite system and its own navigation, star control, and Yang Chen control.

Its characteristic is that the warhead can be flexibly replaced, or it can be an ordinary high-explosive charge, or a nuclear charge, or a variety of spell effect charges. In addition to being used for destruction, it can also be used for "rainfall", "Treatment", "communication", "ambulance", "arming", "alert" and other uses. As long as a certain spell can be stuffed into the small space of the warhead, the corresponding psionic missile can be made.

Of course, inefficient spells have no value as psionic missile warheads.

After the "ballast" was installed, Yang Chen changed the cockpit to opaque again, only the area in front of him was still transparent to facilitate driving-although in fact the sensors on the spacecraft ship can completely All environments are displayed on the HUD display in a 360-degree and no dead angle manner, but Yang Chen still prefers to observe through the naked eye. This is just a matter of habit, not a problem of ability.

The previous test flight was only a preliminary test of the spacecraft's performance. For the current test flight, Yang Chen will perform high-speed cruise, long-range flight, atmospheric round-trip flight, space flight and other flights, as well as testing the stealth system "radar and optical stealth", weapon systems, etc.

Turn on the engine. After the countdown ends, first of all, through the downward vector nozzle and the spacecraft's anti-gravity floating particle matrix, let the spacecraft slowly lift off on the ground.

The next lift-off steps are the same as before, but this time Yang Chen did not let the spacecraft hover in the nearby airspace, but entered the sky directly at an angle close to the vertical ground.

Watching the spacecraft pierce the thick clouds and let the sunlight shine down, Zhu Wei lowered her head and answered the phone.

At the end of the phone was the "Yang Office" person.

"Yes, President Yang has already piloted the spacecraft into the air. Has the air control department, air force, second artillery, and space department all been notified?"

"Okay, well, let them continue to pay close attention. Once there is a danger, I hope they can help in time."

"I know that if there are problems with the spacecraft at a height of 10,000 meters or even in space, ordinary people will certainly not survive. But Mr. Yang is not an ordinary person, and the chance of survival will be many times greater. Therefore, it is still necessary to be prepared."

"Well, we don’t have a test flight today. That’s it, goodbye..."

As the assistant of Yang Chen and the contact person of "Yang Office", Zhu Wei took over these things about the flight test report. So Yang Chen only needs to tell Zhu Wei when he intends to test flight, what project to test flight, do not need to think about other things, everything will make Zhu Wei handle well.


When Zhu Wei called, Yang Chen was driving the spacecraft, breaking through the thick cloud above his head.

There is a thick cloud in front of I can hardly see the road ahead, and most people will be lost here. But with the spacecraft's powerful sensors and the powerful navigation and positioning capabilities of the Tianluo satellite system, as well as the spacecraft's radar particle matrix, the current state and the forward state are clearly displayed on the hud display, and there is no need to worry about the problem of trek.

Yang Chen simply turned the entire cockpit into a one-way transparent state-that is, he could see the scenery outside from the cockpit, but it was dark to see the cockpit from the outside.

For a time, apart from being unable to personally experience the strong winds and the humid dew in the thick clouds, Yang Chen seemed to be flying directly in the clouds.

How many years? Since the invasion of Troy, he has rarely experienced the taste of flying to such a high place. Under the power of the Trojan Invaders, flying too high is completely providing targets for others. They are flying at most 20 to 30 meters high on the ground.

Now, finally return to high altitude.

Yang Chen took a deep breath, as if the dense dew outside was also deeply sucked into the mist by this breath. At the next moment, the spaceship lit up in front of it, and it had flown over the cloudy sky.

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