The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1211 Setting up a directional teleportation array

"Brother, are you telling the truth? Do the four True Gods of Hunyuan listen to me?" Jiang Li said with a trembling voice.

This is the Hunyuan True God, and there are four of them!

"So don't betray my trust. If you disappoint me, I will consider finding someone else." Du Yu said jokingly. At the same time, this was also a warning to Jiang Li. If Jiang Li was really so arrogant, He really knows how to make substitutions.

Jiang Li quickly shook his head vigorously and promised: "No, I will definitely do it well!"

Du Yu patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, go get ready. During this period, the four of them will completely reorganize Aoyun Country. You will be busy in the future."

"Oh! That's right, big brother, I'll leave first!" Jiang Li patted his head and said with a silly smile.

Although Jiang Li had long known that such a day would come, he didn't expect it to come so quickly. This was the highest position in Aoyun Kingdom. He had never dared to think about it before, but he didn't expect that it would actually come true today.

After Jiang Li left, Du Yu stretched out, put his arms around the shoulders of his two lovely wives and said, "Okay, it's time for us to go to Band City. Those guys will be difficult to deal with later. We must Just be well prepared!”

Xiao Ling thought deeply: "You have to be prepared to do this. Among the people you provoke this time, there may be a peak Hunyuan True God. We have no way to deal with opponents of that level."

Du Yu laughed: "Of course we can't deal with it, but there are people who can deal with it! There are a lot of such existences in the sub-world."

Xiao Ling understood, but Tu Longlong failed to understand what Du Yu meant. She grabbed Du Yu's hand and shook it, saying, "Tell me what to do, I still don't understand. If those ghosts in the sub-world are released, will they still listen to us?"

Du Yu pinched her nose and said: "Of course it's impossible. If they are released, I'm afraid the first person they have to deal with is me, the culprit who sealed them on the opposite side."

"So I want to put them in a place where they can't threaten us, and then release them."

"Then what should we do?" Tu Takilong tilted her head, but still couldn't figure it out. She was very good at fighting, but she was very poor at such conveniently designed things.

"Of course it's a directional teleportation array." Du Yu and Xiao Ling said in unison.

After finishing speaking, the two of them were stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing. This was what they meant by being connected. He and Xiao Ling had been together for a long time, so long that they could guess each other's thoughts.

The directional teleportation array is what Du Yu needs currently. It is not difficult to set up this array. At most, it can only be regarded as a sixth-grade array.

But the difficulty is to ensure that the teleported object will not have any accidents or transmission failure, which is no less difficult than building a seventh-grade formation.

If it were an ordinary formation master, he would probably have a headache for a long time. Even an eighth-grade formation master might not be able to come up with any suitable solution.

But with the Tiandao Intelligent Brain, Du Yu doesn't need to think too much at all. After all, these problems are in the Tiandao Intelligent Brain, and he can complete them as long as he pays enough Hunyuan Value.

Du Yu didn't know how far Tiandao Intelligent Brain could achieve, but it was evident from the fact that even the ninth-grade formation diagrams were for sale in Hunyuan Mall.

After confirming the plan, Du Yu flew directly to Bande City with the two women. This was his trump card in future negotiations. After all, he had to get it done as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the joke would have been made. He planned to turn this world into a super weapon in his hand, not a bomb strapped to his body to make others afraid.

Du Yu and his children did not spend much time before arriving in Bande City. As for the Taotie army, they were left behind in Glory City. Soon Jiang Li would leave Glory City and go to the Imperial City of Aoyun Kingdom.

His manpower will naturally be taken away, and the Taotie army happens to be stationed over there.

After this period of repairs, the ruins of Bande City, which was originally in ruins, now have a large city.

The city may not be appropriate. After all, this city is small and pitiful. It may be more appropriate to call it a fortress.

After all, Du Yu's purpose is not to build a city here, but just to protect the world passage.

Buildings that are too cumbersome will only become a drag.

Zhuge Liang sensed the aura deliberately revealed by Du Yu, and quickly flew out of the city, saying respectfully: "Your Majesty, the two mistresses!"

Du Yu raised his hand and said, "Get up. How is the city's structure?"

Zhuge Liang straightened up, pointed to the city below and said: "Your Majesty, the city has been basically completed. It's just waiting for you to set up the formation. If there is a powerful formation protection, it will not be a problem to block the attack of the Hunyuan True God. .”

Du Yu nodded with satisfaction. It was not easy to achieve this step. After all, although their current materials are good, they are still not good enough compared with those really big forces.

At best, they are just stronger than ordinary mid-level forces, and may not be as good as others in terms of resources.

"Has there been any movement in the sub-world passage recently?" Du Yu asked. This was also what he was worried about. After all, there were a large number of Hunyuan True Gods from the ghost clan on the other side.

If it were to be released, he would be the first to be unlucky.

Zhuge Liang shook his head: "Although the frequency and amplitude of the vibrations have increased a lot, the seal is still very stable, and there is no possibility of them coming over. However, I guess that there may be a powerful person at the peak Hunyuan True God level on the opposite side. Because of the amplitude of the vibrations, At least five times more powerful than before.”

Du Yu also had a solemn look on his eyebrows, and then said: "Well, I understand, it seems it's time to relieve the pressure on the other side, but I don't know who will be the first to hit the muzzle. .”

Zhuge Liang could guess what Du Yu was doing, and he didn't feel anything was wrong, because they were targeting all the forces in the highest plane.

Those forces have always been domineering. If there is not enough deterrence, how can they be obedient?

Therefore, they must be given enough deterrence, such as releasing some ghosts and destroying several sects on the highest plane, which is enough deterrence.

"Your Majesty, what should we do?" Zhuge Liang asked.

"Just watch." Du Yu gave it a try and smiled mysteriously.

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