The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1201 Huang Feng takes action

In Glory City, three months after Jiang Hai's jade talisman was used.

The genius he mentioned who had been saved during his travels finally arrived in Glory City.

This True God of Hunyuan came quietly and without disturbing anyone, he walked into the conference room when Jiang Hai was having a meeting with several close elders with sad faces.

"Brother Jiang, I haven't seen you for a long time. I wonder what happened when you suddenly called me over?" The young-looking True God of Hunyuan said with a smile.

Jiang Hai and others were startled by the sudden sound at first, but when they realized who it was, his faces were filled with joy.

He smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Oh, brother Huang Feng, you are finally here. I have had such a hard time waiting for you!"

"How are you, how are you doing recently?"

True God Hunyuan, who was replaced by Huang Feng, waved his hands and said: "Thanks to you, I am living a good life, and now I am a direct disciple of Qingyun Sect!"

He felt a bit proud when he said this, obviously because his identity was not ordinary, and he was deliberately showing off.

Sure enough, he got his wish and saw the gasps of Jiang Hai and several elders, which greatly satisfied his inner vanity.

"But Brother Jiang, why are you so anxious to come to me?" he continued.

"I really have something to ask Brother Huang, otherwise I wouldn't have come all the way to call you." Jiang Hai took a deep breath and said, his tone became more awe-inspiring, and he no longer dared to call Huang Feng's full name as before.

It’s no wonder that he is so powerful. In terms of comprehensive strength, the Qingyun Sect where Huang Feng belongs is even higher than the Xiuyun Palace that rules the Aoyun Kingdom. Huang Feng’s status as a direct disciple is enough to compete with the deputy master of the Xiuyun Palace. Comparable.

"Oh? What is it?" Huang Feng asked. In fact, he didn't despise dealing with Hunyuan Tianzun like Jiang Hai, who was not outstanding in strength, but he had received a favor from Jiang Hai in the past.

So in order to clear up the cause and effect as soon as possible, he had to do Jiang Hai a favor and offset the cause and effect of this life-saving grace.

Otherwise, there is no way he would be willing to travel thousands of miles to such a small place.

"It's like this. There is a power master called the Qilin Empire. Relying on the fact that the strength of his army is far greater than that of my Jiang family, he is dictating to my Jiang family, trying to promote my immature son to the throne and destroy the inheritance of my Jiang family. That's why I have no choice but to ask you to help me." Jiang Hai lied without changing his expression.

He didn't dare to reveal the identity of Du Yu's seventh-grade formation master, because he was afraid that Huang Feng wouldn't help him if the situation fell.

After all, seventh-level formation mages, even those from forces like Qingyun Sect and Xiuyun Palace, will treat each other with courtesy.

After all, a formation master of that level can already determine the rise and fall of a force. The power of the seventh-grade formation is very impressive.

Huang Feng raised his eyebrows: "Oh? Is there such a thing? Brother Jiang, don't worry, I will help you get rid of this force!"

He didn't care whether Jiang Hai had hidden anything from him. Now he just wanted to repay Jiang Hai's favor. No matter who was right or wrong in this matter, he didn't care.

Jiang Hai became excited when he heard Huang Feng agreed. However, after thinking about Du Yu's power, he still said with fear: "Brother Huang, you just need to teach them a lesson. Don't take their lives. After all, I The Jiang family still wants to be on good terms with them."

Huang Feng was a little surprised when he heard this. While asking him to teach him a lesson, he also thought about the Jiang family being on good terms with this Qilin Empire. He had never heard such a weird idea before.

But he is only responsible for teaching, other things have nothing to do with him.

So he nodded and said, "Well, where are those people now? I will help you deal with them. I will definitely leave them with an unforgettable lesson."

Jiang Hai shook his head and said: "I don't know where the specific master went, but he did leave a large army in the city. I have been bullied by this group of people during this period. You can help me teach them a lesson first. Got it!"

"Well, no problem, I'll go right over!" Huang Feng nodded in agreement, and there was no pressure on him to clean up a group of troops with only a few Hunyuan Tianzun. He had to clean up anyway, so he could stretch his muscles in advance. Not bad either.

He turned around and walked out. The Taotie army was still stationed in the square of Glory City. Jiang Li did not dare to treat them badly.

Many tents were set up in the square as residences for the Taotie army. During this period, he relied on this army to easily seize all the power of the Jiang family, which made him feel very satisfied.

Although the senior officials of the Jiang family were not convinced by him, Jiang Li didn't care. He knew clearly what Du Yu planned to ask him to do in the future. Even if the strong men of the Jiang family didn't obey his orders, it didn't matter. When he takes control of the entire Aoyun Kingdom, there will be people who can be used by him.

At this moment, Jiang Li was in the square, learning how to train his men and gaining strategic experience with several generals in the Taotie army.

At this time, a powerful aura suddenly descended on the square, and the terrifying pressure directly enveloped everyone in the Taotie army.

The Hunyuan True God-level aura made Jiang Li, who was unprepared, almost kneel on the ground because his legs gave out. Fortunately, he was not weak and he managed to hold on.

On the other hand, the Taotie army beside him did not lose even a single soldier. They prepared for battle immediately. This elite military quality made him extremely ashamed.

"Who attacked my camp!" The top general of the Taotie Army rushed out of the camp and shouted at the True God Hunyuan flying in the sky.

All the soldiers of the Taotie army also locked their qi machines on Huang Feng at the same time. The atmosphere on the field became tense, which made Jiang Hai who was hiding aside feel frightened. At this moment, he realized that this group of soldiers left by Du Yu The army is so elite.

Unexpectedly, when facing the Hunyuan True God, he still had the ability to withstand the pressure and strike the sword at him.

This was more elite than any other army he had ever seen, and even more courageous than his peak Hunyuan Tianzun. After all, he would never dare to take action if he faced the Hunyuan True God.

"Oh? It's interesting. You can actually withstand my pressure. If you surrender to me, I can forgive your offense!" Huang Feng looked at the gluttonous army below and said with a light in his eyes.

The top general of the Taotie Army sneered and shouted: "Wishful thinking, just because you are not qualified to make us surrender, the Taotie Army belongs to him, let him see how powerful we are!"


As a roar sounded, the Taotie army suddenly appeared. Countless huge legions of ferocious beasts wearing biological armor appeared in the square. The energy escaping in the city was absorbed in an instant. Clean.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Hai suddenly felt regretful for some reason, because he realized that he seemed to have done something wrong.

He glanced at the surprise and greed flashing in Huang Feng's eyes, and felt a trace of worry in his heart.

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