The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 485: FJ-Ten Bai Fei

The golden sunlight shone through the transparent cockpit, illuminating the entire cockpit brightly and also illuminating Yang Chen's heart. Vertex novel,

The future of mankind will surely shine like this golden sunlight.

Yang Chen has no doubt about this.

The spaceship roared and rushed to the sky and to the sun, just like the mythical Kuafu.

Yang Chen laughed, tears came out of the smile. This is the first time since his rebirth.

The laughter of Lang Lang still persisted in the supersonic flying sonic boom, such as the grass under the weight of the boulder, no matter how heavy the stone, it could not prevent the grass from protruding out of the head.

After flying for several minutes at an almost vertical angle, Yang Chen changed his flight status to level flight.

The whistling wind seemed to be passing over his skin, and he even felt the pain of his skin being blown by the blade of strong wind.

Although this is just an illusion.

He looked up at the altimeter.

"Current altitude: 11,200 meters. The current position has left the sky above Golden State."

Suddenly, the radar screen next to the hud display lights up, and two bright spots appear on the radar.

The radar screen is a display screen that integrates detection results including energy particle radar, electromagnetic wave radar, infrared radar, ultrasonic radar, infrasound radar, and optical scanning. Basically, it can be guaranteed that no known aircraft can escape radar detection. Even the flying machine is the legendary flying saucer. As long as it can be seen by others, it can be detected.

"Target distance: 21 kilometers, speed: Mach 1.9, direction: coming towards our ship. Comprehensive detection feature recognition: China's active third-generation main fighter fighter J-10, number two."

Yang Chen clicked on the radar screen, and the star calculator automatically reported the scanned data. At the same time, the relevant data was automatically scrolled next to the radar screen. In addition to the reported data, it also included the relevant data of the identified J-10 fighter. This is Including the radar scan results and the identification results obtained from the current decrypted fighter data.

At this time, the communicator inside the spacecraft sounded Zhu Wei's voice: "Star, Star, here is the base, here is the base. Request communication, request communication, communication identification code fssq87j._po, finished."

"Drop, the identification code verification is correct." The identification system automatically broadcasts the verification result.

"Base Base, here is the Stars, here is the Stars, communication request permission, communication request permission, finished."

A special communication line with psionic communication technology was opened...


Time back to half an hour ago.

An air base in Nanhu province.

Two J-10 fighters are preparing for take-off.

Ground crews are busy and the weather is fairly clear at the air force base. The silver-grey paint glitters under the sun.

The two pilots held the flight helmet and stood aside, waiting for the fighter to take off.

"Captain, why is our mission so strange this time?"

A younger-looking pilot whispered to the older pilot next to him.

The older pilot is called Bai Fei. He is a first-level pilot of the Air Force. He is the captain of a certain flying brigade stationed in a department of the South Lake Air Force. The rank of lieutenant colonel is 31 years old. He has been in the Air Force for ten years. Hours one thousand and seventy hours.

Hearing the words of the pilot next to him, he turned his head and turned his head. He said softly, "Don't ask if you shouldn't know. Have you forgotten the discipline?"


The young pilot stopped talking, knowing that the captain was calm, and I was afraid he could not ask anything, so he shut up.

However, despite his words, Bai Fei's heart was also curious about this mission. It was just good self-discipline that kept him under control.

As one of the elite pilots of the Air Force, Bai Fei has always performed well. One of the most advanced fighters of the active air force in China, the J-10, can almost be used by him, and not only the J-10, including the imported Su-27, Su-30, and the domestic-made transformation of Su-27. The coming J-11 and derived models are all good hands. He has also taken many flight test missions for R&D fighters, and has experienced three major dangers in the air, but they have been solved by his wit. Not only is everyone okay, even the aircraft is guaranteed.

In fact, at his level, he is already fully qualified as a super pilot, the only difference is his qualifications and opportunities.

According to some informal news, it is said that his superiors value him very much and intend to focus on training. It is possible that he will be transferred to a flight test mission of an advanced and confidential aircraft. And this informal news has been corroborated: the superior has notified him to hand over some affairs, just waiting for the official order to be issued.

Today this task is very special, let him temporarily put down all other things, and follow up this task with all his strength. The task was given to him by the base commander himself. At the time of delivery, only two of them were present.

He still remembers what the commander said to himself: "This is a highly confidential mission. Apart from you and me, you are not allowed to disclose the details of the mission to anyone. Your wingman can be assigned by yourself, as long as it is a pilot at the base, No matter who it is, no matter what mission he is currently performing, you can adjust it. In addition, the base will do its utmost to protect your logistics and ensure the completion of this mission."

