The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 510: Secret Live on the Moon

"what happened?"

"Mr. Yang, I just heard from Yang Office. This is the first time that our Chinese people have landed on the moon. The country hopes to make a full live broadcast."

"Live broadcast? Are you kidding?"

Yang Chen was surprised: "Our Star is a private spaceship, and the technology used is still unconventional. Isn't it suitable to broadcast this kind of thing?"

"Mr. Yang, you misunderstood. The meaning of the country does not mean to broadcast live to the public. The country just hopes that you will be able to conduct a small range of high-level leaders, military, space bureau leaders and experts in the process of landing on the moon. The secret live broadcast of the news. The news from Yang Office has been notified, but the No. 1 chief has postponed an important foreign affairs reception work, devoting time to other several core members of the leadership team at a space center to prepare to watch your moon landing Live broadcast. Moreover, all relevant materials will be included in the secret collection area of ​​the Space Museum. In the future, this scene will be officially written into history when decryption is allowed."

"Well... that's okay." Yang Chen was silent for a moment and nodded in agreement.

If it were said that Yang Chen had drove the Star to the moon before, although it may be regarded as the first person of China to land on the moon, it was not officially recognized.

If this record is not officially recognized by the official, it means that the first person to land on the moon is not so meaningful.

But now, even the No. 1 chief personally watches the live broadcast, that is, at the core level of the country, this is recognized.

Although it seems that it should continue to be kept secret in a short period of time, this acknowledgment does not exist because of confidentiality.

This benefit is considerable.

If nothing else, Yang Chen can gain greater trust and recognition in the country than the previous one based on the record of "the first person to land on the moon in China".

This is how much you can't buy.

The reason why Yang Chen still chooses to bear the secret of Troy's impending invasion till now is not to let others know, nor to inform the country. There are many factors, but the lack of mutual trust with the country is a very important reason.

After today, as long as the moon landing is successful, there will be no problems with all this.

In fact, Yang Chen has no intention of concealing this secret. He just wants the country to help himself with this pressure. It’s simply unimaginable if you are alone and can bear the future of the entire planet.

A simple example, Yang Chen hasn't had a dream after rebirth!

It is because the pressure is too great to ensure that you are absolutely conscious, even if you are asleep, you will never dare to relax, so there will be no dreams. Because dreaming is to put together memories and knowledge in a sober state in a weird and bizarre way, then it is necessary to break the boundary between reality and illusion, and there must be a state of relaxation. If the mind is not relaxed and insists on real cognition, this limit is unbreakable.

This is different from ordinary people who feel that they are not dreaming. Ordinary people feel that they have not dreamed, it is because they have forgotten the dream, but this is impossible with Yang Chen's spiritual strength and quality. He didn't dream, it was really not dreaming.

And this is just one manifestation of stress, and there are many more. Anyway, Yang Chen now feels that he is not under a heavy burden like Taishan. If he can give up this pressure and at least relax, he can't help it.

Now that the country is almost officially recognized, as long as Yang Chen does not do too much irresponsible things, such as trying to overthrow the current government or the government, or trying to manipulate the government or the government as a puppet, such small actions he did before, the country has Can be ignored.

It is like the Ma Liwei who was the first person in China to enter the space. Unless he commits treason, no matter what he does, this honor will be firmly hung on him. Even if it is a crime of death, as long as it does not cause publicity, it is estimated that it can alleviate the punishment or even just a symbolic sentence for several years.

Because such people are the facades of the country, and they are one of the most glorious facades. There are no special reasons, and they are absolutely untouchable.

The status of the first person on the moon will be similar. Even if this is not organized by the state, and it is just a private private moon landing, there is no exception.

For Yang Chen, such a position is urgently needed.

The country's attitude towards him before was more laissez-faire than supportive. To put it bluntly, it was a man who crossed the river by feeling the stones, to see what he could make. If you do it well, if you don't do it well, you must settle the accounts after the autumn.

But now, as long as he succeeds in landing on the moon, this may not exist after the fall.

Who dares to settle accounts for the first Chinese hero who landed on the moon? Are you not afraid of being scolded to death by ordinary people, being calculated by competitors in the officialdom, being organized to record a policy in the file, and unreliable governance?

What a joke?

In short, Yang Chen just thought a little, there is no reason to refuse.

The next step is to make a data connection for live broadcasting.

