The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 505: Space Circle

The next time, Yang Chen and Gao Zhou adjusted the anti-overload system and artificial gravity system on the spot.

For each adjustment, Yang Chen re-entered and escaped the atmosphere several times by changing the flight attitude of the Star to test the adjustment.

After all, these adjustments only appear in space, and can only be tested perfectly in the space environment. The simulation on the ground is limited by the level of technology and the limits of human thinking, or it is not well solved in space.

As a test spacecraft, the Star has the ability to adjust and optimize while flying, and there are many places in the internal particle matrix array, which have been optimized in this regard.

Otherwise, the spaceship under normal circumstances cannot do this.

Of course, it's also because Yang Chen's fortune-telling machine has enough computing power. Otherwise, even if there is a temporary modification to adjust the design function, there is not enough computing power.

This shows the benefits of Gao Zhou coming. Without Gao Zhou’s medical knowledge, Yang Chen could not accurately grasp the appropriate scale, and certainly could not make the modification as it is now, accurately covering the audience of the elderly, children, women, and frail people, and proceeding in a targeted manner. Improve.

The two of them experimented happily, but it was boring to leave the madman there.

It was easy to adjust after almost three hours.

A new gravity-smooth transition system was added to the design drawings of the Starship and later mining spaceships and space warships.

Seeing that Yang Chen and the two stopped, the insane Daoist who had been suffering for three hours finally breathed a sigh of relief: "The two of you are finally finished. Now, can we start a real space journey?"

Yang Chen completed an improvement, sat contentedly in his seat, and laughed: "Of course. Today's flight plan has a project to the moon, old road, maybe we will soon be the first Chinese to land on the moon Chinese!"

"What?" The insane Daoist rounded his eyes, laughed, opened his teeth and danced his claws, and said: "Wow, hahaha, I didn't expect the blessing to have this blessing! These 250,000 contributions are worth it!"

Even Gao Zhou was fortunate.

You know, China has already been in space. Therefore, although the quotas of epic Dao Ren and Gao Zhou have historical significance, they are only the significance of the first batch of spacecraft made by psionic technology.

However, the first batch of the moon, it is completely different.

That is not the first in the small field of psionic spacecraft, but the first in the entire history of China!

If the previous one can be included in the history of the development of psionic technology, then now this first, then you can enter the history of China without any compromise, become a rich pen, and may even become an important representative of the beginning of the interstellar era of China event!

This significance cannot be overestimated no matter how overestimated it is.

Gao Zhou never thought that a military doctor in his own area actually participated in such a major historical event on this day. Before changing contact with Yang Chen, this opportunity could never belong to him. I have to say that since he came into contact with Yang Chen, the fate of the whole person has changed dramatically!

However, as a soldier, he still somewhat regretted this first step, not the moon landing organized by the state.

"But anyway, we are all Chinese, aren't we? Our glory is also the glory of China!"

Gao Zhou psychologically relieved his regret in this way.

"Unfortunately, unfortunately, we don't have any live broadcast or filming on the moon, otherwise, the old man can show a big face in front of the whole country, no, the whole world!"

The insane Daoist who is a bit crazy is unavoidable to say regretfully.

Yes, they were the first Chinese to land on the moon, but they were also the second country to land on the moon! Moreover, because only the United States has successfully landed on the moon five times before, this time it is the sixth time in human history to land on the moon!

"Yang Chen, when did your kid get out of the deep space ship. When it first landed on Mars and Venus, it would also make Lao Tao, after all, have experience. By then, Lao Tao would break many human records. ..."


Yang Chen was speechless.

Do you old people think landing on Mars, Venus and the moon is so simple? This difficulty is not an order of magnitude at all, okay?

"It is estimated that you have no chance. The position of the first landing on the moon is worth 250,000 contributions. How much is the value of the first landing on Venus and Mars? At the same time, how much is the value of the first landing on Venus and Mars? You have earned so much in your life Is there more contribution value?"

Yang Chen even grinned against the Daoist.

"Yang Chen, you're a bad boy! The old way of exploiting the same way, right? Don't force the old way, the old way to the Chongyang Palace to open up the remaining few of them. When the time comes to contribute these unified ways, your boy Dare to contribute less than 10 million. The old man makes the old miscellaneous hairs of the Chongyang Palace trouble you, saying that you despise their grandfather!"

People who are insane are not weak.

In the Chongyang Palace, there are nine grass cottages built by Quanzong Patriarch Wang Chongyang in the Yaya Valley. There are inheritances left by Wang Chongyang. The Jinyang Lingcao came from one of the cottages. It is said that in addition to the Jinyang Lingcao, there are several other species of the Nine Great Lingzhi passed down from the Shennong family.

It’s a pity that it’s not easy to open. Until 300 years ago, the Chongyang Palace wanted to open up the whole world and let some people come to try their luck. Otherwise, today, there will be no seven to six grass houses on the 1st to 6th and 9th grass houses. The situation is turned on.

