The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1205 Killing Huang Feng

"Is this surprising?" Du Yu sneered and released his fingers.

The arrow on the bowstring cut through the void and directly changed its target, shooting at the phantom. Since this man had taken action against his men, he would definitely not be able to escape death today.

And this phantom is obviously the master of the other party who is in the lower realm of Hunyuan True God, otherwise it would be impossible to break through his spatial restrictions and break in.

The power of space controlled by the late-level Hunyuan True God has exceeded 40%, and can even reach up to 60%.

Huang Feng's master has reached 60% level, which is on par with Du Yu.

If the opponent's true form comes, Du Yu may still be a little afraid, but the opponent is just a projection, and the power of space that can be exerted is only 40% of the sky, so it is impossible to be his opponent.

The arrow came so fast, it was almost Du Yu's full blow. Even the shadow's face became serious.

He snorted coldly: "Arrogant, if I do this again, I can suppress you with just a flip of my hand. It's too late for you to stop now!"

However, Du Yu had no intention of stopping. The speed of this arrow was firmly locked on the energy center of the shadow. The difference of 20% of the power of space made it impossible for Huang Feng's master to dodge.

This is a battle at the Hunyuan True God level. The advantage in space power accounts for almost more than 60% of the main combat power.

However, although Huang Feng's master is not as powerful as Du Yu in terms of space power, his phantom's strength is indeed a real intermediate level Hunyuan True God, not much worse than Du Yu at the moment.

When the arrow was about to penetrate him, it was directly blown into pieces, but Master Huang Feng's shadow also dimmed a bit.

"We should meet soon before you find me, if you are qualified." Du Yu showed a sinister smile on his lips.

Then, there were two attacks that were not much worse than before. They flew out one after another. The continuous arrows that appeared in the Three Kingdoms world appeared again, but this was much more terrifying than the Three Kingdoms world. Even though the True God Hunyuan It's not easy to defend.

At least the face of Huang Feng's master has become very ugly. After all, his projection is not his true form and has no source of power. The only thing that can be used is the energy stored in the jade pendant. It can be guaranteed to be enough after ten shots. Not bad.

But when facing Du Yu, a similarly strong man, his energy was simply not enough.

Not only is it impossible to counterattack, but it also consumes more power due to passive defense.

Being targeted by an archer is a very frustrating thing. When the opponent's strength is not surpassed, he is basically suppressed until he can't lift his head.

This set of arrows caused Master Huang Feng to lose another 20% of his strength. He knew that he could not take his apprentice away today.

Huang Feng's master took a deep breath, looked at Huang Feng behind him and said, "Master will definitely help you get revenge."

Huang Feng suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart. He didn't expect that this time he would kick the iron plate and even the master would not be able to end it. This made him panic. The reason why he dared to do whatever he wanted was because the master could do it. He supports me.

Now the Master's words made him completely confused. He said tremblingly: "How is it possible? Master, you are so strong. Among the higher forces, your strength is among the best. There may be problems that you cannot solve." question!"

However, what disappointed him was that his master was just silent, which meant that there was really nothing he could do.

He shook his head and said: "No, it's impossible. I am the person who will become the leader of Qingyun Sect in the future. How can I die here? I won't die!"

Then, he seemed to go crazy and began to mobilize only 20% of his space power to try to shake the space restriction formed by Du Yu. However, even his master's entry here was not easy.

How could it be effective at this moment? Huang Feng's master's eyes flashed with pain, and then he slapped the back of Huang Feng's head mercilessly, and said decisively: "Disciple, since I can't save you as a master. , then lend your strength to my master, and let my master avenge you!"

This palm came so fast that Huang Feng never thought that his master would kill him, so he had no defense at all. The only thing he could do was to turn around and watch the palm approach with wide eyes. But couldn't make any struggle.

Just when the palm was about to fall, a sharp black arrow suddenly nailed the shadow's back, and then turned into a black hole, quickly swallowing it without leaving any residue.

Huang Feng looked blankly in the direction where Zhen Zhen's bow and arrow were flying, and saw Du Yu maintaining his open-mouthed posture. His right hand was still shrouded in a dark halo, as if a light effect had been turned on.

"How can I let you kill my prey? I don't think so much of me." Du Yu snorted coldly.

The two people actually got carried away and started chatting. What was even more outrageous was that Huang Feng's master actually turned his back to him. He simply didn't take him seriously! It's too much!

Another dark arrow condensed in his hand, this time the target was Huang Feng.

Without the protection of his master, and suppressed by Du Yu's 60% space power, he was not even qualified to move and was directly locked in place.

Huang Feng had lost the will to resist, his eyes were full of confusion, and he kept mumbling: "I can't die, I am the future leader of Qingyun Sect! I will reach the peak of Hunyuan True God in the future, why? Might die!”

This was obviously a result of being struck stupidly, and he was still smiling stupidly until the devouring arrow pierced and devoured him.

"Hmph, you deserve it." Du Yu put away the sun-shooting bow and snorted coldly.

Tu Longlong also escaped from his right hand and said with a sweet smile: "I didn't expect that after I broke through to the True God of Hunyuan, this arrow would be so powerful. Even the summoned clone couldn't withstand the blow. !”

Du Yu said with a smile: "After his clone came, he was just an intermediate-level Hunyuan True God, and the power of space was also greatly restricted. In addition, he had no physical body. Isn't it normal to be killed instantly with one blow?"

"Okay, let's go check on their situation. I scanned them with my consciousness before. Fortunately, no one died." Du Yu said with a deep breath.

He thought that there would be casualties this time, after all, the opponent was the Hunyuan True God, but the result was beyond his surprise. Not a single Taotie in the Taotie Army died.

"Speaking of this, it seems that the man named Jiang Li is going to die. You'd better go and take a look first. As for these people, as long as they are not dead, they will be alive and kicking soon. Don't worry." Tu Longlong pointed at the person being released. Jiang Li said from the side.

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