The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 999 Five Heavenly Kings

After being single for a long time, even looking at a pig will make you feel beautiful, that is to say, this group of people in the sinful land.

How can there be a good person who can commit crimes and come here? There are only a handful of good ones, and they are basically all taken into the harem by those top strong men.

Seeing Du Yu and Xiao Ling at this moment, they naturally had evil intentions.

Although Du Yu is a man, his handsome appearance means that for this group of desperadoes who are used to seeing ugly people, they no longer care about gender.

Their intention is very obvious, not only to rob money, but also to rob people.

Du Yu almost laughed at that person. It's no wonder that a group of people with no eyesight would pursue him so far.

"Pfft, little Du Yu, your charm has already appealed to both men and women!" Xiao Ling, standing aside, joked.

Du Yu's face turned livid: "I'll take care of you later."

Then he cast his sharp eyes on the scar-faced man. Du Yu couldn't help but be a little surprised that the other man remained unmoved under his pressure.

Although he didn't use all his strength, he could definitely suppress the average late-level Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. Why didn't those people react at all?

"Hahaha, your little eyes are so seductive. What are you staring at! Do you want me to love you well?" The scar-faced man smiled wildly, without feeling any sense of crisis.

Du Yu couldn't help but be a little surprised. If he couldn't deal with these people with coercion, he would use his fists to make them obey.

"Xiao Ling." Du Yu turned his head and whispered.

"Understood" Xiao Ling directly threw the Four Swords of Zhu Xian over. She was just watching the excitement and didn't take it too seriously.

The killing power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation is large-scale, and it is definitely enough to cover all these people. Her meaning is self-evident.

"This is the first time I have seen someone so courageous. He actually dared to fight for a man with me." Although Xiaoling had a smile on his face, the terrifying aura on his body definitely made people feel numb.

Du Yu was a little speechless about the Four Swords of Zhu Xian handed over by Xiao Ling, but it didn't matter. Since this was what Xiao Ling wanted, he would be satisfied.

He raised his hand and directly sacrificed the Four Zhuxian Swords. The four-colored flying swords appeared around a group of people in an instant, shrouded them in the central area, and then plunged into the void.

A blood-colored light curtain rose up, isolating everyone.


Du Yu said coldly that if he dared to block his way, he would be killed.

By this time, those people would be really stupid if they didn't know that they mentioned the iron plate. With such a terrifying formation, even if their senses are slow, they can still feel the dangerous atmosphere.

There are already a lot of sword energy crisscrossing it, harvesting lives one after another.

"You can't kill me. I am the younger brother of the Four Heavenly Kings. If you kill me, you will never be able to live in the land of sin!" The scar-faced man shouted loudly.

His face was full of horror, because after staying in the Sinful Land for too long, the people inside were actually less aware of the pressure, and they couldn't feel the coming person's breath at all.

I just saw Du Yu alone and rushed over because he was easier to bully. Who knew that the other party was actually such a strong person.

If he hadn't been forced by the sense of crisis, he might have been so frightened that he fell to the ground at this moment.

Du Yu looked at the scar-faced man and smiled coldly, and then said disdainfully: "For a brother like you, I believe your brother will not mind if I kill you."

He knew that the Four Heavenly Kings, Tiemu, ranked fourth among the four heavenly kings in the Sinful Land. Chance was a person with no sense of existence.

His strength is not particularly outstanding, and when he didn't use the God-killing Spear, his combat effectiveness was passable. If it weren't for the brotherhood that he always retained, I'm afraid this Scarface would have been hacked to death by him.

In the past, apart from causing trouble for his brother, he could do nothing else. What Du Yu said was really not nonsense. If there was a chance, his brother would not mind killing him.

The scar-faced man was obviously panicked. He didn't expect that after telling his brother's name, Du Yu wouldn't give him any face. This was the first time he encountered such a situation.

Worried that Du Yu didn't know his brother's name, Scarface said quickly: "My brother is the pinnacle Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and he is only half a step away from the Hunyuan saint. If you touch me, have you considered the consequences?"

Du Yu was no longer too lazy to talk nonsense with him. In a flash of thought, countless swordsmen had strengthened their sword energy and strangled him in an instant.

The scar-faced man didn't even have a chance to react, and was directly shattered by the stormy sword energy.

After this person died, the morale of those around him dropped even further. Their own strength was not enough, and they were all killed in less than half a minute.

Seeing the souls escaping from the formation, Du Yu was not polite and directly used the ghost-eyed evil weapon to suck them all away.

The quality of these people's souls is very high, and he is expected to produce many innate souls.

If anyone knew that rare innate souls could be mass-produced here in Du Yu, they would definitely go crazy with jealousy.

And if they knew that these innate souls that Du Yu had refined were just the rations that Du Yu had refined to give Du Long an upgrade, they would definitely rush over and blast Du Yu to pieces.

After these people were dealt with, Du Yu knew that he must have offended the Four Heavenly Kings.

Even if he really didn't like his younger brother, and would even be grateful to Du Yu for killing his younger brother, for the sake of face, the Four Heavenly Kings would definitely take revenge on Du Yu.

But Du Yu is not worried. It is worth taking him to heart, not the Four Heavenly Kings, nor even the Two or Three Heavenly Kings.

What makes him fearful is the Great Heavenly King Li Shou. That is the real trouble. According to the intelligence feedback from Tiandao Intelligent Brain, the opponent's strength has already half-stepped into the ranks of Hunyuan Saints.

No one knows whether he will suddenly break through, and Du Yu is not sure that he can still deal with Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but if he is Hunyuan Saint, he will be powerless.

Although it is only a small realm difference, the difference is huge.

"Let's go." Du Yu took back the flying sword and handed it to Xiao Ling beside him.

"Okay." Xiao Ling put away the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, and then continued to hold Du Yu's arm, feeling very happy.

The two of them continued flying towards the land of sin.

Du Yu planned to find out whether the people in the Sinful Land had found any traces of the true spirit, although the second-level domain master seal allowed him to lock the Sinful Land area.

But in fact, the scope of the Sinful Land is not small. If Du Yu wanted to search it all over the place, he would not be able to do it in half a year.

He couldn't afford to waste so much time.

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