The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 506: Guild Wars

Three hours ago.

United States, a secret military base.

A surveillance room is displaying surveillance images that the United States possesses, including spy satellites, reconnaissance satellites, and communication satellites owned by itself and its allies.

Suddenly, the monitor screen flashed red, and the alarm sounded "Woo".

Sitting quietly in front of the screen are people with serious faces, dressed in camouflage uniforms, and full of military temperament. It can be seen that these people should all be active American soldiers.

The face of the American soldier in front of the strange surveillance screen changed. He took a closer look at the picture and immediately took off the microphone in front of the console. He didn't dial the number, but just said directly: "This is the Dragon Slaughter Base. We found the dragon. No Unexpectedly, the dragon is preparing to break through the atmosphere."

It can be clearly seen that what is displayed on the screen is the satellite monitoring picture of the Star when it broke through the atmosphere.

Tu Tu base, a secret military base built less than 24 hours. There is only one purpose: to destroy the stars.

Because China claimed to be the descendant of the dragon, the Americans gave the star the name of the dragon, the most advanced technology aircraft in China.

The name of the Dragon Slaughter Base is also derived from it.

On the other end of the phone, a majestic voice came: "Stay on it! Buy time for our power transfer!"

"Yes!" The soldier stood straight and shouted.

Next, this monitoring room was just as lively as a pot.

"Number three, number three, contact the ground laser force immediately!"

"No.5, No.5, contact the electromagnetic gun unit!"

"Number two, contact NASA, we need their strength."


It didn’t take long for the commands to get feedback:

"The Militia III intercontinental ballistic missile is ready."

"The Ohio strategic nuclear submarine is ready."

"The ground-based strategic laser anti-satellite system is ready."

"X37-B air and space fighter has been launched."


"Well, let's get started! Let this evil dragon taste the power of the dragon knight of the American Knight!"

In a secret command room, a major general of the US military stared at the monitoring screen of the star on the current screen and muttered to himself.


"What? The dragon has been traveling in and out of the atmosphere?"

"They actually mastered the technology to and from the atmosphere many times!"

Two hours after discovering that the Star was flying out of the atmosphere, the experts at Tulong Base looked dignified.

As we all know, no matter whether it is an aerospace fighter under current technological conditions or a space vehicle, the fuel it carries is limited. Therefore, it is difficult to carry multiple round trips inside and outside the atmosphere.

After all, in order to fly out of the atmosphere, the speed of the aircraft must be extremely fast and the kinetic energy extremely high. The higher the kinetic energy, the more fuel is consumed from acceleration to deceleration, and from deceleration to acceleration, the greater the difficulty.

This is not like an intercontinental missile, which is a hammer transaction to and from the atmosphere, and the requirements are not high. The technical requirements for such multiple round trips are quite high.

But "Dragon" did it.

Others are nothing. The key to this ability to travel to and from the atmosphere easily is that the anti-satellite weapons they have now are difficult to deal with.

Anti-satellite weapons can often only be used for attacks in Earth orbit. If you want them to attack the interior of the atmosphere, they simply do not have this function, barely realize it, and the accuracy cannot meet the requirements.

After all, the Star is an aircraft that is smaller than an ordinary fighter. Without sufficient accuracy, it may be difficult to deal with.

"It seems that we can't deal with it when it conducts several round-trip experiments in the atmosphere. It can only be allowed to fly to a higher orbit and have a faster speed, which is the best opportunity to start. "

The higher the speed, the more the speed exceeds the first universe, then the harder it is to fall below the first universe speed, and the easier it is to deal with.

This is a simple truth.

"Okay, that's it! Well, it just happened to mobilize our killer satellites, otherwise it wouldn't be able to catch up."


Ten minutes ago.

In the Dragon Slaughter Base.

"How is it? Is our killer satellite group in place?"

"Already in place, you can launch an attack at any time."

"Wait a minute, it has moved farther and farther away from the earth, and its orbit is getting higher and higher. Wait again, its orbit will be higher, and our attack success rate will be higher!"

"Okay, let's have a big siege!"

"The killer satellite with a nuclear warhead is placed behind it, and it should not be used until a last resort. Once used, it must be killed with one blow!"

"Yes! The power of a nuclear bomb in space is not as terrible as it is in the atmosphere. At least the shock wave attack does not exist. So the target only needs to be a distance away from the explosion of the nuclear bomb, and it can basically be unscathed, at most being exposed to light and batteries. Interference. But I believe this issue is not worth mentioning to them."

"Ready, we must kill the dragon successfully this time!"


"What's going on? What happened?"

Seeing the star map sounding an alarm, Gao Zhou couldn't help but rush forward, leaning in front of the HUD display and watching the warning screen above.

"According to the scanning of the Tianluo satellite system, many satellites are orbiting more than 100 kilometers away. According to their orbit calculations, the orbiting target should be us. And, our location is just surrounded by these satellites!"

