The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1202 The Taotie army suffered heavy losses

When Huang Feng saw the actions of the Taotie army, he was not surprised but happy.

The more powerful the Taotie army appears, the more interested he becomes. After all, this will make it meaningful to conquer them.

He couldn't help but imagine the scene when he returned to the sect with such an army of ferocious beasts. He was afraid that he would be directly promoted to the level of deputy sect leader.

Huang Feng restrained his thoughts and said excitedly: "It's a bit interesting. Come on together and let me see what you can do!"

The top general of the Taotie Army had cold eyes. Was the other party looking down on them?

"The entire army has entered the first level of combat readiness and is preparing to launch a joint attack!" A dull voice came from the mouth of his giant beast, and the biological armor on all the Taotie warriors quickly changed.

The biological armor designed by Huangdao for the Taotie Legion not only has the effect of increasing a certain amount of defense and attack capabilities, but also makes use of their devouring power.

Countless gun barrels combined and appeared on their backs, aiming at the yellow wind above the square.

The muzzles behind all the Taotie began to emit black light, and the huge swallowing power caused a hurricane to blow across the entire square. Countless buildings around them began to tremble violently, and even some fragile ones began to collapse.

"What is this?" Huang Feng looked at this inexplicable thing and asked in confusion.

The top general of the Taotie Army smiled coldly and said: "Of course it is something that will kill you. Since you have decided to provoke us, you must be prepared to die!"


Following his command, nearly 20 million attacks were launched at the same time, blasting towards the yellow wind above their heads.

"Let's see if you're still alive!" Looking at Huang Feng being swallowed up by countless pitch black balls of light, the top general of the Taotie Army sneered.

If such a dense attack falls, so what if the Hunyuan True God is there?

However, his smile froze in the next moment, because the attack they released actually stopped in the air, as if someone had pressed a pause button.

Huang Feng put his hands behind his back, looking like a master. He narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "Oh my, my attack method is not bad. How about it? Do you want to surrender to me?"

"Fuck you, keep attacking!" The face of the top general of the Taotie army suddenly turned ugly, and he shouted angrily.

After saying that, they took the lead in launching an attack, and the Taotie army responded very quickly. Almost in the next moment, they kept up with the rhythm and launched their second wave of attacks.

With their strength, such an attack can easily destroy a city, but when facing a Hunyuan True God who has mastered the power of space, they are still very weak.

After these attacks approached a certain distance, they were blocked in the air again, which looked extremely weird.

"How is that possible!" The top general of the Taotie Army looked at this scene in shock. They had never been exposed to the existence of the Hunyuan True God level. Since the ghosts and monsters are creatures of the sub-world, their ghosts and gods have not been able to master the power of space in the highest plane. .

Therefore, their understanding of the real Hunyuan True God is completely blank.

But his previous scolding angered Huang Feng. It was obviously the first time he had been scolded at such a big age, and his face had become extremely gloomy.

He said with a somewhat solemn tone: "It seems that normal means cannot make you surrender. If this is the case, then I will beat you until you are convinced!"

"Let me go!" He raised his hand and pointed, and there were countless attacks around him, and he immediately returned to the original path, but this speed was a bit faster than before. It was obvious that Huang Feng had some of his own blessings in it. strength.

"Quickly defend!" The top general of the Taotie Army had just finished shouting this, and the attack was already smashing through the Taotie army.

A huge roar resounded throughout Glory City, and the vibration caused huge cracks to appear on all the buildings in Glory City. The buildings near the square were completely destroyed.

Fortunately, the biological armor of the Taotie army has strong joint defense capabilities. Coupled with their racial characteristics, although many Taotie warriors suffered heavy losses, not one of them died.

Huang Feng looked at the group of ferocious beasts below with some surprise, and asked in surprise: "Hey, can you resist this?"

"Looks like I found a treasure!" he said in surprise.

A group of no more than Hunyuan Tiandao saints could actually resist his attack, which was enough to prove their excellence. The gap between the two realms was so easy to compete with.

Even though he didn't use all his strength at that time, he definitely wouldn't hold back. According to his plan, the previous attacks would kill at least one or two percent of the weakest ones, so as to frighten this group of ferocious beasts.

But now that he has seen the excellence of this army of ferocious beasts, he is reluctant to lose any of them.

"Now, surrender to me, or die!" Huang Feng flew above the huge head of the supreme general of the Taotie army, looked down at him and said coldly.

Jiang Hai on the side knew that something was about to happen. If this army of ferocious beasts were really snatched away, he would be completely on the opposite side of Du Yu.

Just thinking about the consequences of offending a seventh-grade peak formation mage to death makes one's hair stand on end.

A seventh-grade pinnacle formation master would definitely have countless forces willing to owe such a favor.

"My lord! My lord, please keep your hands. It's enough to teach them a lesson!" He ran out from a remote place and exclaimed.

Jiang Li, who had been suppressed speechless before and then was blown away by the explosion, had just crawled out of the ruins and looked at Jiang Hai in shock and asked, "Father, did you invite this person back? Why?"

He did not expect that his father would actually know a powerful person at the level of Hunyuan True God, and he did not expect that his father would actually invite this powerful person to deal with the Qilin Empire, which was benevolent to their Jiang family.

If it weren't for Du Yu, how could they continue to gain a foothold in Aoyun Kingdom?

At that time, the separation family was already knocking on the door!

Jiang Hai also had some embarrassment on his face, but after all, he had lived so long and was thick-skinned. He frowned and said, "If you hadn't wanted to take all the power of the Jiang family into your hands, would I have done this? You've already won." Du Yu's poison is too deep, if I don't let you wake up, are you going to lead the Jiang family to become someone else's dog?"

This is the first time Jiang Li has seen his father with such an expression. Although the relationship between the two of them is not particularly good, it is definitely not bad, but his father has become more and more strange to him recently.

He doesn't know whether it was because of the recent turbulent situation that changed his father, or because his growth allowed him to see his father's true face clearly.

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