The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 509: Small sun rising in low earth orbit

Five hundred kilometers away, a nuclear bomb is flying at high speed on an orbit of 1,300 kilometers from the ground.

This is a "Militia III" intercontinental strategic nuclear missile from a nuclear bomb silo on the US ground. This nuclear bomb, which was originally used to attack ground targets, became a weapon against space after changing parameters and guidance.

The nuclear warhead carried by this nuclear bomb reached 1.5 million tons of TNT equivalent. With the power of the nuclear bomb, as long as it exploded within ten kilometers, it was guaranteed that the Star could be destroyed. Even if the current Star has a lot of unscientific black technology, it still cannot escape the fate of destruction.

But immediately, in the void not far from this nuclear bomb, there was a sudden twist, a small meteorite with a diameter of about three meters, which was burning, and hit the nuclear bomb.

Don’t ask why there are actually unscientific things like meteorites burning in space.

Because this is not an ordinary meteorite at all, but a seventh-order spirit spell released by Yang Chen 500 kilometers away: Fire Meteor.

Fire meteor belongs to a kind of conjuration-like spirit, and it is called a burning meteorite. The burning of the meteorite is entirely due to the violent fire energy particles and does not depend on the combustion of oxygen.

On the ground, this spirit is a terrible spirit of mass destruction, but in space, the power of this spirit is just like that-of course, the ability to focus on the target has the terrible power of destruction, but as long as you can avoid it Even if it is only one or two meters away from it, it can only do you nothing.

How to make the fire meteor accurately hit the target, especially in the case where the fire meteor itself and the target are flying at high speed, it requires massive calculations and powerful maneuvering power. If you rely on yourself to do it, Yang Chen’s fortune-teller is a good day. It can withstand this computing power, but it is impossible to manipulate the spirits accurately 500 kilometers away.

Fortunately, Yang Chen did this through the Star.

Xingchen contains advanced and powerful psionic technology, which can remotely control psionicism through the internal locking and control system of Xingchen. This control distance can reach the spirit level of equal order and no more than the satellite order, and can be accurately controlled a thousand kilometers away.

At present, this area is 500 kilometers, which is hardly worth mentioning.

Found that he was about to be hit by a meteorite, this nuclear bomb immediately turned on the vector orbit change technology, trying to avoid the impact of the meteorite.

All objects in low-Earth orbit are flying at high speed to orbit, instead of falling into the earth due to the gravity of the earth.

This high speed, even if it only changes the angle a little, can eventually cause a huge deviation.

The orbital technology of nuclear bombs, it is no problem to avoid the fire meteor.

However, the fire meteor is spiritualism, which is the spiritual material generated by the particle equation model that belongs to the core of spiritualism. It is completely different from the real meteorite. To change it at high speed, it is difficult and expensive to consume. Smaller than a real meteorite.

So, after seeing the nuclear bomb that apparently passed the orbit change, it was still chased by the fire meteor.

The computing chip carried by the nuclear bomb is frantically calculating, and once again undergoes orbit change, but this orbit change is useless at all, and is still chased by Fire Meteor.

This nuclear bomb changed its orbit several times. When the fuel of its own rocket engine has not been exhausted, it is too late because of the sharp shortening of the distance. It has to be suffocated by the fire meteor!

At the moment of being hit by a fire meteor, the computing chip carried by the nuclear bomb determined that the nuclear bomb should be self-destructed urgently according to internal procedures, so an electronic information stream was instantaneously transmitted from the central chip to the nuclear bomb's detonation module, and the detonation program was started in a blink of an eye.

At the next moment, a fiery ray of light exploded silently in space, and intense light radiation, electromagnetic radiation, and high-energy particle storms were transmitted at all speeds in all directions.

It seems that a small sun is rising in low earth orbit.

This is the first time a nuclear bomb has exploded in space since the invention of a nuclear bomb.

All the information was immediately grasped by countries with space observation capabilities on Earth, and it was concluded that this was a nuclear bomb exploding in space.

This conclusion immediately made all the major nuclear powers in the world nervous (except for the United States, which launched the nuclear bomb, they were already nervous).

Although humans have long prepared, designed, and manufactured nuclear bombs and tactics for outer space, these things have never been actually used in space out of fear of nuclear destruction. Not even the United States.

Even after the principle of denuclearization of space came out, it has been valued and recognized by the entire world, and it has become the tacit understanding of major space powers: perhaps their space vehicles carry nuclear bombs, but no one has ever dared to risk the world. It's not bad to use it in space.

But today, this tacit agreement and convention are finally broken.

I haven't waited for all the countries in the world to discuss a famous place. There is a huge ball of light that explodes above the low-Earth orbit, and then another...

