The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1000 The whereabouts of the true spirit

Except for encountering a wave of interceptions when they were about to enter the land of sin.

Du Yu didn't encounter any obstruction at all from behind. It should be said that the people around him originally wanted to rob them, but they felt that Du Yu and Xiao Ling had extraordinary temperament, so they backed away abruptly.

Although the people here are so sensitive to coercion that they can hardly detect it, their eyesight is still there.

In a place like this, if someone didn't have the ability to see people, the body would have been cold by now.

This also greatly avoids the possibility that Du Yu will encounter trouble by short-sighted people. Even those people will take the initiative to avoid the road without waiting for Du Yu to approach, for fear of causing Du Yu's dissatisfaction.

According to what was shown on the map, Du Yu accurately found the Demon King City, one of the five main cities in the Sinful Land.

This place belongs to the fifth-ranked king, at the outermost edge of the sinful land.

Even so, there were still many strong ones among them, and Du Yu could feel at least dozens of auras of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

They may not be members of the Five Heavenly Kings. Because of some things, there are not a few Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian who are hunted down by big forces here. They are forced to bring their own forces or come here alone to avoid pursuit.

For so long, these powerful men have taken root here and developed their own power.

Du Yu is looking for people like this. If the Five Heavenly Kings are strong dragons, these people are local snakes. He may not be able to get the news from the Five Heavenly Kings. After all, the opponent is not weaker than him, and it is unrealistic for him to threaten them, so Du Yu simply found these local snakes.

The information they know is often no less than what the Five Heavenly Kings know, and more importantly, they cannot defeat Du Yu. It is much easier to get information from them than from the Five Heavenly Kings.

These people were not difficult to find. After Du Yu locked onto the aura of a lower-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, he directly took Xiao Ling to a chaotic movement and appeared next to him.

This late-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian seemed to be still practicing when Du Yu arrived, but it seemed that it was almost over.

Du Yu was not in a hurry anymore. He directly took Xiao Ling to a chair aside and sat down. Without treating him as an outsider, he picked up the spirit tea on the table and poured two cups for Xiao Ling and himself. , sipping tea and waiting for the other party to wake up.

This is also called courtesy first, then attack. If you wake the other party directly, not only may the other party go crazy, but it may also make the other party angry. Then it will be bad to tell him some wrong information.

Although it is also very inappropriate to directly break into someone else's secret room, it is still better than the previous one.

In fact, this man was lucky and was about to leave seclusion. Otherwise, Du Yu would never have waited for a while, but directly interrupted him forcibly.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the lower-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian's eyelids moved slightly, and then slowly opened them: "Hahahaha, I finally mastered it. Now I have the confidence to fight even the peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian." Come on!"

Just when he was excited, a dull voice suddenly came from the side: "You're still a little short of it. If you want to compete with the peak Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, you have to improve a little bit."

The unfamiliar voice made the man's scalp explode instantly, and cold sweat fell down his back. He jumped into the corner and looked warily at the two people who appeared inexplicably.

"Who are you!" he shouted loudly.

He didn't know who the two were and how long they had been here. If the other party attacked him while he was practicing, he would definitely die.

"We don't mean any harm, we just want to ask you a few questions. Don't be so nervous." Du Yu poured a cup of tea and stood up, walked up to the lower-level Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, and handed over the tea in his hand.

This person was horrified to find that he was completely unable to move. The body that he originally wanted to dodge seemed to be held down by a huge force, and he was unable to move at all.

He was horrified in his heart, guessing Du Yu's strength, but on the surface he still pretended to be calm, took the tea from Du Yu's hand, and asked: "I wonder what the senior wants to ask?"

After he finished speaking, the force pressing on his shoulders disappeared, and he breathed a sigh of relief. The other party really just wanted to ask him questions.

Although he was somewhat dissatisfied with the other party's approach, others were stronger than him and did not forcibly interrupt him while he was practicing, so he had nothing to worry about.

Du Yu, who accepted Haisheng Chiyue, said with a smile on his face: "Do you know the true spirit?"

The expression of the lower-level Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian changed slightly, and Du Yu knew that the other party knew about it. The smile on his face became thicker, and without waiting for the other party to answer his last question, he directly used an affirmative tone. Asked: "Then can you tell me the whereabouts of the true spirit?"

Seeing Du Yu asking him so definitely, the lower-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian knew that he could not escape. He took a deep breath and said: "Senior, I do know the whereabouts of the true spirit, but you know After the news, don’t say I told you, okay?”

"No problem." Du Yu nodded and agreed to the condition.

Naturally, Du Yu would not refuse this small request. From the look on his face, it was clear that he was being threatened. It goes without saying that he could have guessed that a low-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian could be so afraid of him and that he was still in a sinful place. When he comes out, he is nothing more than one of the five heavenly kings.

However, he did not understand why the other party hid the true spirit. After all, without the domain master's seal, the true spirit would not flow out at all. If there was the domain master's seal, the true spirit would have been swallowed up long ago. How could it be Will you wait until he sees it?

"The true spirit is with the Great Heavenly King and is hidden by him. It is said that he got a design drawing of the Territory Lord's seal from somewhere. He has been secretly collecting materials for these years, and he plans to use it when the Territory Lord seals it. , step into the realm of Hunyuan Saint with the help of the power of the Territory Lord Seal." The man said with a solemn expression. When the Territory Lord Seal absorbs the true spirit, it will indeed feedback huge energy. This idea is not surprising.

Du Yu nodded: "Very good, thank you very much."

After saying that, he took Xiao Ling and disappeared directly into his retreat room. He disappeared out of thin air without any energy fluctuations, leaving the man stunned.

"Is this the strength of Saint Hunyuan?" he said with some shock.

"I'm afraid the Sinful Land is going to be turned upside down. I wonder if I can stand out this time!" When he said this, a trace of fiery color flashed in his eyes.

The five heavenly kings want to share the same hatred with foreign enemies, but this time the enemy is the Hunyuan Saint. How can they be opponents? If the five heavenly kings die, the position of this king will be vacant!

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