The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1216 The destruction of the Blood Clothes Sect

In Bander City, Du Yu looked at the activated directional teleportation array with a smile on his face.

"I wonder if the Blood Clothes Church won't like this gift. As a result, there will only be seventy-one high-level forces left." He said playfully.

"What level of ghost did you release?" Tu Longlong asked curiously, leaning on Du Yu's shoulder.

"Well, let's just let the seven or eight ghosts and gods with the strength of the late Hunyuan True God go. As for the other levels, I'm not sure. It should be no problem to destroy a Blood Clothes Sect." Du Yu said with a chuckle.

After mastering the passage of the sub-world and adding the directional teleportation array, Du Yu was like mastering the nuclear bomb.

As long as the enemy's location is locked, absolutely no one can escape the ending of destruction.

In the headquarters of the Blood Clothes Sect, countless ghosts and monsters flew out from the whirlpool in the air. The number of Hunyuan True God-level ghosts and gods alone was no less than 100. Under the Hunyuan True God, they were like locusts, densely packed all over the sky.

Even though the leader of the Blood Clothes Sect felt chills in his heart when he saw it, he was filled with despair.

"The blood-clothed teaching is over." He said with trembling eyes as he looked at the ghosts and monsters who had started to kill the disciples crazily.

"Grand Elder, quickly send out the spatial coordinates of the Bloody Clothes Sect and use an emergency notification to tell everyone that a large number of ghosts and gods have appeared in the Bloody Clothes Sect's headquarters and are calling for help." He steeled himself and issued the order.

The Grand Elder, who was completely panicked, didn't even have time to agree after hearing the leader's order. He quickly flew towards the depths of the Blood Clothes Cult, where the emergency notification equipment was placed.

The leader of the Bloody Clothes Sect knew that now was not the time to despair. They were not without hope. As long as they could wait for support from other forces, they would still have hope. However, the headquarters of the Bloody Clothes Sect was destroyed.

But this is much better than destroying the religion.

He took out his sect master's order, threw it towards the sky, and shouted at the same time: "The blood-clothed formation rises, everyone joins the formation!"

Suddenly, a red light curtain suddenly appeared, and the blood-clothed cultists who struggled to resist the attack of the ghosts were delighted. They quickly abandoned the enemies in front of them and rushed into the blood-clothed formation.

Instantly, a layer of blood-colored armor appeared on everyone's bodies, and their combat effectiveness instantly increased by a small level. Even the True God of Hunyuan had a considerable improvement.

This allowed them to temporarily block the attacks of the ghosts, preventing them from being completely one-sided massacres like before.

"It must be quick!" The leader of the Blood-Clothed Sect looked expectantly at the depths of the Blood-Clothed Sect. Opening the coordinates here means opening the teleportation array from other places to this place. If they receive the news and rush here, they will definitely be there within a few minutes. It can come.

They only need to hold on for a few minutes before reinforcements arrive.

"You despicable creatures, how dare you set up a trap for me! Let me all die!" A ghost god who was in the realm of the late Hunyuan True God roared and rushed towards the blood-clothed formation.

Countless ghosts followed him closely, screaming and pounced on him.

After leaving the sub-world passage, they were immediately forcibly transported to other places. If those ghosts and gods didn't know that they were being plotted, they would be really hopeless.

Although being treated as thugs made them unhappy, at least they got here, killed everyone here, and found a way to permanently open the sub-world passage. That was what they should do now.

Ghosts have the ability to control people's hearts, especially beings at the level of ghosts and gods. They even have the ability to directly control people who are not as powerful as them to attack those around them.

The blood-clothed array did not have the effect of shielding mental attacks, so many members of the blood-clothed sect were attacked by their colleagues, and the scene became extremely chaotic.

Not only do they need to resist the attack of ghosts, but they also have to be alert to sudden attacks from the teachings around them.


The leader of the Blood Clothes Sect slapped a Blood Clothes Cult member who attacked him into blood foam with one palm, and then looked at the ghosts and gods with a ruthless look in his eyes.

"Blood sacrifice!" He shouted sharply and made a hand seal.

A burst of blood suddenly erupted from the Blood-clothed Formation, and countless cages flew out from the Blood-clothed Religion's headquarters, including people imprisoned here by the Blood-clothed Religion.

After they flew out, they didn't even have time to scream, and they turned into blood mist one after another. The rich smell of blood almost filled the entire space, and the sticky and sweet smell actually made the faces of the Blood Clothes Cult members reveal their faces. An expression of enjoyment.

After being moistened by the blood, the blood-clothed array became scarleter, and the blood-colored armor covering everyone's bodies almost condensed into a solid entity.

After being isolated by these blood-clothed armors, the followers of the Blood-clothed Sect are no longer controlled by ghosts and gods, and their strength is more than one level stronger than before.

If the ghosts hadn't suppressed them on the Hunyuan True God, the Blood Clothes Sect would have started to fight back at this moment.

This is the last trump card of the Blood Clothes Sect as a high-level force. They are facing such a big crisis at this moment. If they don't use it, they may never have the chance to use it again.

No matter how reluctant the leader of the Blood Clothes Sect is to give up, he can only use all the prisoners that the Blood Clothes Religion has specially captured as sacrifices over the years.

The effect of their Jedi counterattack was quite good. According to the prediction of the leader of the Blood Clothes Sect, if they could persist for at least ten minutes until reinforcements arrived, there would be absolutely no problem.

However, among the other high-level forces at this moment, they had already received the news and had gathered an army, but no one chose to send it there.

It seems that they are waiting for the destruction of the Blood Clothes Religion.

They had to take care of the ghosts, but that didn't mean they would help the Blood Clothes Cult.

There are so many high-level forces, but the resources in the supreme plane are only those. Without one high-level force, the resources they will receive will be immeasurable.

It wasn't until the leader of the Blood Clothes Sect was torn apart by more than a dozen ghosts and gods that no force came to help. It wasn't until not a single member of the cult was left in the entire Blood Clothes Sect headquarters that all forces started to move and passed through the teleportation array. Entered the world of Blood Clothes Cult.

Just after the battle, before they could absorb the surrounding souls to improve their own strength, the ghosts and monsters were jointly encircled and suppressed by high-level forces from the highest plane.

There were more than fifty high-level forces dispatched this time. The number of Hunyuan True Gods alone exceeded a thousand. They almost crushed these ghosts and monsters to death.

However, among the high-level forces, the Blood Clothes Sect, which ranked extremely high, fell forever in this incident, and Du Yu's previous threats also aroused the vigilance of all high-level forces. Only at this moment did they understand, What Du Yu said before was not a threat.

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