The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1212 Directional Teleportation Array

"Your Majesty, this is the secret room I made specifically to protect the transmission channel. It uses materials that isolate the power of space. Even the True God Hunyuan cannot break in directly. It is also the strongest defensive place in the entire fortress." Zhuge Liang Pointing to the heavy stone door in front of him, he introduced it to Du Yu.

The material value of this kind of isolating space power is not cheap. Just an area the size of a palm and the width of a finger requires 500 fine yuan. The fine yuan required to build such a heavy door is absolutely not. It will be lower than 500 million.

Converted into Hunyuan Value, it requires a full 50,000 Hunyuan Value. Only the Qilin Empire is so wealthy that it can support such consumption.

If it were Aoyun Country, their treasury would be completely emptied.

"Well, you did a good job." Du Yu praised it.

Zhuge Liang stepped forward and opened the stone door for Du Yu. Behind the stone door was a huge secret room, and in the center was the fixed space passage.

At this moment, the Heaven-Suppressing Seal suspended above the passage was no longer as simple as vibrating, but began to emit ripples.

Seeing this scene, Zhuge Liang's expression suddenly changed drastically. He said solemnly: "Have the attacks been strengthened again? There is definitely more than one peak Hunyuan True God attacking the ghosts and gods on the opposite side. They have never been so powerful before."

Du Yu was not surprised. He said calmly: "This is normal, isn't it? After all, this is their only chance to come over. For ghosts, our souls are their great tonic. Come to us and come with us." There’s no difference in breaking into a secret place to look for opportunities.”

Zhuge Liang also understood, but the strength of the ghosts on the opposite side made him a little worried about this sealing formation.

If the formation cannot stop it, the Qilin Empire standing next to the passage will be the first to bear the brunt. Facing a group of ghosts and gods, they will definitely be wiped out in an instant.

Even the top overlord force in the highest plane dare not say that it can withstand the impact of ghosts in the entire sub-world.

"Tiandao Zhinao, I need to set up a directional teleportation array. How much is the price?" Du Yu asked.

"Ordinary directional teleportation arrays are priced at 50,000 Hunyuan Value. Directional teleportation arrays that can carry powerful people are priced at 100,000 Hunyuan Values. Directional teleportation arrays that can forcibly teleport True God Hunyuan are priced at 500,000 Hunyuan Values." Tiandao Zhinao replied.


Du Yu took a breath. The price of this forced teleportation directional teleportation array was ten times that of an ordinary teleportation array!

What a terrifying number this is. If converted into essence, it would be 5 billion.

The total assets of Aoyun Kingdom are no more than this. A teleportation array empties out an elementary force, which shows how high the price is.

If it weren't for the several waves of gains, he probably wouldn't be able to get so much Hunyuan Value at all.

Of course, Du Yu only has close to 200,000 Hunyuan Value on hand now, and the remaining 300,000 still needs to be exchanged with Tiandao Intelligent Brain.

Although there is some loss, it is not at the same level as the gains from successful negotiations. Even if Du Yu is losing money, he will grit his teeth and pay.

"Tiandao Zhinao, I need to exchange some Hunyuan Value," Du Yu said in pain.

Soon he got 300,000 Hunyuan Value. Looking at the full 500,000 Hunyuan Value displayed on the light screen, Du Yu couldn't help but sigh in his heart. This is definitely his biggest move. One-third of his total assets is just 500,000 Hunyuan Value. So used.

"Let's start building the directional teleportation array!" Du Yu said.

"Follow your orders." Tiandao Zhinao's voice sounded, and then countless materials flew out of Du Yu's space and began to quickly merge along the sub-world passage, forming a large number of runes around them to form a huge array.

Du Yu was also carefully observing the layout of the formation with his spiritual consciousness, and learned from the experience of the formation. It has to be said that the formation layout method of Tiandao Intelligent Brain is very simple and crude, and Du Yu was able to learn a lot of hard knowledge from it.

This was of great help to his formation learning.

A formation that was comparable to a seventh-grade peak formation was successfully completed in just ten minutes.

Compared with ordinary formation masters, who often take ten and a half days to set up the formation, Tiandao Zhinao is as efficient as if he were riding a rocket.

Looking at the completed formation, Du Yu sighed and said, "Hey, I didn't expect it to be completed so quickly. If it takes a little longer, I might have a chance to qualify as a seventh-grade formation mage."

Xiao Ling burst out laughing. She had long been accustomed to Du Yu's incredible learning speed. She said comfortingly: "There will be formations outside the fortress in the future. They have to be seventh-grade formations." , then you can study hard."

Du Yu's face suddenly became bitter: "The formation that can block the attack of Hunyuan True God must be at least seventh level, and it will cost a lot of resources. It seems that we must find a way to restore blood. This is not possible. .”

With his current financial resources, he can only purchase formations at the lower level of seventh grade. For higher formations, he would have to go bankrupt.

However, this formation does not require a high level. After all, he has to face the strongest men in the entire highest plane, so the effect of the formation is actually not too great.

This formation is just to block the first wave of attackers. There will definitely be forces that do not believe in evil and will send people to test him. What Du Yu has to do is to repel them and fight back fiercely.

The purpose of the directional teleportation array is exactly this.

After arranging the directional teleportation array properly, Du Yu took the two daughters and Zhuge Liang to the tall city wall of the fortress. On the city wall, the space needed to arrange the array had been left.

And there are also materials around that can increase the power of the formation. It can be said that Zhuge Liang has considered everything properly, and there is no need for Du Yu to worry too much.

Du Yu pointed at the route on the ground and joked with a smile: "Kong Ming, when we conquer this supreme plane in the future, I will arrange for you to design buildings. I didn't expect you to have talent in this area."

Zhuge Liang waved his hands quickly: "No, no, your Majesty, please forgive me. Designing this thing has given me a headache for a long time. After considering the scale of many formations, I designed this passage. This is almost It’s going to kill me!”

Naturally, Du Yu would not be willing to let such a talented person become an architect. He patted Zhuge Liang on the shoulder and said: "Okay, you go contact the current royal family of Aoyun Kingdom and take over their intelligence system. I want Be aware of any disturbances within the country at any time.”

The current situation was tense, and Du Yu did not dare to be careless. He was sure that a large number of troubles would come to his door soon, and the big forces would definitely send a few people to die to test whether what he said was true or false.

"Yes!" Zhuge Liang said respectfully and stepped back.

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