The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 553: Rune Inequality

In the refining room, Yang Chen sat cross-legged, five hearts to the sky, restrained in form and spirit, but the only one, silently contemplating the big rune in the Ling Palace. Lewen Novel|

The rune dragon seal Fengzhuan, octagonal vertical mansions, looks endless. It seems to be changing shapes over time. But if you take a closer look, you can see that this form of change does not seem to exist. That rune pattern is as consistent as it has been since ancient times until after eternity, without any changes.

This state of change and eternity has an indescribable spiritual charm, quietly lurking, let people see it, as if the mind has endless enlightenment, but the specific enlightenment is not clear, The Dao is unknown and even elusive.

Looking closely, this rune is not planar, but a three-dimensional shape or even rune with a more complex spatial topology. Even if the result of the analysis by Yang Chen is now, it is also a three-dimensional space, even the existence of four-dimensional, five-dimensional and even more dimensional spatial structures. Yang Chen knew that only the higher the understanding of it, the more he could grasp its true face.

He felt more faintly that if he wanted to completely reveal his true face, even if he was the level of a planetary monk before Yang Chen, he still felt that it was a distant event. This is the feeling that all the runes that Yang Chen had touched before could not give him.

It can be said that the truth of all runes is the existence of a high-dimensional spatial topology: all runes, although written to appear to be planes, are strictly speaking only their projections on planes. The two-dimensional rune structure is the simplest and easiest to understand, and it is precisely from this that you can slowly understand the true meaning of runes.

In fact, even the runes contained in the first-order seventy-two particle equations that Yang Chen now masters are actually the representation of multidimensional bodies in two-dimensional space in the study of later generations.

This is why even the most basic rune still has extremely high research value, and it can even be said that it is broad and profound, with almost unfinished content.

However, the highest dimension space of different runes is different. The higher the highest dimension space, the greater the development potential of the rune. But even if it has the least potential for development, it is basically the basic rune that constitutes the first-order particle equation. Its true face is at least a four-dimensional space.

Even if it is the research of later generations, the highest level is only a preliminary extension to the five-dimensional topology. As for the higher dimensions, it can only be said to know that there is such a thing, but the specifics are still unknown.

The rune pattern that Yang Chen visualized, even from the perspective of future generations, still cannot see the details, which means that the true dimension of this rune pattern is probably far beyond the five-dimensional level.

This alone made Yang Chen ecstatic.

Because the higher the true dimension of a rune, not only the greater the development potential, but also the closer it is to the law of the universe, once it is exhibited in actual combat, even if it is only an incomplete exhibition of two-dimensional and three-dimensional projections, the power is also powerful and explosive. !

The best part is that although Yang Chen looked so inscrutable to this rune, she was completely incomprehensible. Yang Chen still knew that the rune that appeared in his spiritual palace appeared completely. It's just that I have limited understanding and research on it, so I can't see the true high-dimensional form, but it still exists in the spiritual palace.

This is completely different from other runes engraved in the Ling Palace before Yang Chen.

The runes previously engraved by Yang Chen were only low-dimensional projections of the true form of the runes. Affected by Yang Chen's lack of repair, this low-dimensional projection is only two-dimensional. The high-dimensional part is completely blank. When you want to be able to upgrade to three or more dimensions, Yang Chenxiu must have enough strength, and after solving the rune texture enough, you can further engrave and improve on the basis of the original rune.

This is also the practice method of ordinary spiritual martial monks.

The engraved runes in their spiritual palace are just a simulation of the real runes. This simulation is certainly not complete. The level of the monk is reflected in the degree of perfection of this simulation.

When did you fully simulate a rune and fully grasp all the mysteries of the rune? All the dimensional spatial topologies were completely simulated and became a complete copy of the rune. At this time, the rune was called As a "True Symbol"-it doesn't even need to be completely simulated, as long as the simulation level reaches a certain point, the Rune will automatically draw the relative power between the world and nature, and naturally achieve the True Symbol.

It seems that as long as the uranium ore reaches a critical mass, it will automatically undergo a nuclear fission chain reaction. This does not require human intervention, but automatically takes place under the relevant laws of physics.

The process of automatically completing true signs when the degree of rune simulation reaches a certain level is also called "low-dimensional holographic mapping of high-dimensional cosmic law", or "true sign self-completeness" for short.

