The Strongest Earth Mentor

Chapter 554: Parsing

The power of the rune inequality is that most unknowns are expressed mathematically. "Music" Wen "Fiction" www.lw

No matter how many these unknowns are, as long as the accuracy is not high, then you can get an approximate value. The key is that this approximation is still available.

Moreover, the more these unknowns can be determined, the more accurate the approximation.

It's just that no one in the previous civilization of the earth, except for the scientist who proposed the rune inequality, has mastered the true rune. All the parsing is only for ordinary runes projected by true signs.

There are too many unknowns. Even if there is an idea of ​​the celestial material with rune inequalities, it is extremely computationally intensive and time-consuming to obtain an inaccurate approximation.

However, if there is a real symbol in front of you to parse it, even if you don’t know anything about it, you don’t understand it at all, which can still greatly reduce the difficulty and amount of calculation of the rune inequality. This is the gap between imagination out of thin air and having a ready-made experiment body.

This gap may be greater than the difficulty of calculating addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with a pen and calculating high-order powers with a pen.

Later, when the scientist condensed the true symbol, if the research speed of the earth civilization's research on the rune pattern was one, then the research speed after condensed the true symbol soared to hundreds or thousands or even tens of thousands.

This is the value of the real symbol.

The true symbol condensed by the scientist in the later generations, but the five-dimensional true symbol. The true sign in front of Yang Chen is at least six-dimensional!

This value is even higher.

Even if Yang Chen does not have the ability to deduce the complete expression of rune inequalities, only incomplete expressions can get a lot of results.

Therefore, at the first time, Yang Chen added a high-priority task to his own fortune-teller calculations: parsing the current true symbol with the incomplete expression of the character pattern.

In addition to using the calculator to analyze, Yang Chen is also enlightening himself.

It must be admitted that even in later generations, the human body still has countless mysteries that have not been solved by people. Among them, the function of the brain is one.

Many times, even later generations need to use a large calculator to calculate things for a few days or even months. A low-level monk may suddenly realize the flash of light.

This is the value of human beings as a higher intelligent life: creativity, imagination. These capabilities, at least for now, are beyond the control of artificial intelligence.

Even if it is the life of the point of change, it is no exception. Xiao Su Xiaoguang, which Yang Chen enlightened, is a special case that cannot be copied. Moreover, even Xiao Su Xiaoguang still has a gap with the real human elite in creativity and imagination-compared with the mediocre ordinary people, it is almost the same, because of their own abilities, they show more than Ordinary people are much stronger.

So Yang Chen did not put all his hopes on Tiansuan's calculations, and at the same time, he was still enlightening himself.

What happens if he hits the Universiade if his aura flashes?

You can't underestimate your subjective initiative! Mankind is a race that can create miracles.

Just like the rune inequality, in fact, according to the information obtained from the Trojan invaders, the appearance of the rune inequality normally needs to wait until the study of rune patterns has reached a certain level. So even if the Trojan civilization, their rune inequality appears, the time is not long.

However, the study of runes is extremely simple to the extreme of the earth, but a great scientist can shine a light, inventing the rune inequality that should be invented many years later.

The status of the rune inequality in psionic technology is used to compare with the traditional physical science. If the energy particle theory is classic Newtonian mechanics, the rune inequality is equivalent to relativity and quantum mechanics. Because of its particularity, psionic technology has a much larger gap from the introduction of energy particle theory, the beginning of research on rune patterns to the development of rune inequalities than Newtonian mechanics to relativity and quantum mechanics.

It took two hundred years for the earth man from Newtonian mechanics to relativity and quantum mechanics, but the earth man put forward from the energy particle theory to the rune inequality, but only one hundred years later, how dare you believe it? This is not a miracle?

This is a miracle that even the most advanced Trojans will be shocked by!

This is where the value of human subjective initiative lies.

Who can guarantee that Yang Chen will not be able to do similar things? After all, Yang Chen is still favored by the Gaia consciousness of the earth. In the online novel, this is called "the son of the plane", it is a kind of good luck, you can pick up the innate spirit treasure when you go out and fall.

With such a mood, Yang Chen put all his mind into this true symbol-or should be called the space true symbol. At least, for now, this real symbol should be spatial.


After thinking for a long time, Yang Chen had to secretly sigh and stepped back from the thinking-he still had no life. For a long time, this thing has nothing to do with it except that it makes you dizzy and dizzy.

