The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1210 The surprise was too great and I was stunned.

"Sir, we will bring the news back immediately!" the direct disciple said tremblingly.

The news was so exciting that his heart couldn't bear it.

It was a passage to the sub-world, and it was actually controlled by someone. He could already imagine the turbulence of the highest plane in the future.

Du Yu didn't mean to continue to embarrass them, but smiled and nodded: "Well, go ahead."

The three of them did not dare to stay, and flew towards the distance while rolling and crawling, without paying any attention to the blood still flowing on their bodies.

They were afraid that Du Yu would suddenly take action and leave the two of them alone. After all, only one person would be enough to send the message back, but there were three of them.

Fortunately, they were not attacked until they flew tens of thousands of miles away, which made them feel a little relieved.

The leader, the direct disciple of Xiuyun Palace, quickly took out a spare spaceship from his storage space, quickly got in with the other two people, and flew towards Xiuyun Palace at full speed.

I didn't dare to stop for a moment along the way. Although this spaceship was not as good as the one destroyed by Du Yu before, under the full urging of the three Hunyuan True Gods, its flying speed was no faster than that of the primary Hunyuan True God flying at full speed. Difference.

After the three people from Xiuyundian Temple left, the group from Aoyun Kingdom seemed a little embarrassed. They didn't know Du Yu, and they didn't know when such a super power appeared in their territory.

At this moment, they tried their best to reduce their presence, trying to prevent Du Yu from noticing them.

"I said." Du Yu suddenly spoke, startling the three of them. They hurriedly looked like juniors and bowed humbly to listen to Du Yu's words.

The attitude of the four people made Du Yu feel a little funny. He had seen many spineless people, but this was almost the same as instinct. This was the first time he had seen it.

"Are you just going to keep stalemateing with me like this? Aren't you going to say something?" Du Yu said playfully.

The Supreme Emperor of Aoyun Kingdom said with a bitter face: "Sir, do you have any orders?"

Du Yu put his hands behind his back and sighed: "Speaking of which, I am also an outsider. I have been a guest at your place for so long, but this is the first time I have met you as the master."

The Supreme Emperor of Aoyun Kingdom hurriedly waved his hand and said: "Sir, you are free to go wherever you want. It is my honor that this little place of mine can be chosen by you, senior!"

Du Yu burst out laughing. He looked at this man amusedly and said, "Okay, this is what you said. It's your honor."

The Supreme Emperor looked at Du Yu's appearance and suddenly had a bad premonition for some reason. However, Du Yu's strength was far superior to him. Even if there were any unequal conditions, he could only accept it. After all, he didn't want to die yet.

He asked cautiously: "Sir, do you want it?"

Du Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "Now the supreme plane is about to become turbulent. It is obvious that your Aoyun country cannot be alone, so I hope you can be used by me. I wonder if you are willing."

In fact, Du Yu would say this. The Supreme Emperor had already had a premonition. Although he still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, after all, he was about to be reduced to someone else's subordinate, but after thinking about Du Yu's strength, it was not so difficult to accept it.

After all, this is the late-level Hunyuan True God, a powerful being enough to found a sect.

"I am willing to listen to your orders!" The Supreme Emperor only hesitated for a moment, then bowed and said.

Du Yu turned his gaze to the other three people. His eyes with a hint of murderous intent did not give the other three people a chance to choose. They could only helplessly say respectfully: "See you, sir!"

It was obvious that he also surrendered to Du Yu's wishes.

Du Yu raised his hand and planted a brand on a group of people's foreheads.

After all, these people are not his people and cannot be trusted. It is normal to keep one hand. The four of them are not surprised. After all, they would do the same thing in his place.

After doing this, Du Yu said to the four of them: "Okay, now you go to unblock the surrounding restrictions, and rectify the forces of Aoyun Country. I hope that Aoyun Country can be unified. In addition, I Jiang Li will hand over Aoyun Country to the Jiang family in the future, I hope you can perform well."

After Du Yu said this, the four of them were suddenly shocked. A Hunyuan True God said unwillingly: "Sir, Jiang Li is just a lower-level Hunyuan Tianzun. What qualifications does he have to lead us? I don't know." Be convinced!"

Du Yu glanced at him coldly, and then said coldly: "I am not discussing with you, but giving you an order. You are not qualified to ask why. Besides, after Jiang Li has been transformed by me, his qualifications are far superior." It is only a matter of time for you to step into the Hunyuan True God. If you are obedient, I may not be able to let you step into a higher realm in the future."

Under Du Yu's carrot and stick policy, the four of them immediately had no complaints.

They are very clear about their qualifications, and they are afraid that they will only be able to stop at the elementary Hunyuan True God in this life.

Now they naturally trust the promise that Du Yu, a powerful person, has made to them.

"Yes, sir!" the four said respectfully.

"Go." Du Yu said to the four of them. After receiving the order, the four of them led their men back the same way.

Aoyun Kingdom has always been the top of the four forces, but it has not been completely unified. In addition to the four of them, there are countless other forces.

They didn't pay attention to other forces before, but now Du Yu ordered that the combined army composed of their four strongest forces would definitely be able to easily defeat those forces.

Du Yu did not stay any longer after they left, but quickly returned to Glory City.

When he returned, Tu Longlong and Xiao Ling were already ready. Jiang Li, who heard the commotion, was also waiting aside, waiting for Du Yu's return.

Seeing Du Yu's arrival, the three of them rushed to greet him. Tu Longlong asked eagerly: "What's going on? Is the enemy coming?"

Du Yu shook his head: "Just a few miscellaneous fish came. I asked them to take the message back. It will take some time for the opponent's army to come."

Tu Takilong felt depressed for a moment. She had just broken through in strength and was worried that no one would give her training. As a result, it would take some time for the enemy to come, which made her a little depressed.

Du Yu looked at her appearance and couldn't help but shake his head, and comforted him helplessly: "Okay, it will be done within a month, so don't worry."

"By the way, Jiang Li, I have solved the matter of Aoyun Kingdom. After a while, you can go directly to the Imperial City of Aoyun Kingdom to take over them. I have already made an agreement with them. The four True Gods of Hunyuan will all be used by you. Do your best." He turned to Jiang Li and said.

Jiang Li didn't expect that Du Yu would give him such a big surprise, so that he was stunned and didn't recover for a long time.

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