However, the crown mentioned by the leader of Qingyun Sect caught his attention.

Bai Ze had told him that the Bai Ze clan had received such a crown before. Judging from the situation, it was probably that the crown had been taken into the hands of the Qingyun Sect leader under unknown circumstances.

Du Yu's eyes flashed, and he still sneered and said: "Just because you can't take advantage of it doesn't mean that others can't. Everyone, I have a suggestion now. For this matter, kick someone out, so that the benefits you can get will be as high as More."

The leader of the Qingyun Sect suddenly jumped in his heart. He did not expect that Du Yu would dare to do this. Although his ranking in the Qingyun Sect is not particularly high, he is still in the thirty or so.

He was also on the upper side among the high-level forces. His face turned livid and he shouted sternly: "Du Yu, what qualifications do you have to kick me out?"

Du Yu did not speak, but turned his attention to the other people in the force. One in seventy-one does not seem to be a lot, but if it is divided into the hands of everyone, it will be even more.

But it depends on what it is. They were all lost in thought.

Finally, the Lord of the Shura Hall, who ranked third among the high-level forces, asked in a deep voice: "What is the benefit you are talking about? Can I know?"

Du Yu smiled, then cupped his hands towards the master of Shura Hall and said, "That's natural."

He sent the soul crystal to the master of the Shura Palace. The master of the Shura Palace held this soul crystal in his hand, which looked ordinary and had no special sense. After examining it carefully, it was still the same. Nothing was found.

He frowned and asked, "Forgive me for my poor eyesight. I didn't see anything special about this thing. Please help me clarify my doubts."

"Why don't the palace master integrate the power of soul into it?" Du Yu said with a smile.

The Lord of the Shura Hall was slightly stunned. He really didn't expect that this thing needed the power of the soul to activate it. After all, it was not a magic weapon.

However, he still separated a ray of soul power and blended it in according to what Du Yu said. He instantly felt that his ray of soul power had been increased, and his mental strength had also been increased to a certain extent.

A look of surprise suddenly appeared on his face, and he looked at Du Yu and asked curiously: "What is this baby called?"

Du Yu took the soul crystal from the hands of the master of the Shura Hall, and then integrated his own spiritual power into it. His spiritual power directly increased by 30%, approaching the level of the Intermediate Hunyuan True God, making everyone present more aware. discovered the use of this thing.

"The junk that the leader of the Qingyun Sect calls soul crystals is a good thing that has a probability of appearing after the death of ghosts and gods. This soul crystal can enhance the user's mental power. Mine is only the most basic soul crystal, which can only increase the power by about 30%. On the left and right, you all have advanced cultivations, so the effect is estimated to be weaker and can be increased by 10%. As for the big one on the side of the Qingyun Sect leader, I guess it is the third stage of soul crystal. Even you, I think it can be enhanced by three to four. Let's do it." Du Yu dug a hole for the leader of the Qingyun Sect with a calm expression.

But he was telling the truth. The third-level soul crystal did have that effect, but Du Yu was not sure about the specific soul crystal.

Everyone took a breath of cold air. The effect of this treasure is simply incredible!

The effect of increasing mental power is not just a little bit. Not only will the combat effectiveness be improved, but it will also play a huge role in penetrating the power of space, which will be of great help to them entering the next realm.

This strategic grade material is enough to make them excited.

"I, Shura Hall, agree to your conditions." The master of Shura Hall was the first to react. He looked at Du Yu with a burning look in his eyes.

Offending a mere force ranked more than 30 was as stress-free to him as eating and drinking.

Only then did the other forces react and expressed their opinions one after another. Soon, with an absolute advantage of seventy to one, the Qingyun Sect was eliminated from this incident.

The leader of the Qingyun Sect felt dizzy. He actually abandoned such a huge benefit with his own hands. If time could be turned back, he would definitely not confront Du Yu because of an apprentice.

He could already imagine the scene where other forces would leave his Qingyun Sect behind after possessing the soul crystal.

"Please go back. The subsequent negotiations are already confidential." Du Yu said to the head of the Qingyun Sect with a smile.

The leader of the Qingyun Sect looked at Du Yu, and his teeth were itching with hatred. However, he did not dare to take action at this moment, because the other seventy people present were all locked on him. As long as he dared to make the slightest move, this clone would Destroyed instantly.

After all, Du Yu is their hope for success at this moment, and naturally he will not allow anyone to destroy it.

The only thing he could do was to make his cold snort look as cool as possible when he turned to leave.

After the leader of the Qingyun Sect left, Du Yu also restrained his face, with a sarcastic smile, and said to everyone: "Since all the irrelevant people have left, I will continue to talk about this soul crystal with you now."

But when he said this, he stopped babbling and said with pity: "But it's really a pity. I didn't expect that the master of Qingyun Sect actually has a third-stage soul crystal. If I were to synthesize it, it would be At least 100 first-stage soul crystals are needed. Even if you kill the ghosts and gods of the late Hunyuan True God level, there is only a small chance that they will drop."

Then, Du Yu skipped this paragraph and began to explain about soul crystals: "Soul crystals are treasures dropped by ghosts and monsters at the level of ghosts and gods. As long as I kill the ghosts, I can extract them from their bodies." I have a 100% chance of extracting soul crystals for the ghosts and gods at the primary level of Hun Yuan True God. For ghosts and gods at the intermediate level of Hun Yuan True God, the probability is only 50%. As for the later level Hun Yuan True God level, I have a 100% probability. Yuan Zhen Shen has only a ten percent chance."

Others are naturally a little skeptical, but they didn't even know what soul crystals were before, so how could they understand the proportions? Naturally, Du Yu said whatever he said.

Du Yu naturally did not tell the truth. He did not extract the soul crystal, but it was 100% dropped by Tiandao Zhi Nao.

At that time, he only needs to give soul crystals to these forces according to the promised probability.

This is completely a no-cost business with no loss of blood!

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