"Then what should we do?"

Gao Zhou couldn't hold HOLD anymore, not only looked at Yang Chen.

The insane Taoist shouted: "What should I do? Now that someone is going to hit us, then we will hit back!"

"But we are outnumbered! Besides, can you fight in space?"

Gao Zhou dumbfounded the Daoist, and quickly looked to Yang Chen for help: "Yang Chen, will you fight in space?"

Yang Chen reluctantly shook his head: "This is the first time I have flown into space, how do I know how to fight in space?"

"Not good! The enemy fired the missile!"

As he was saying, Gao Zhou, who had been paying attention to the comprehensive radar picture, yelled.

"Do you also need to use missiles in space warfare?"

Yang Chen was not interested in ignoring the lunatics and secretly gritted his teeth: "Damn, this must be the killer satellite of the Yankees! The Yankees really deserve to be the largest military power and space power in the world. This is really deep in space!"

Think of the thousands of satellites flying in Earth orbit, and I don’t know how many of them are satellite killers. They have been lurking in the satellite group, without showing traces. Until today, Yang Chen has finally exposed his fierce face, and Yang Chen has some eggs. pain.

That's right, the Star is technologically advanced and powerful, but in the face of so many killer satellite siege, it is not so easy to deal with.

The key is that space combat is different from the atmosphere.

There is air in the atmosphere, even if the spacecraft is damaged, as long as it does not lose its speed, it is not a fatal injury.

But in space, even if the spaceship is opened a small slit, it will cause air leakage, and then there will be only one dead path.

Moreover, the enemies in space have no humans at all, all of them are all kinds of unmanned weapons. You can’t do it if you want to catch a thief and capture the king-the king is on the ground, you can’t catch it in space...

The most critical point is that the speed in space orbit is too fast. Even a piece of debris can be a deadly killer as long as it is fast enough. The killer satellites like to explode. At that time, the killer satellites will become tens of millions of countless fragments. Each of these fragments can become a deadly killer. It is really a headache to deal with it!

"Yang Chen Yang Chen, we will not be without weapons? Quickly, tell me how to use weapons? Let Lao Dao also play satellite games!"

Yang Chen had a headache, and Gao Zhou was very nervous. That is to say, the lunatic Daoist didn't take it seriously, but got excited.

No way, Yang Chen had no choice but to give each of the three weapons a part of their control.

The battle in space is too dangerous and complicated. Although it has the intelligence of the star map, it is often controlled by humans.

"Hahaha, Yankee, no, I should say Yankee's satellite, let's come!"

The insane Taoist cheered, pushing the throttle to accelerate the speed of the spacecraft, and first greeted the three missiles flying opposite.

Suddenly, I saw only a few flashes of electricity, and all three missiles were melted. Most of the warheads were left, and only a small half of them were still flying at high speed.

Although the missile has not been completely gasified, the missile's guiding head and initiating element have been destroyed. These three missiles are equivalent to three small meteorites. There is no lethality. There is no problem if you just avoid them.

And this is not a problem for the star with superior performance. The madman easily manipulates the spacecraft and avoids the missiles that have lost their tracking ability and self-detonation ability.

The initial battle was won, and the insane Taoist made persistent efforts and simply drove the spaceship towards the satellite that launched the missile!

"What is this?'Jinya' 100mm double-mounted electromagnetic cannon? I said, Yang Xiaozi, this caliber is not too strong? How can I get a caliber of three or four hundred millimeters to force it? Forget it, Just use it."

Speaking of lunatics aiming at that satellite, they were ready to fire.

Yang Chen quickly prevented: "Wait!"

"what happened?"

"In combat in low-Earth orbit, it is best to use energy weapons, not kinetic weapons!"

"Why? Because even if the enemy is smashed with kinetic energy weapons, the fragments of the enemy will still threaten the safety of the Moreover, in case we fly too fast, maybe the shells we hit will hit ourselves. It's possible!"

"What? This is too... okay, okay, then change the weapon. By the way, the "flying crab" small caliber star pulse gun. I said, why are your spaceship weapons small caliber? Not enough! Too insufficient Great! The giant ship cannon is the romance of the battlefield!"

"Old man, you've been single all your life and you know what romance is?" Yang Chen gave the lunatic Taoist 100,000 critical strikes: "Return the giant ship give me a giant ship on the earth, and you can fly out of the atmosphere. ability!"

"Okay, okay, your kid will pour cold water on me. Hey, what mode is this? Full power mode? Can launch ultra-high-energy star pulses, easily destroy the asteroid? Hahaha, and let the old man try this thing easy to use Do not."

The insane Taoist laughed wildly, and Yang Chen screamed quickly: "Don't..."

It's a pity that he called late, and the madman has already pressed the launch button.


Yang Chen covered her face in pain and frustration, and couldn't bear to see it... (to be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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