To tell the truth about this technology, China still has a gap in the level of radio communications with countries like the United States. After all, it is really not so easy to conduct real-time communication or even live broadcast at a distance of 300,000 kilometers. Not to mention the fact that the United States broadcast live on the moon a few decades ago. The United States broadcast live on the moon a few decades ago, but is the technology in the United States now stronger than it was a few decades ago? People haven't been able to return to the moon yet. This technique is really not as simple as imagined.

Of course, China is not far behind in the most advanced quantum communications. But that kind of thing has not been put into practical use, and it is not needed now.

Fortunately, Yang Chen is currently using psionic communication technology. This technology was able to connect the earth and the asteroid belt without hindrance. Stability and reliability are no problem. Although Yang Chen currently uses a simplified version of the technology, there is no problem with the live broadcast of the distance from the earth to the moon.

As for the incompatibility between the psionic technology and the traditional communication technology, it is also very simple. With Xiao Su Xiaoguang, it is easy to connect the psionic communication with the traditional communication, and the delay will not exceed one second, which is good. You usually use the Netcom network to access the telecommunications network, the delay may be many times higher than this. This is the connection between the earth and the moon. Traditional technology also has to delay at least two seconds. Now it is shortened to one second. That is because the psionic technology can be contacted instantly at least within the range of the earth and the moon. I don’t want radio waves to go through one second to cross the 300,000 kilometers.

After Yang Chen agreed, it only took half an hour and everything was ready. The image of the Star Cockpit has been synchronized to the ground, and it has been received by the No. 1 Chief and several other core members of the leadership, the military, the leaders of the Ministry of Aerospace and experts.

In this way, there is another advantage, that is, after learning that the No. 1 chief is going to watch the live broadcast, the goods of the mad Taoist suddenly stopped, and it seems that there is a worldly demeanor-if not familiar with him, Yang Chen really is I can't believe that this kind of person is actually a lunatic.

A space center, the No. 1 chief, two people who will soon become the next No. 1 chief, and other core members of the leadership, all saw the star cockpit picture on the big screen.

The internal structure of the star's cockpit seems to be the same in Yang Chen's eyes. The crazy Taoist who hasn't seen the real spacecraft also doesn't care. Although Gao Zhou knows well, he also doesn't have a deep understanding.

However, now this picture falls into the eyes of the experts of the Space Center to explain to the core leaders such as the No. 1 head and the next No. 1 head, that is one word: hang! Two words: awesome! Three words: 儒牛逼!

In short, all the high-tech high-tech things that only exist in science fiction movies and fantasy have appeared in the cockpit of the Star.

There are almost no obvious buttons and cables in the entire cockpit, which looks simple and bright. And all the operations are either performed through the touch screen HUD display flashing blue light, or simply a three-dimensional projection.

This is not the product of an era with the complicated internal cables and dense buttons of the Shenzhou spacecraft launched by China before.

The key point is that the crew of this Star actually didn't wear any spacesuits, and it was clearly already on a track of 15,000 kilometers, and there was no weight loss at all.

Because everyone clearly saw that Yang Chen actually picked up an ordinary teacup on the driver's seat and was drinking water!

How could this happen in space?

This is obviously the result of overcoming artificial gravity technology!

Seeing this, an expert could not help but shout: "Does it mean... Does the Star have mastered the artificial life support system technology and artificial gravity technology? Otherwise why can you not drink spacesuits in the spaceship and drink like that? water?"

His voice was transmitted to the network through a microphone, and then transferred through an encrypted line, and then converted into a psionic communication signal, which sounded among the stars.

Yang Chen's mouth slightly pursed, secretly complacent.

He did this Now that he has promised a live broadcast, then of course he must do his best. Therefore, he deliberately took a tea cup to drink water there.

Sure enough, the ground expert was calmed down this time.

Otherwise, the experts on the ground who have been studying aerospace for many years may not have any good words for his civilian-level spacecraft. After all, the peers are the wrong friends. Anyway, people have been studying hard for many years, and a private researcher in your area has come up with something that has cost a lot of national funding and has not been produced by manpower and material resources. .

However, since you have spoken yourself, you can't even admit it. This is a historic moment, there are records on site, and there is also the core of national leaders such as the No. 1 head of state. What you say cannot be eaten back.

So Yang Chen answered proudly: "Yes, through the research of psionic technology, we have overcome these two problems. In fact, the technical problems we have overcome are not only these..."

As he pretended to speak, Yang Chen was satisfied to hear the exclamation of the experts on the ground... (to be continued.) To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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