The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1222 Departure from Iron Gong Camp

Du Yu is also very satisfied with this progress. God-level technicians also mean that the Qilin Empire will have its own warships in the highest plane.

With the subsequent arrival of resources, the warships can be expanded into a fleet. This will definitely increase the strength of the Qilin Empire in a short period of time and make up for the lack of Hunyuan True God.

"Well, very good, tell Huang Dao to wait until the research is completed and put it directly into production. The initial output is temporarily set at thirty ships." Du Yu said proudly, not caring at all how much a warship will cost by then.

After all, he has extorted almost one-tenth of the resources of all high-level forces, so he has enough confidence to be so confident.

"Your Majesty, I will bring you your words." Zhuge Liang said respectfully.

"Well, let's talk about the Qingyun Sect next. They have been so angry with us before, and they obviously won't give up. Find a way to get rid of them. Bai Fan, do you have any good suggestions? "Du Yu turned his gaze to Bai Fan and asked.

When it comes to calculating people, Zhuge Liang is even inferior to Bai Fan. Bai Fan, who has the ability to predict, can calculate things that ordinary people can't imagine.

Bai Fan touched his chin and said proudly: "Well, Your Majesty, you have asked the right person. In fact, I already knew that you would ask me, so I was prepared in advance."

"Say!" Du Yu raised his eyebrows.

Having such a subordinate saved him a lot of things, and he almost didn’t need to use his brain.

Bai Fan actually took out the plan he had prepared long ago in front of everyone. He pointed at the information and said: "Everyone, this is what I have collected about the movements of the Qingyun Sect during this period, as well as this time. The point we can take advantage of, I'm not saying, with the current situation of Qingyun Sect, they will fall into the abyss with just a slight push from us."

Du Yu went through it briefly, then nodded and said, "I'll leave this matter to you and deal with them cleanly."

The Qingyun Sect was absolutely not allowed to stay. Not to mention Huang Feng's previous grudge, he was driven away in full view, and he was excluded from this profit division. The conflict between the two parties had already intensified to the point where it could not be resolved.

If the Qingyun Sect is not eliminated, it will definitely bring huge trouble to itself in the future.

Du Yu didn't want this not-so-weak force to disgust him.

At this point, the meeting was basically over. Du Yu finally asked Bai Fan: "Bai Fan, you have a clue about the sun-shooting bow I asked you to pay attention to before. Now the Qilin Empire has stabilized." , it’s time for me to go out and practice for a while.”

Du Yu is not satisfied with the current growth rate. He needs to find some treasures that contain huge energy like the previous cold pool to quickly complete the breakthrough.

But it was obvious that Aoyun Country was just such a place, and it had been completely absorbed by him. If he wanted to continue to grow rapidly, he had to go out.

It would be a good idea to look for the sun-shooting divine bow by the way. He also realized the benefits of the divine archer. Compared to close combat, Du Yu was more interested in sniping enemies from a distance.

Bai Fan shook his head: "This is not the case for the time being, but Your Majesty, you can go to the Iron Gong Camp in the east of Aoyun Kingdom. It is a middle-level force. They only recruit archers. Among the middle-level forces, they are all outstanding." Famous, they might know some information."

Du Yu's eyes lit up. He had never expected that such a force existed. Indeed, it was obviously impossible for a force composed entirely of archers to not know the whereabouts of some divine bows.

Which divine archer doesn't want to have a good bow? Even if they don't have it in their hands, they must have information.

"Okay, then I will set off to the Iron Gong Camp to have a look. I will leave the matters here to you. Now those forces need to rely on us to produce soul crystals, and they will never attack us at this time." Du Yu said.

The reason why he came up with this negotiation was precisely because of this.

Only when the Qilin Empire has a foothold of capital can he leave with peace of mind, and then let the Qilin Empire stay here and continue to create more wealth for him.

"Yes, Your Majesty, please rest assured!" Zhuge Liang said respectfully, but then he asked: "Your Majesty, what should we do if those forces capture ghosts and gods and want us to condense soul crystals?"

"This is simple." Du Yu opened the Hunyuan Mall, and then found the column of stand-in puppets. He spent 50,000 Hunyuan points and exchanged it for a stand-in puppet at the level of the primary Hunyuan True God.

"I just need to leave a spiritual thought in it, so that the Heavenly Dao Intelligent Brain will calculate my judgment. Although the strength is not very good, if I just kill a captured ghost and god, I can still do it." Du Yu said .

"Your Majesty is wise!" Zhuge Liang said in admiration.

"Okay, this time Tu Longlong and Xiao Ling will go with me. The Taotie Army will be temporarily managed by Guan Yu. The defense issues here will be left to you." Du Yu said in a deep voice, he would not be here At this time of crisis, he couldn't feel at ease leaving his woman behind.

After all, it would be terrible if some unsighted force tried to threaten Tu Takilong.

The Qilin Empire currently has no effective defense against those forces. Apart from interest relationships and the deterrence of ghosts and monsters, the Qilin Empire cannot be compared with those forces that possess the late-level Hunyuan True God.

Naturally, Tu Longlong would not refuse Du Yu's invitation. She preferred to be with Du Yunui than leading troops to fight.

Moreover, she could see the current situation clearly and knew that she was Du Yu's weakness.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" All the ministers respectfully accepted the order.

Du Yu nodded slightly, and then said to Bai Fan, Meng Gao, and Lei Zhan: "You will gather some arrows for me in a while. I may need a lot of arrows to go out this time. I need to work hard for you."

Although the arrows condensed by the quiver technique are disposable items, they do not have to be condensed and released, but can be stored for a period of time.

Thunder Arrow, Nightmare Arrow and Bai Ze Arrow all have different abilities. The increase in Du Yu's combat power is absolutely huge. With special arrows in hand, even the intermediate Hunyuan True God will be kited by Du Yu. Death, its role is naturally self-evident.

All three of them nodded. Naturally, they would have no objection. If it weren't for the fact that they each had their own duties, they would be willing to stay with Du Yu even if they were asked to do so.

After all, Du Yu not only solved their racial crisis, but also allowed them to enter a realm that was once unimaginable.

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