"You'd better pray that I don't discover your Qingyun Sect's headquarters for the rest of your life, otherwise the Blood Clothes Sect will be your fate." Du Yu threatened without hesitation.

Not only the leader of the Qingyun Sect, everyone's expressions changed and became gloomy.

Although Du Yu's threat and warning was addressed to the head of the Qingyun Sect, it was not addressed to them.

At the first moment, they had their own secret methods, quietly informed the sect's senior officials, and began to move their own small worlds. What they were afraid of was that their enemies would leak their small worlds to Du Yu, but instead the tragedy of the Blood Clothes Sect would occur. .

Du Yu's move gave all of them a disincentive!

After saying this, the scene became extremely awkward. Everyone froze in place. It was either a matter of leaving or not. It seemed that this time the negotiation was about to end on such an unhappy note, but Du Yu Naturally, he would not let the situation go on like this.

The current situation was still under his control. When he looked at the others, the expression on Du Yu's face had already put on a warm smile. He said hello: "Everyone, please come into the city. I want to talk to you." Yes, it is the benefit you can get from it this time. Although I control the method of opening the sub-world, I will not act recklessly. After all, I do not want to become the public enemy of the world."

The representatives of all the forces were filled with laughter at Du Yu's words. He said that he did not want to become the public enemy of the world, but they were given a severe blow. The Blood Clothes Sect, which ranked more than 20, was destroyed at the word.

However, they were also a little moved by the interests in Du Yu's words. At this moment, Du Yu gave him a step up, and they followed the trend.

Even the leader of the Qingyun Sect, who was bluntly threatened by Du Yu, walked in shamelessly. If he didn't have this shadow ninja, he wouldn't be able to sit in the position of the leader.

The Qingyun Sect did not get the benefits that other forces could get, so they suffered a loss. This kind of thing is just a matter of personal face, which is not a problem at all.

Du Yu did not stop him. Although he now said that he would take action against the Qingyun Sect, Du Yu would never take action without truly confirming the position of their sect. Otherwise, he would not be able to take revenge from the other party. It’s too much.

The Qilin Empire still needs to develop, and there is no small world for him to use as a hiding place, so even if he has the means to release ghosts, Du Yu still dare not act unscrupulously against these high-level forces.

Everyone was brought into the conference room in the fortress. This was a place that had been prepared early. The materials used also had the effect of shielding spiritual consciousness. The situation of this meeting, except for the seventy-two people who participated in the negotiations, Outside, no outsiders will know.

As the host, Du Yu sat in the first place, and everyone else also sat according to their respective power rankings. No one had any objections to this, after all, it was all on the surface.

The rankings of the seventy-two high-level forces are very strict, and it is impossible to divide them randomly. Moreover, even if they are dissatisfied, they cannot express their opinions at this time.

After Du Yu waited for all seventy-one people to sit down, he cleared his throat and said with a smile: "Everyone, let's start our negotiation now. You all know that I now have the entrance to the next world and the power to control ghosts and monsters. The ability to teleport an army to any place, so now I hope to get one-tenth of your background, this is not too much."

His opening was just one-tenth, which made everyone change their expressions. Although one-tenth would not break their muscles and bones, one-tenth of a high-level force's foundation, that is, five or six Even the middle-level forces can't compare with it, okay?

Du Yu's request was a bit too much.

Du Yu also knew that if he directly proposed this condition, those people would definitely be dissatisfied. After all, he had only mastered the ability to destroy any high-level force, but now he could not truly destroy them. After all, Du Yu did not know the secrets of their small world. Location.

So before those people got angry, he said first: "I know that one-tenth seems like a lot, but this price can keep you safe and get subsequent benefits, and you will be happy for it."

A leader of forces ranked in the dozen or so, supported his chin with both hands, and said in a deep voice: "One-tenth of the resources is not impossible, but I want to know, what benefits can you bring to us?"

This is also a question that everyone wants to know. If the benefits given by Du Yu are enough, it is not a bad idea to give up one-tenth of the resources.

Du Yu glanced at the leader of the force, and then said with a smile: "You are so courageous. I believe you will be very satisfied with this benefit. I have two points for you. Please listen clearly."

"First point, I can help you solve the ghost problem forever. You also know my ability. As long as the ghosts over there don't know about it and keep sending people over, it is only a matter of time before they can be solved."

At this time, the leader of Qingyun Sect couldn't help but said sarcastically: "Are you willing to clean up your patron saint for us? Without this support, you will be very dangerous."

Du Yu glanced at him coldly, and then said calmly: "Please don't treat everyone as trash like you. If I had your training time, I would only need one finger to strangle you to death."

After saying that, he no longer cared about the ugly face of the leader of the Qingyun Sect. After all, he could understand the feeling of hating him to the point of itching his teeth after his good disciple died.

"Of course, compared to the first point, I think the second point may make you more excited." Du Yu said to everyone, and then he took out a transparent crystal from his arms and placed it in front of him.

"Have you ever recognized this thing?" He waved his hand and sent this thing in front of everyone. The soul crystal suspended quietly in the air was like an ordinary crystal, and no other place could be seen at all.

When the leader of the Qingyun Sect saw the thing on Du Yu's side, he burst out laughing: "Hahahaha, Du Yu, Du Yu, are you trying to laugh me to death? How can you bring out such a broken stone? I really thought it was some kind of strange thing. Can’t do it?”

"Don't be deceived by him. I once obtained this stone accidentally. It was embedded in a crown, and it was three times the size of this one. However, no matter how many methods I used, it had no effect. , the invasion of spiritual consciousness is just a mortal object, it’s just hard to see through. If you want to use such a thing to fool us, are you too young?” The face of the Qingyun Sect leader was full of disdain.

This leader of the Qingyun Sect who always liked to stir up troubles made Du Yu a little unhappy. Although he was good at stirring up the atmosphere, there were always people who interrupted him, which was not what Du Yu liked.

There was a bit of coldness in his eyes, and he was obviously a bit angry.

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