Three consecutive nuclear bombs exploded in low-Earth orbit, and the most unlucky ones were those satellites that were not far away. In a moment, I did not know how many satellites were killed, and how many satellites were destroyed by strong optical radiation, electromagnetic radiation, and high-energy particle storms. , Not to mention how many satellites are interfered with during normal operation.

A typical symptom is that a large number of radio communications and network communications in Asia and America were affected or even temporarily interrupted that day.

It didn't take long for questions from various countries around the world to be sent to US President Omar and Bama through the hotline of the head of state or other emergency channels: What do Americans want to do? Are you planning to have a nuclear war in space?

Before the nuclear bomb exploded, the target that the United States wanted to attack was safe, but many countries suffered from pond fish. There are even some American allies and other space powers.

"Damn! Damn dictator, tyrant, tyrant, this modern Czar of Schatz! Do you think Russia or the former Soviet Union was so powerful at that time?"

Seeing the hard-lined consultation documents from Russia's Pu and Jing, Austria and Bama fiercely dropped the documents on the desk, and asked the security consultants around them: "Tell me, how much more such a thing is. In order to destroy the Chinese people's toys?"

The security consultant shrugged: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't give Mr. President an answer."

"Then you will stop me! The federal government is not ready to fight nuclear wars with countries all over the world, even if it is just a space nuclear war!"

Austrian and Bama skyrocketed.

"Well, as you wish. The effect of the nuclear bomb does not seem to be great anyway, then we will change the way." The security consultant said indifferently.

Austria and Bama pointed at him hard in the air: "Listen, now that we have enough weight to survive the nuclear war, don't be too arrogant before you are ready. The Chinese people don't need toys Too concerned. Anyway, as long as we are ready, even if the toy is no longer powerful, there is no need to be too obsessed with destroying the plane."

"Relax, we still have many methods that are useless, and these methods are not as sensitive as nuclear bombs. We will try them one by one, and it won't work..." The security consultant grinned: "Well, if we can't, we just have to give up. But that's the way In other words, maybe the toys of the Chinese people will have more power than we expected, and maybe a big variable..."

"Variables?" Austria and Bama's black faces sneered: "Under absolute power, there are no variables!"


In space.

Three bursts of "fire meteor", Yang Chen successfully destroyed three nuclear bombs.

Then, borrowing the communication capabilities of the Tianluo satellite system, Yang Chen knew the ground reaction and the latest situation, and was finally relieved: "It seems that all countries in the world have reacted violently to the Yankee nuclear bomb in space. The Yankee should No more nuclear bombs will be used."

Gao Zhou's epic Daoren finally relieved.

In people's minds, nuclear bombs have always been a powerful and terrifying weapon of destruction. Even a crazy guy like a lunatic can't help but be afraid. Now that I finally get rid of the threat of a nuclear bomb, I finally relax.


Immediately, the Dao Ren frowned again: "Yang Chen, why did this energy reserve drop so much? It has clearly reached 10% before, but now why is it only 7%?"

Yang Chen rolled his eyes: "Do you think that dodge and destroy nuclear bombs do not consume energy?"

"Don't..." The epic Taoist screamed: "If the Yankees continue to attack, will my energy-filled time be extended?"

Yang Chen smiled and looked at the Daoist Daoist: "Rao Dao, this moment, your IQ has skyrocketed?"


The insane Taoist sighed indignantly: "Lao Dao's IQ has always been very high. Why is it that this time the IQ has risen sharply? Believe it or not, Lao Dao will pick up now?"

Gao Zhou said with a smile: "Mr. Yang, telling the truth nonsense? Look, people are going on strike?"

"Haha, let's go on strike. I won't be responsible when the air purification module strikes and I'm not responsible." Yang Chenman didn't care.


Don't look at the insane Daoist who doesn't seem to trim, but he is very particular about the environment in which he lives. I had no choice but to talk about the strike now.

The three With the assistance of the star chart, the Star has successfully reversed the laser radiation from the seven grounds, and further improved the orbit. Almost reached more than 15,000 kilometers.

At this distance, there is no ability to attack on the ground.

Everyone finally really relaxed.

Looking back, the earth's blue human home is in sight. Under the sun, it is extremely vibrant and the scene is beautiful and magnificent.

For a time, all three were stared.

This is Earth, the mother star of mankind!

Facing the vast universe of the starry sky, people will always have countless thoughts and emotions.

I don’t know how long I watched it. Yang Chen finally picked up his mood: "Okay, we are also time to go to the moon."

At this time, Zhu Wei's voice suddenly sounded in the cockpit of the Star: "Wait a minute..." (to be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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