The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1206 Terrifying Recovery Ability

Du Yu was shocked. Because of the anger in his heart, he completely forgot about Jiang Li.

He flew towards Jiang Li with some shame to check his status.

At this moment, Jiang Li had completely fainted, but his breath had stabilized. It looked like he was not going to die, and Du Yu also breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he didn't have much affection for Jiang Li, he was a good leader after all, and was definitely more than enough to manage Aoyun Country. He didn't want Jiang Li to die like this.

Looking at Jiang Li's appearance, Du Yu thought for a while, then forced a drop of blood from his fingertips, dropped it into Jiang Li's mouth, and helped him refine it.

As a person who has survived the true god's tribulation, Du Yu's flesh and blood at this moment is more effective than the top-level heavenly materials and earthly treasures. After all, the physical body of the eighth level queen of chaos is definitely enough to rival the physical body of the peak Hunyuan true god.

Even if it is just a drop of blood, it is definitely a great tonic for Hunyuan Tianzun.

Of course, without Du Yu's help in refining, absolutely no one could refine his blood, and it would be no different from a bomb.

With Du Yu's help, this drop of blood was quickly diluted and spread throughout Jiang Li's body.

Jiang Li, who was in a coma, felt as if he was wrapped in magma. The hot feeling almost burned his whole body. If he hadn't been too weak at the moment, he might have woken up from the pain.

The burning sensation probably lasted for a while, followed by the horrific pain of bones and muscles being torn apart.

It was as if he had been thrown into a meat grinder, and every inch of his body was being crushed and stirred by thousands of steel blades.

Under such torture, he really wanted to kill himself if possible.

He didn't know what he was going through, but he was really in pain at the moment, and for some reason, every time he was about to faint completely, his energy would suddenly surge and he would be forcibly awakened.

Could it be that Du Yu lost and was suffering from Huang Feng's torture? Jiang Li couldn't help but think that if he could, he would really scold his mother.

This kind of torture lasted for who knows how long before it stopped. Jiang Li felt a majestic force filling his body, and he seemed to be able to open his eyes.

"Fuck! That bastard tortured me!" Jiang Li opened his eyes, jumped up and cursed angrily!

Then he saw Du Yu standing in front of him with his arms folded, raised an eyebrow at him and said coldly: "Do you have any opinions?"

Jiang Li was stunned immediately. Considering his current state, he didn't know what happened.

He smiled coquettishly and said, "I'm sorry, brother! I was wrong!"

Du Yu snorted coldly, obviously not in the mood to argue with Jiang Li on this matter: "Hurry up and deal with your family affairs. I don't want it to happen a second time."

Then he turned directly and walked towards the Taotie Legion to check the recovery status of the Taotie warriors over there.

Jiang Li looked at Du Yu's leaving figure and couldn't help but laugh.

I thought Du Yu would scold him for this incident, but he didn't expect that not only would he not say anything, but he would also help him heal.

His current state has been a blessing in disguise, reaching the peak of Hunyuan Tianzun, and his physical body is at least five times stronger than before.

And all of this was brought to him by Du Yu.

After giggling for a while, he turned his gaze to Jiang Hai, who was staring blankly at Du Yu's back.

Jiang Li's eyes became cold. His father, when he was lying on the ground dying, was actually indifferent. Not to mention pleading for him, he didn't even give him a normal look at that time.

He really doubted whether he was Jiang Hai's biological child.

Jiang Li walked up to Jiang Hai and said calmly: "I won't kill you. You can go alone. There is no room for you here."

Jiang Hai turned his head blankly, his eyes full of confusion. He did not refute Jiang Li's words, but just looked at him absentmindedly. After a long time, the look in his eyes regained focus and he nodded.

He did such a thing and it was already good to be able to survive. How could he dare to ask for anything else?

Jiang Hai didn't dare to take anything with him and left Glory City in a hurry. The lonely figure in Jiang Li's heart made Jiang Li feel depressed. In fact, the relationship between him and his father was not that close.

Just because they haven't seen each other for a long time, I took it for granted and imagined a beautiful image. My mother was just Jiang Hai's concubine. If he hadn't been born earlier, if he hadn't been gifted in cultivation, I'm afraid he wouldn't be the eldest young master of the Jiang family. Come and sit with him.

He turned around a little lonely and called his butler over, asking him to arrange the reconstruction of the city.

Due to what the True God Hunyuan did, almost all the buildings in the center of the city were completely destroyed. If you want to rebuild the ruins all over the ground, it will be a big burden.

After the explanation, he walked to Du Yu and asked, "Brother, is there anything you need me to do?"

Du Yu turned his head and glanced at Jiang Li. Jiang Li's previous choices had not escaped his eyes.

However, Jiang Li's cooking made Du Yu satisfied. Although he was not a hero, he was at least very qualified as a subordinate.

"It's nothing. Now you just need to gather your strength and complete the construction of Glory City. For other things, you can only wait for me to solve the remaining problems." Du Yu smiled and patted Jiang Li. Shoulder said.

Jiang Li glanced at the soldiers of the Taotie Legion with some worry. They had suffered a blow from the Hunyuan True God before. He almost died at that time. If Du Yu hadn't saved him, he would never have survived. These How could the Taotie warrior, who was not as strong as him, be able to hold on.

However, what left him speechless was that the soldiers of the Taotie Legion seemed to have even greater resilience than him. At this moment, they were already lying cross-legged on the ground and began to adjust their breaths to recover from their injuries.

Those external injuries healed at a speed visible to the naked eye, which left him stunned.

"Wow, this recovery ability is too scary!" Jiang Li said in shock.

Du Yu stood aside with his arms folded, squinting his eyes slightly and said: "It's not that easy to get completely better. Even if they have special physiques, it will take half a month. I hope they can make it in time."

The Taotie clan's powerful recovery ability is also one of their prides. As long as they have enough energy support, their bodies, which can be regarded as elemental bodies, can quickly recover.

Swallowing the energy in the space will greatly help their recovery.

Jiang Li was a little speechless. The injuries caused by the Hunyuan True God only took half a month to recover. This was without using other means. This was unique in the highest plane!

But looking at Du Yu like this, he doesn't seem to be satisfied. It's really irritating!

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