Insufficient solution to the symbolic texture can only control the chain reaction like the humans who first mastered nuclear technology, and can only use it as a bomb. Once the degree of understanding is sufficient, it is like a human being who has mastered nuclear technology in depth. It can not only manufacture nuclear weapons, but also slow down the chain reaction and produce a nuclear power plant with a controlled nuclear reaction. There is not much difference in absolute destructive power, but the magical use of runes cannot be compared at all.

But even if the character texture solution is not enough, once the real character is achieved, its power and efficiency will still be many times stronger than before.

The rune that made Yang Chen ecstatic before was not only because he saw that the rune had great potential and a high real dimension, but more importantly, he clearly didn’t understand this rune in front of him. This rune still automatically shows its high-dimensional existence, which only means one point: this rune is probably a true rune. Only true signs can have so many changes and endless uses. That kind of spirituality, even if the analog rune closest to the true sign, is not available.

He has mastered a true symbol, such a good thing, Yang Chen almost did not dare to dream like this in the dream he dare to think about most.

However, even in later generations, there are still few people who can really condense the true signs. The only one is not a real monk, but only a by-pass practice, the main job is to carry out research scientists!

It is also the existence of this scientist that later generations have mastered a key to unlock the mystery of the true rune: rune inequality.

Under the clever idea of ​​this scientist's genius, a large number of unknowns of runes are approximated by a series of mathematical methods. Through the higher-order mathematical transformation of the rune inequality, even if they know nothing about these unknowns, they can still get approximate results.

In the case of underdeveloped technology, even the approximate results with large errors are still sufficient.

When the technology is not enough, many unknowns are not unknowns, but calculation results that can be solved. At that time, the approximate accuracy of the calculation results of the rune inequality will naturally go to another level.

Repeatedly, you can push the research of runes to the peak like a snowball.

With the rune inequality, the earth civilization really stepped on the door to crack the mystery of the true rune.

Even according to rumored sources, even the Trojans still coveted this rune inequality mastered by the earth. Because different civilizations have different ways of thinking, even if the derivation inequalities are also derived, they will certainly be different. The runes they face are the same, so if these different rune inequalities can be combined to derive an updated rune inequality, the effect will be many times stronger than the previous two separate inequalities.

One can imagine the importance of this rune inequality. Even in later generations, the complete expression of this inequality is considered top secret. Also regarded as top secret is the name of the scientist who derived the rune inequality.

Even if Yang Chen is listed as the top of the "civilization restart plan" and has mastered all the technologies mastered by most earth civilizations in later generations, he still does not know the complete expression of this rune inequality. Instead, there is only the derivation method. As for incomplete expressions, they are public. But this incomplete expression is just a tool for parsing rune patterns. If you want to reverse rune rune inequalities and their principles, it is simply not possible. You must get the derivation method.

But in order to ensure that it is not leaked, this derivation method can only be understood and applied by talents who have really grown up in the atmosphere of earth civilization. In this way, even if a person like Yang Chen who masters the derivation method of the rune inequality is caught by the enemy and forcibly reads the memory, the other party cannot derive this inequality. Because they did not grow up in the civilization atmosphere of the matter how clever the technology, as long as the essence of civilization has not exceeded the earth, it is difficult to master the derivation method. When the other party's civilization essence surpasses the earth, the technology of this inequality is too low to use.

In short, if the previous earth civilization faced the mystery of the true symbol, it would be as if humans on the earth looked at stars hundreds or thousands of light years or even farther, they could see the light, but they were out of reach and would never be reached. So the human civilization that masters the inequality of runes is like the earthman has a spaceship with the ability to jump in space and can instantly travel through countless light-year distances. Those stars who could only see the light before but could not touch it, now the earth Observe and contact at close range at any time.

In a sense, the infinite demand for computing power of future generations of monks is largely due to rune inequalities. According to incomplete statistics, except for the low-level monks who can't apply the rune inequality completely (below the sixth order of the meteorite), most of the monks have almost half of their computing power, which is used to analyze rune patterns of incomplete expressions of rune inequalities. use.

For Yang Chen, he still has no ability to derive the complete expression of rune inequalities, but it is still possible to use the incomplete expression to parse rune patterns.

It can even be said that the rune inequality and the present rune are simply perfect matches! (To be continued.)

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