This hit the Universiade is still not reliable, still have to rely on the sky to calculate a little bit.

After all, is it not the genius of the level of Newton Einstein...

Fortunately, I still have time. If you wait until Troy invades, the true symbol is parsed out-no, you don’t even have to completely parse it out, just need to parse it out, even if it is one thousandth or one ten thousandth, it is enough for the enemy to return.

He knew, however, that even the Trojan civilization as powerful as later generations, his analytical study of runes was only up to five dimensions. Moreover, it is only a preliminary entry into the five dimensions. In this respect, there is no essential difference from the degree to which the great genius scientist on Earth condensed the true signs.

If the true signs of at least six dimensions are parsed out, even if they are only one-thousandth or one-tenth of a thousandth, it is essentially suppression, which may not be enough to confront the Trojan civilization, but the eradication has been across the vast expedition The invading army, and closing the star road that the other party came to invade, there is no problem-this is a real symbol of space, and it has absolute expertise in this regard.

But before that...

Yang Chen had no choice but to daze.

Anyway, this enlightenment must at least come up with a name. At least it should be ok to expand the space technology?

Of course, Yang Chen won't wait too long. You can go to see the geological change node earlier. So he gave himself only three days.

If you don’t realize it by yourself, then you have to rely on calculations from heaven.

No way, wait...

Yang Chen, idle and boring, unconsciously turned his "eyes" to the true symbol in the sea of ​​knowledge, "seeing" the constant distortion of the true symbol, causing the space of the spiritual palace to be broken and constantly being broken. repair.

This is because of the high-dimensional nature of the true symbol, the natural high-dimensional power radiation phenomenon generated in the spiritual palace with special dimensional attributes.

Similar to Ling Gong and Dan Tian, ​​this space is half-existing in reality and half-existing in fantasy. Its dimensional attributes are quite special and cannot be simply summarized in a certain dimension. Therefore, such a space can include the existence of high-dimensional runes, and glimpse some clues of high-dimensional runes. Otherwise, if in a real three-dimensional space, high-dimensional runes can only be reflected as two-dimensional and three-dimensional projections, higher-dimensional things cannot be reflected.

This is why monks in the ancient metaphysical world should pay attention to the meaning of "do not drop text" when they learn to practice spells. It is because the text is only the existence of the three-dimensional space of reality. In reality, it cannot reflect the high-dimensional characteristics. Only in the consciousness of having infinite dimensions can high-dimensional runes be solved and mastered.

Of course, this kind of cultivation method that can only be understood by the mind, the better is better, but it is too unstable, and it is often difficult to continue to spread. As long as the inheritance of the inheritors is not enough, the inheritance of the high-dimensional runes will be interrupted. This is one of the problems of the traditional cultivation system: insufficient quantification and insufficient stability.

Compared with the ancient monks who can only hit the Universiade to see the understanding, the spiritual warriors of later generations are much happier. They have the tool of mathematics, no matter how inexplicable and mysterious things can be expressed through mathematics. Regardless of your perception, as long as you have enough computing power, you can calculate what you want and put it in front of you.

It's just that in this way, you have to take one step at a time, and take your time slowly. If you want to reach the epiphany step by step, it will be impossible.

Yang Chen stared blankly at the change of the real Thoughts fluttered, suddenly thinking about the pros and cons of the ancient and modern practice system, suddenly thinking about the development of mathematical tools, and suddenly thinking about everything that has happened since rebirth, Or thinking of Xiao Su Xiaoguang, and so on, and for a time, it seemed like weeds were growing in a mess.

Just when the thoughts were flying and cluttered, unconsciously, the space of the Ling Palace in Yang Chen’s eyes was constantly broken and repaired, and the distortion of the true symbol was changed, looking at the dizzying scene. There have been some changes quietly.

Slowly, slowly, Yang Chen’s thoughts began to diminish, and his mind gradually became empty, as if he had entered into a state of indulgence—but not completely. Like the Western meditation, although the mind is empty, there are endless strange thoughts that tide like tide in his mind, but he is like a bystander who has no emotion at all. It is empty mountains and flowing water, leaving no trace.

Slowly, when the tide of endless thoughts full of whimsy rises and rises, and finally gradually fills the entire mind, and also makes Yang Chen slowly fall into a muddy state, Yang Chen suddenly becomes clever, Suddenly woke up.

At that moment, an inexplicable idea came to mind. (To be continued.)

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