The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1215 The target is locked and the transmission begins

Under his order, everyone seemed to be liberated. They couldn't care about anything else. They turned around and fled madly towards the way they came.

At the top of the fortress, Du Yu couldn't help laughing when he saw the enemy rolling away like a ball.

He said to his right hand: "Menggao, it's up to you to parasitize them and find their lair."

The light on his right hand switched to a gray luster, which was the nightmare arrow that had never been shot.

The power of the Nightmare Arrow is not bad, but for Du Yu, its function of parasitizing his own breath is indeed what he needs most.

After being parasitized by the aura of the Nightmare Arrow, Du Yu seemed to have hit a tracker on those people. Since he wanted to teach them a lesson, it was not enough to just fight back.

After all, you have to hurt them and let them know that they really have the ability to release ghosts. Only then can those arrogant forces restrain their arrogance and sit down to negotiate terms.

The gray, illusory arrow of nightmare appeared on the bowstring, and Du Yu aimed directly at the middle-level Hunyuan True God this time.

Given the opponent's identity, the things he comes into contact with must be higher, and his strength will not be killed by him with one arrow, so the target he chooses is still very important.


As a soft sound came out, the arrow quickly followed the enemy who was running away at full speed. This is the terror of the divine archer. As long as Du Yu's consciousness can scan the place, he can launch an attack, and with Du Yu's spiritual consciousness, he can launch an attack. With Yu's current consciousness, the entire Aoyun Kingdom is under his shroud.

In terms of range, even the divine archers in the late Hunyuan True God realm may not be able to match him.

This arrow did not make a huge noise like the previous arrows. What the Nightmare Arrow was pursuing was a hidden blow.

It wasn't until the arrow penetrated the shield and killed the last warrior that the middle-level Hunyuan True God reacted. He naturally knew that the arrow was targeting him, which made him blast backwards in panic. go.

He didn't even estimate whether his attack would accidentally injure the people around him. The previous few arrows put too much pressure on him, and he didn't dare to underestimate this incomprehensible arrow.


With a loud noise, the entire military formation was instantly blown away, and at least 70% of the people were injured to varying degrees. It was not the power of Du Yu's arrow, but 80% of the credit came from the middle-level mixer. Yuan Zhen Shen.

"Why is the power so small?" He looked at his hands in surprise, which were still wrapped with countless gray mist.

But there was no injury on his palm. The blow was not as strong as he imagined. A trace of doubt arose in his heart.

However, after seeing the army that was in disarray, he still did not choose to look back. Instead, he put the people who could still be saved into his sleeve with one palm, and then flew towards the distance.

Du Yu looked at the enemies who were gradually disappearing from his consciousness, with an evil smile on his lips. He released Meng Gao and others, and then asked Meng Gao, "How was it? Was it successful?"

Menggao closed his eyes, and after sensing for a moment, he raised his hand and a layer of water curtain appeared directly in front of everyone's eyes. The scene in the water curtain was exactly the scene next to the mid-level Hunyuan True God who was running away crazily.

The middle-level Hunyuan True God did not stop for a moment along the way, because he was afraid that the unknown divine archer would hunt him, and he did not dare to rest along the way.

In less than half a day, he returned to his own sect. The sect he was in was called the Blood River Sect. It was a middle-level force under the Blood Clothes Sect. He was the leader of the Blood River Sect on the surface, but In fact, he is just a thug of the Blood Clothes Sect.

It's just that the outside world doesn't know about this.

After returning to the sect, the intermediate-level Hunyuan True God threw all the men he had brought out into the square, and then quickly flew into the secret room.

Through the teleportation array in the secret room, he entered the headquarters space of the Blood Clothes Religion.

As the Blood Clothes Sect, which ranks in the twenties among high-level forces, it is natural that it has its own small world. If there is no way to enter, even the peak Hunyuan True God will not be able to lock them.

After this incident, the Intermediate Hunyuan True God did not dare to run away at all. He knew the methods of the Blood Clothes Sect. If he had come here earlier to explain the situation clearly, he might still have a way to survive. But if he wanted to run away, he would be 100% sure. will die.

He flew directly into the main altar of the Blood Clothes Sect. There were countless powerful auras sitting here. There were no less than fifty Hunyuan True Gods alone. After arriving here, the middle-level Hunyuan True God also restrained his aura somewhat. Become cautious.

He walked all the way to a tall building, stood at the door and said respectfully: "Bloody Hands, please see all the elders!"

"Bloody Hands? Why are you back? How is the situation investigated? Is the news true?" A voice from the vulture came from the door.

Hearing this voice, Xue Hand's body trembled subconsciously, and then hurriedly explained: "Sorry, Grand Elder, we were attacked by a divine archer and failed to enter!"

"Huh? Since we haven't found out, why did you come back?" The voice of the Yin Vulture suddenly became filled with murderous intent, and the cold murderous intent even made the air condense for a moment.

"Wait a minute, what's the matter with the strange smell on your hand?" Another voice suddenly intervened, and then a figure suddenly appeared in front of the intermediate Hunyuan True God and directly held his arm.

The majestic energy instantly rushed into the arm of the middle-level Hunyuan True God. The severe pain immediately made the middle-level Hunyuan True God scream, but he did not dare to move at all, because the opponent's realm was higher than his. One level higher, he is the leader of the Blood Clothes Sect, and he has almost half a foot in the true power of the peak Hunyuan True God.

Being rushed by this energy, there was actually a trace of gray mist seeping out of the arm.

"Trash, you actually didn't know you were being followed!" the leader of the Blood Clothes Sect said angrily.

It's not a good thing for an unknown enemy to know their spatial coordinates!

Many sects were inexplicably wiped out because the spatial coordinates were leaked. They didn't want such a thing to happen.

"Great Elder, quickly go to the entrance of the closed space and start moving the position of the small world! What a waste that fails to accomplish anything but fails to accomplish anything!" As he said that, he slapped the mid-level Hunyuan Tianzun on the chest, and it was actually He flew out with a bang.

Even the chest had a huge collapse, and it was obvious that he would not survive.

However, the leader of the Blood Clothes Sect was still a step slower. A huge formation suddenly unfolded over the headquarters of the Blood Clothes Religion. A dark vortex slowly appeared in the center of the formation. Countless powerful auras, mixed with inhuman roars, came from it. .

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