The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1214: Scare off enemies

The intermediate-level Hunyuan True God was also confused at this moment. The opponent could kill a powerful primary-level Hunyuan True God from such a distance.

This shows that the opponent's strength is at least equal to his, and coupled with the long-range ability of the magic archer, this is simply a nightmare for people like him who are not strong in ultra-long-range strike capabilities!

At this moment, he had the intention to retreat in his heart, but the death order given by the person above him made him give up the idea in an instant. If he just returned without success, he would definitely die if he went back.

If you go back without completing the mission, you are considered a deserter. What your superiors hate the most is a deserter.

He had to get some information before he could go back. The Intermediate Hunyuan True God gritted his teeth and said: "Keep moving forward, I don't believe that our joint defense can't rush in front of the opponent! No one is allowed to retreat, step back and press all buttons Deserters will be dealt with!"

Everyone trembled, obviously thinking of the consequences of deserting. Even if they were very afraid, they did not dare to retreat at all. The only thing they could do was to strengthen the defense of the shield and reduce their sense of presence. Pray. The target is not yourself.

Du Yu, who was far away in Band City, saw the situation here through his spiritual consciousness. He looked at the group of people who continued to move forward with some surprise and said: "This group of people are really not afraid of death. Killing a primary Hunyuan True God. It actually didn’t scare them away!”

Xiao Ling also saw the scene over there through Du Yu's consciousness. After pondering for a while, she said: "Maybe it's because of some special reasons. There are always some forces that set some death orders for their subordinates. of."

Du Yu was also helpless about this situation. The other party's reaction showed that this was not the first time they met the divine archer. Even an attack at the level of the intermediate Hunyuan True God might not be able to break through the joint defense shield. .

Obviously it appeared in response to his long-range attack. However, this method can hardly defeat ordinary magic archers, but it cannot defeat him!

Du Yu directly summoned Lei Zhan, Bai Fan and others through his spiritual consciousness: "Lei Zhan, Bai Fan, Menggao, you three, come here."

As the three sharp arrows in the quiver, their racial abilities are very powerful.

The heads of the three ancient ferocious beast clans soon appeared beside Du Yu and said respectfully: "Join your majesty."

"Well, do me a favor and use it as an arrow." Du Yu waved to the three of them.

The three people immediately understood and turned into a stream of light, blending into Du Yu's right hand.

The luster on Du Yu's right hand suddenly turned into dazzling silver. This arrow was the thunder arrow transformed by Lei Zhan. It has great destructive power and penetrating ability. More importantly, it has a chain reaction of the power of thunder. , it is easy to cause large-scale damage to the enemy.

The thunderous arrow caught the bowstring of the Sun Archer's Bow, and the power of annihilation was also wrapped around the arrow. Du Yu also added the power of space that he had mastered. This is almost the most destructive power he has at present. One arrow.

The bow was fully drawn, and as Du Yu's fingers loosened, the arrow drew a silver line in the void and disappeared instantly.

A few seconds later, half a million kilometers away, the intermediate-level Hunyuan True God, who was leading the team cautiously, keenly sensed the threat coming from his consciousness.

He suddenly shouted: "The arrow is coming! Be careful!"

Everyone was excited for a while, and then the color of the shield instantly deepened, almost turning into deep yellow.

They had just stepped up their output when a stream of silver light hit the shield in front of them.


After a loud noise, countless thunderbolts suddenly covered most of the shield. Countless small thunderbolts actually passed through the shield and hit the group of people under the shield.

The power of annihilation attached to the thunder also penetrated in along with the thunder.

At least 30% of the people lost their fighting power in an instant. The thunderous arrows formed by the thunder beasts with the power of Hunyuan Tianzun at the lower level would be too much for even the True God Hunyuan to take a single blow.

If it wasn't blocked by a shield, how could it only have such a little lethality?

"Damn it, it's an attribute arrow. The opponent has special arrows. Contract the formation for three-dimensional defense!" The intermediate Hunyuan True God shouted loudly after dispelling the thunder that broke into his body.

This is not the first time he has met a divine archer, but it is the first time he has encountered someone so difficult to deal with. After all, a divine archer with such a long range and possessing attribute arrows cannot have more than one hand in the entire supreme plane. number.

Who knew that he would be so lucky to meet him.

After he gave the order, the military formation instantly moved. The 30% of the people who had lost their combat effectiveness, whether dead or not, were directly removed from the military formation. Everyone gathered together in a sphere, and it was possible to reduce the area. area.

The shield that enveloped them fit them as closely as possible. Although it was a bit crowded, it was the only way to face the divine archer with attribute arrows.

By strengthening the shield density, the attributes in the attribute arrows are also isolated.

"Keep going! Go at full speed! We must rush to the destination and get the information!" The middle-level Hunyuan True God shouted at the front.

With him and the other two True Gods of Hunyuan as the vanguard, he was confident that he could block subsequent attacks. This was also his long-term experience in dealing with divine archers.

"It's kind of interesting. You can actually play like this. It turned into a ball." On top of the city, Du Yu said playfully as he stepped on the battlements of the city wall.

"Are you trying to use yourself as a vanguard? In that case, let you see what happens with my arrow!" Du Yu bent the bow again, and the color of his right hand had turned into a dreamy seven-color color, which represented Bai Ze's absolute hit. The arrow appeared on the string of the sun-shooting bow.

With a whooshing sound, Bai Ze's arrow instantly brought out a colorful band of light and flew into the distance, aiming directly at a primary Hunyuan True God.

With the blessing of 60% of the power of space, this arrow directly ignored the resistance of space and appeared in front of the ball almost the moment it left the string.

Although it lacks acceleration during flight, the power of this arrow is not at its strongest, but it is enough to kill an elementary Hunyuan True God.

The arrow came too fast. By the time the middle-level Hunyuan True God reacted, the arrow had already taken away one of his two remaining captains, and also killed countless soldiers in the rear.

He looked at the corpse beside him that was gradually turning into ashes, his eyes were dull. This arrow was too strong, and even he was not sure that he could catch it.

This mysterious arrow took away his last bit of courage. He no longer wanted to think about desertion or the consequences at this moment.

He just wanted to leave here now, and he shouted out in fear: "Everyone retreat, leave here immediately!"

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