But even so, the legendary Nine Spirit Plants only appeared in Jinyang Lingcao. It is said that the remaining two grass cottages No. 7 and No. 8 were the most important, including the other eight species of Nine Spirit Plants. Seeds and planting methods.

Some people worry that the Nine Great Lingzhi is just a misinformation, but all the previous signs and data show that Chongyang Caolu has the Nine Great Lingzhi seeds and planting methods, and now that the seven grass cottages are open, only Jinyang Ling appears. One kind of grass, unless the predecessors recorded all the mistakes, then it can only be in the remaining two cottages.

If Chen Dao can successfully open the remaining two, and contribute the inheritance, seeds, and planting methods, Yang Chen really has to give him a large amount of contribution in return.

No way, even in the later generations, only eight grass cottages were opened, and the remaining one could not be opened. Among them, which grass house numbered No. 8 was opened by Yang Chen in the previous life.

But he only got another kind of nine great spirits planting seeds and planting methods from it. Studies in later generations also tended to include the last seven species that had not been opened and had nine spirit plants inside.

If this is the case, Yang Chen will not be satisfied with the less contribution.

You should know that any one of the Nine Great Lingzhi alone can be regarded as a treasure of heaven and earth, rare and precious, and extremely valuable. It has a wide range of uses and many effects.

However, if Qi Jiu Da Ling Zhi can be collected, it can form the "Jiu Ling Yao Shi", which is a tremendous array of shocking ancient shimmering gold. According to legend, it possesses the power of Da Luo Jin Xian, and even can reverse time and space and change the destiny of heaven and earth.

In the later generations, in the face of the invasion of the Trojan Federation, many people who lost their confidence in fighting because of the extremely powerful Trojan, even placed their hopes on the reversal of space and time in the Nine Spirits, hoping to break through the seventh grass Lu, collect all the Nine Great Spirit Plants, turn the time around with the Nine Spirits and return to the time before the Trojan invasion.

And even those scientists, after studying all kinds of Nine Spirit Plants, think that if the Nine Spirit Plants are collected and formulated with Nine Spirit Plants, they can develop materials that can be used to create great destruction. Weapons may even destroy Trojan invaders, destroy time-space beacons, destroy time-space bridges, and hide the solar system in the fog of time and space. From then on, never worry about Trojan aggression.

Such a good thing against the sky, you don't contribute too much, do you have a good conscience?

Unfortunately, this is just a dream.

The ability of future generations can't break through the No. 7 Grass Cottage. Is there a chance for the current Daoist? This possibility is really unlikely.

However, Yang Chen is not easy to deal with such aspirations to epilepsy people. He just said aloud and waited for you to do it, and then ignored it.

"I said Yang Chen, you just opened the spaceship, so it's time for me to be addicted, right?"

At this time, the madman seemed to be stimulated by his ambition to collect all the achievements of "landing on other planets of the solar system for the first time", and actually hit his idea on driving the spaceship.


Yang Chen's face was awkward.

The point is, this spaceship is not just for anyone! The spacecraft flies so fast in Earth orbit, if you dare to chaos, you must crash the spacecraft with one step of care.

This mad Taoist is so crazy that Yang Chen really dare not let him drive.

"Rest assured, the old way will not be messed up! Listen to you at all directions, the old way is just enjoyable..." The insane Dao quickly assured himself with a wretched smile.


Yang Chen refused to do so, but it was not easy to say.

After all, in Yang Chen's ideas, the matter of teaching everyone to open a spacecraft will be done sooner or later. In the future, almost everyone in Lingwu Villa may have their own spaceship. If not, it is certain that they will drive the spaceship.

It's just a little ahead of time now.

Thinking of Yang Chen, he was relieved: "Okay, but you have to make sure that you absolutely have to listen to the command every move, and you can't move it! Otherwise, if the spacecraft crashes in outer space, we can't escape. !"

He said that he looked at the side again, although he didn't speak, but Gao Zhou, who was expecting the same look, then said: "Dr. Gao, you can drive too. When the old road is finished, it's your turn."

"I... can I?" Gao Zhou was a little unsure. He is not like a lunatic, after all, after formal education ~ ~ is still very clear about the quality requirements of the spacecraft.

"Of course, as long as you listen to the command."

"That's good, if nothing else, I'm fine with the command."

Yang Chen nodded, and the soldiers were reassuring in this respect.

He turned his head and gave the position to the Dao Dao Ren, while commanding: "Yes, that's it. So deliberately accelerate, so you can slow down..."

"We are now in satellite orbit, the deceleration cannot be lower than the speed of the first universe, otherwise it will fall..."

"Yes, that's it, this is to open to outer space..."

Orthodoxy teaches a lunatic, and suddenly a burst of red light appears on the HUD display, and at the same time the sirens alarm sounds: "Warning! We are surrounded! We are surrounded!"

"not good!"

The three suddenly changed their complexions. (To be continued.) Activate new URL

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