After reluctantly exchanging 500,000 Hunyuan points, the fortress's seventh-grade late-level formation was also available.

This seventh-grade late-level formation, named Luotian Golden Light Formation, is mediocre among the seventh-grade late-level formations. The only thing worthy of praise is its outstanding defensive ability.

This is a pure defensive formation. Such formations are extremely rare among seventh-level formations, and most forces would not be willing to use such a formation as a sect-protecting formation.

After all, seventh-grade formations are extremely precious, and most people prefer formations that can combine offense and defense.

However, Du Yu knew early on that he could not compete with the entire supreme plane, so he did not consider counterattack at all.

If the Luotian Golden Light Array is activated at full strength, it can persist even under the attack of the later-level Hunyuan True God. As long as the energy is not exhausted, it can continue to hold on. It can be called a top-notch seventh-grade defensive array.

Du Yu has already predicted the first wave of offensive. The number of strong ones will not be too many. It is absolutely impossible for those lower-level Hunyuan True Gods to take action. After all, the existence of that realm is at least the highest level of high-level forces.

Before they knew the details about Du Yu, they Jedi would not risk their own safety, so the strength of the first wave of visitors was the junior and middle-level Hunyuan True Gods. Du Yu could deal with this level by himself. Not noteworthy at all.

After Du Yu finished setting up the formation, he was waiting for the first group of people to come and cause trouble for him. The Qilin Army, except for the Taotie Army, had all shrunk to Bande City.

As for the hidden flying city, it is hidden. It will not be used during this period of time, and hiding it will save the enemy from discovering the target of revenge.

The time Du Yu had given before was one month, but he only waited for about 5 days before Zhuge Liang sent him intelligence, saying that signs of an invasion of the army were found at the border of Aoyun Kingdom.

A team led by Hunyuan Tianzun, with the slogan of clearing away ghosts and monsters, broke into Aoyun Kingdom and ignored the warnings they gave.

This was obviously looking for trouble. When he heard the news, Du Yu happened to be learning formation knowledge, and he reached a bottleneck, which was when he was bored.

This group of people can occasionally let him vent his anger.

Du Yu went straight out of the gate and flew to the top of the fortress. Tu Longlong and Xiao Ling were already waiting for him on the city wall.

About 500,000 miles away from the fortress, the large army that broke into Aoyun Kingdom, led by a mid-level Hunyuan True God, was rushing towards Bande City.

After receiving the information from Xiuyun Palace, they were sent over by a high-level force to test whether this place was really as stated in the information and had control over the method of opening the door to the next world.

In short, this group of people is a group of cannon fodder who came here to die. At the moment, the middle-level Hunyuan True God who is leading the group has a gloomy and scary face. After all, whoever is sent here as cannon fodder will not feel better.

"This country called Aoyun Country really doesn't know how to live or die. It actually warned us not to enter. It really thinks that we are a character." He stretched out his palm, holding a soul that was about to dissipate, and said fiercely .

The first-level Hunyuan True God next to him had a hint of fear in his eyes when he saw the soul in his hand. This was a late-level Hunyuan Tianzun with pretty good strength. Because he came to lead a team to intercept, his soul was extracted. , ruthlessly ravaged until now.

Such cruel methods made him feel extremely cruel even though he was a murderer.

"Since they dare to block your way, they must be prepared to die. It's so shameless that they dare to die with such weak strength." Another Hunyuan True God in the team said flatteringly.

Although there was fear in his eyes when he looked at the middle-level Hunyuan True God, he understood better what this cruel master liked to hear.

"Hey, I think this operation is a joke, and we still have to mobilize so many troops. I have never heard of any force that has the ability to control the entrance to the sub-world. Do you really think that there are all trash? The group of people above are Too sensitive, every time something like this happens, they send us here to die." The middle-level Hunyuan True God complained dissatisfied.

No one dared to answer his words. This mid-level Hunyuan True God had enough capital to be tolerated by the big shots above, but others did not. If it were passed on, he would definitely die.

The middle-level Hunyuan True God obviously knew this. He looked at several subordinates with sly smiles, laughed and said disdainfully: "You are always afraid of something, and that's how you will be in this life."

The others didn't dare to refute and were still giggling on the sidelines.

At this time, a dark arrow suddenly shot from the distance. This sharp arrow came very quickly. Even the intermediate-level Hunyuan True God only caught a glimpse of an afterimage, and the arrow penetrated directly through his side. A junior True God of Hunyuan.

And after hitting the target, it instantly turned into a black hole with terrifying devouring power, swallowing up the corpse of the primary Hunyuan True God and some of the surrounding high-level officials.

"Enemy attack! There are divine archers, form a formation for joint defense!" The sudden turn of events shocked the Hunyuan True God. After he reacted, he hurriedly shouted.

The team behind him were also in panic, and jointly erected a barrier, covering everyone inside.

Obviously this is not the first time they have encountered this kind of situation, but it is the first time they have encountered a divine archer who can instantly kill a primary Hunyuan True God.

Even the middle-level Hunyuan True God's heart was beating wildly at this moment. If the target of the arrow just now was him, he would definitely be seriously injured.

He didn't expect that there was such a powerful divine archer here, and he was so careless just now!

"Sir, the arrow just now was shot from the target location!" A Hunyuan Tianzun holding a strange device exclaimed.

Everyone took a breath when they heard this sentence. The enemy was more terrifying than they imagined.

At a distance of 500,000 kilometers, even if the Intermediate Hunyuan True God was traveling at full speed, it would still take several minutes to arrive, but the enemy's divine archers were actually able to attack them.

what does that mean?

Now they are basically the targets of others, how can they fight this battle?

"Sir, what should we do now?" the junior Hunyuan True God said with a trembling voice. The one who was killed instantly was the flattering junior Hunyuan True God. Now the only junior Hunyuan True God left in the team is It was just him and one other person.

I'm afraid one of them has been targeted by the other right now!

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