In the end, the commander also said: "Yes, this is a large mission. The participation of the mission includes many elite pilots from multiple air bases across the country. The execution of this mission will also affect your personal evaluation. And decide whether you can enter a test flight team of a secret type and what position you occupy in the team. Come on, Xiaobai, fight for our base! The country and the people are waiting for your good news!"

In the end, the commander's words have been lingering in his ears. This is the first time he has officially learned from his superiors that he may join the test flight team of an advanced and secret aircraft.

He remembered his old classmates in a secret unit, and sent thieves to design and plan the route for himself: flying active advanced fighters, testing the most advanced experimental fighters, standing out, becoming an astronaut, and at least flying future air and space fighters.

Yes, his dream is to enter the starry sky. This is his long-cherished wish. It was with this dream that he entered the Air Force.

This dream seemed far away, but he caught a little possibility. After all, there are so many pilots in the country that can be selected as astronauts, and only a few can really be in space.

The astronauts in China were all selected from pilots, and his old classmates told him that the third selection of astronauts in China might start in a few years. Recently, he told Bai Fei more clearly, because the progress of various studies is faster than previously expected, this selection time may be ahead of schedule. The most golden state of being an astronaut and pilot is about thirty years old. He is already thirty-one years old. If you miss this opportunity, you may never have another chance.

Although, as an elite pilot, he will not retire as an ordinary pilot. Even if his physical condition is not suitable for flying, he will be left in the Air Force to do other things. Maybe those things are of great significance to the country and the Air Force, and his personal treatment will be quite good. It does not even rule out the possibility that he will become the commander of an air base one day. But what he wants most is to fly in the vast space. He felt that that was why he came to this world's ultimate mission!

He secretly clenched his fists: we must work hard, strive for vigour, not let down the commander’s high hopes, but also seize this critical opportunity to approach your dream step by step!

Soon, his landline and wingman took off, flying over the base.

He pushed the throttle valve to increase the thrust of the engine, broke the sound barrier in a short time, and flew to an altitude of more than 10,000 meters.

Not far away, Xiao Jin of the wingman followed closely, and the two aircraft formed a cruise formation to accompany the flight.

He somewhat relieved his heart.

Xiao Jin's flying talent is quite good, he valued it. It's just that Xiao Jin is somewhat out of touch.

He made a gesture to Xiao Jin from afar, and accelerated to the target location.

"01 calls x03, 01 calls x03, please report the location, please report the location, finished."

On the radio, a call came from the ground tower.

"I am x03, I am x03, I am heading 281, 3rd airspace, flight altitude 11300, speed 2327, report is complete. Repeat, I heading 281, 3rd airspace, flight altitude 11300, speed 2327, report is complete."

"X03, please keep the speed and direction cruise, and keep the radar on, please keep the speed and direction cruise, and keep the radar on. Report the radar scan results every five seconds. Report the radar scan results every five seconds. Finished."

"I am x03, I am x03, the command has been received, the command has been received. Finished."

"I am x03, I am x03, no current radar scan results, no current radar scan results. Finished"


"I am x03, I am x03, there is no current radar scan result, no current radar scan result..."


"X03, x03, please turn to 5th airspace, heading 102, altitude 11200 meters, speed 2400. Repeat, please turn to 5th airspace, heading 102, height 11200 meters, speed 2400. Finished."

"I am x03, I am x03, I have completed the order. I have completed the order. Finished."

"X03, x03, please keep the radar powered on and report the radar scan results, please keep the radar powered on and report the scan results, finished."

"I am x03, I am x03, radar scan has no result, radar scan has no result, Please report every five seconds, please report every five seconds, finished."

The radar has been turned on, but the radar display screen is blank. Only the two bright spots representing him and the wingman are flashing.

Bai Fei once again confirmed the result and continued to report: "I am x03, I am x03, radar scan has no result, radar scan has no result... wait!"

Bai Fei exclaimed, and an aircraft flying at about the same speed as himself jumped into the eye.

But Bai Fei bet that he is familiar with all kinds of aircrafts and aircrafts in China, whether they are in secret development or have been tested or officially listed, but he has never seen the appearance of this aircraft.

what is this? Is the latest research result of a confidential unit?

"X03, x03, what did you find? What did you find? Please report immediately, please report immediately..."

The call from the tower came from the radio.

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