The priest nodded: "I will continue to put pressure on other races. You can just deal with all the fish that have slipped through the net. By the way, what is the current situation of the Child of Destiny?"

There was admiration on Taixing's face, an expression that a priest rarely saw on his face.

Taixing said with a tone of admiration: "Master Ji, I am really convinced this time. The Son of Destiny is the hope of our human race. Sure enough, it is not Xu Wen. He does have this ability. Whether it is talent or mental ability, he is The most outstanding person I have ever seen!"

After hearing this, the priest felt a little relieved. He couldn't predict what happened to Du Yu, so except for the identity of Du Yu's destined son, he knew almost nothing else.

Hearing Tai Xing's words, he felt much relieved.

After all, Tai Xing was famously arrogant. He didn't like any of the geniuses in his power, and he offended many people. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been assigned to be the owner of a weapons shop in a small place for so long.

The original plan was, on the one hand, that he trusted Tai Xing, and on the other hand, he wanted Tai Xing to hone his character.

"Since this is the case, I'm relieved. Let's just wait. When the Son of Destiny rises completely, it will be the time when our human race will prosper. The humiliation we have suffered at this moment can be repaid by then!" the priest said here, holding tightly. He held his fist.

Tai Xing also had hatred in his eyes and said: "The human race will definitely rise!"

In the fortress, Du Yu, after having a rough time with Xiao Ling, dragged the backbone of the Qilin Empire to the conference room.

Du Yu sat in the main seat and said to the think tanks below: "This time the ghost incident has attracted all the high-level forces, but none of the higher-level top forces have moved. What do you think is the reason? "

According to the intelligence, he knew that there were top forces above the high-level forces, and the minimum condition for becoming a top force was to have a peak Hunyuan True God.

Du Yu didn't believe that there wouldn't be even a peak Hunyuan True God among so many people, but this time, strangely, none of them were elicited.

This made him somewhat doubtful that the only powerful person in the highest plane was the late-level Hunyuan True God.

"Your Majesty, we don't have any information about this yet, so I can't give you any accurate answer yet, but I do have some guesses of my own." After discussing with the others, Zhuge Liang stood up and cupped his hands.

Du Yu raised his chin: "Well, tell me what you think."

Zhuge Liang saluted respectfully: "Yes, Your Majesty."

"I guess that those top forces are restricted for some special reasons, so they are not allowed to take action at will, and the matter has not yet spread to an uncontrollable situation, so they have not appeared. According to my intelligence analysis of the few top forces, , it seems that the top forces deliberately concealed their own information, as if they did not want it to be known."

Du Yu frowned, this was very close to his guess: "Well, go on."

Zhuge Liang paused and then said: "Your Majesty, I believe that what we are doing now should be under the supervision of the top forces, but what we are doing now should not exceed their bottom line, so we did not step in to stop it."

Zhuge Liang's guess was quite accurate. They were indeed under the gaze of the top forces, but they were the protected party and had no ill intentions towards them.

"I have a bold guess. As long as we don't really do it and release all the ghosts and destroy the highest plane, those top forces will not take action against us!" Zhuge Liang boldly guessed.

Du Yu touched his chin in deep thought, and then expressed his thoughts: "When the intelligence network is launched, let's start collecting information about some top forces. Without their intelligence, I always feel a little uneasy. This intelligence is even There is no record in Tiandaozhi’s mind.”

Tiandaozhi doesn't have it in his mind, which doesn't mean that the other party doesn't exist, but it only means that his current top-level authority is not enough for him to get this information.

After the top-level permissions, there is also an administrator permission, which is the complete control of the entire Tiandao Intelligent Brain.

Du Yu is still far away from this authority.

He is currently only at the lower level of the eighth level of chaos. He still has a long way to go before he can reach the ninth level of chaos. In a short period of time, it is obviously impossible to obtain administrator rights, so he can only use his own power to investigate.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will be responsible for this matter." Bai Fan, who was beside Zhuge Liang, cupped his hand. As the head of the Intelligence Department of the Qilin Empire, Bai Fan was very serious and responsible.

Taking this opportunity, Du Yu casually mentioned to Bai Ze, "By the way, Bai Fan, from now on the Nightmare Army will also transfer to the intelligence department and work under you. Meng Gao will serve as deputy director of the intelligence department."

Hearing Du Yu's order, Bai Fan was overjoyed and said: "Thank you, Your Majesty. I am worried that the intelligence department is short of manpower. The Baize family is good at telling fortunes, but being a spy is not enough. I have nightmares." It will definitely be a lot easier for me if I join the clan!”

Then he raised his hands to Meng Gao and said, "Brother Meng Gao, please take good care of me in the future."

Meng Gao also bowed his hand to Bai Fan, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Du Yu looked at them and felt a little relieved. He turned his attention to Zhuge Liang: "When the various forces send resources in the future, Kong Ming, please work hard and classify them. Save all the useful ones and the useless ones." If you don't, just change it to Hunyuan value. In addition, you should communicate with the leaders of those forces. I have a large number of high-quality magic weapons here and ask them if they want them."

He wants to expand his own interests. He can guess that when all parties give him one-tenth of the resources, they will definitely give him many things of low value.

Simply because he has the Tiandao Intelligent Brain, he can directly exchange the unused items for the Tiandao Intelligent Brain, then exchange them for divine weapons, and in turn exchange them for what he needs.

No matter what, he earns it.

Zhuge Liang had obviously thought of this, and his face suddenly showed joy: "Yes! Your Majesty, it seems that we are going to make a lot of money this time."

According to his understanding, even among high-level forces, high-level magic weapons are in short supply. There are only so many weapon refiners, and the quality of the magic weapons they create is not necessarily certain, so the market for magic weapons has always been very large.

The most indispensable thing in Tiandaozhi's brain is the magic pen, although there is no clear calculation of how many magic weapons there are in Tiandaozhi's brain.

But there are definitely tens of billions, and I don't know where Tiandao Zhinao got so many mid-to-high-level magic weapons. Du Yu was a little frightened when he saw them.

"Well, what's the situation on the Zodiac side? Can the battleship be built?" Du Yu then asked.

Du Yu's memory of the scene when hundreds of warships were crossing the major regions was particularly fresh.

He had already given the spaceship of the Xiuyun Palace trio to Huang Dao. After so many days, he didn't know how the research was going.

Speaking of this, Zhuge Liang couldn't help but smile on his face: "Your Majesty, the Zodiac side has already researched the results. I guess this kid is about to break through to a god-level technician."

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