The strongest emperor of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 1328 Thunder Pond Purgatory

Du Yu stood on the wall of the fortress and looked at the huge abyss left by Ao Lie when he surrendered not far away. He didn't know what he was thinking.

Ao Lie hovered on his shoulder, lazily looking at the powerful human beings coming and going around him.

"I'm talking to Du Yu, are you sure you can stop the armies of the three tribes? Even if the dragon tribe is at its peak, it may not be able to do this." Ao Lie asked after scanning the number of strong men in the fortress.

The Rakshasa tribe, the Shura tribe, plus a mysterious soul tribe, this combination is something that even the number one race must be afraid of.

The human race that was once at its peak might not be able to stop it. He really wasn't very optimistic about the current human race.

If you want to ask the reason, I can sum it up in one sentence: the current human race is too weak.

Du Yu put his hands behind his back and did not answer. After a while, he slowly said: "This is an opportunity for your dragon clan. If you come to the rescue now, it will be a help in times of need. You can imagine the kindness. If you get past this time, no matter how much you can do, None of the benefits mean anything.”

This answer was not what the question was asked, but it made Ao Lie shut up. His dragon face was tightly wrinkled, and now he was considering the feasibility of what Du Yu said.

The human race is indeed in great need of reinforcements now. Apart from anything else, as far as the four-star god king is concerned, there is only Du Yu on the human race.

But for the three-community coalition, even if it is conservatively estimated, the number is definitely more than three, and it may even be four.

Even if Du Yu could fight, Ao Lie didn't think Du Yu could face four four-star god kings at the same time.

However, even if dragons are added, the human race's chances of winning will still be very slim. After all, the gap between the four-star god king and the three-star god king is too huge, and even the numbers cannot make up for it.

What's more, the one with the numerical advantage now is not the human race.

"I can't find any chance of winning for the human race, but I will try my best to negotiate with the clan, but their help may be very small." Ao Lie said solemnly.

Du Yu nodded: "So now is the time to make a big gamble. If we survive, the Dragon Clan will also rise with the Human Race. If we lose the bet, we will get the hatred of the three tribes armies."

Ao Lie smiled bitterly. This was a really big gamble. These were three major one-star groups. It would be a headache to offend one of them to death, let alone three of them this time.

"I can't guarantee anything. After all, I haven't returned to the clan for a long time. I don't know much about what's going on inside the dragon clan now, but I will do my best." Ao Lie said.

Du Yu was not talking. At this time, Lieyang God King came to Du Yu with an old man and said respectfully: "Master Patriarch, the acting president of the Formation Master Association is here! He is currently the Formation Master in the fortress. The person in charge!”

Du Yu turned around and saw that an old man wearing a black robe with three gold stars embroidered on his chest next to Lieyang God King was looking at him with excitement.

According to what he learned about the Formation Mage Association from the Formation Heart God King, the old man dressed like this should be an eighth-grade lower-level formation mage. Except for the Formation Heart God King and Ye Yu God King, he has seen none of them so far. A formation mage with the highest level.

"Hello, President, my name is Wan He, and I am the current acting president of the Array Masters Association!" the old man said nervously.

Du Yu looked at him, and then asked: "Ye Yu has told you? Do you have no objection to me, the president who suddenly landed in the air?"

Wan He shook his head violently and said: "No, no! Of course I won't have any objections. You are someone personally recognized by the old president. This shows that you will definitely have the ability to reach the level of the old president in the future and lead our Formation Master Association forward." Get to the top! Of course I won’t have any objections!”

Du Yu didn't quite understand Wan He's enthusiastic attitude. As the acting president, Wan Ka was so happy to see him, the airborne president, and I really didn't know what he was thinking.

"Go and gather all the formation masters. Time is running out. I have an idea now and I need your cooperation." Du Yu said.

Wan He immediately nodded: "All formation masters of level 7 and above are already waiting in the hall! Sir, just give your orders and we will do it!"

Du Yu pointed to the abyss outside the fortress and said, "We are going to set up the thunder formation there."

Wan He understood Du Yu instantly, but he asked with some confusion: "Mr. President, do you want to use the power of the thunder from the previous divine weapon robbery? But with our level of formation, we simply can't do it. Come on, only ninth-level formation masters have the ability to set up such a formation!"

"It doesn't matter." Du Yu said, "You go arrange the manpower, I will find a way."

After saying that, he looked at God King Lieyang: "God King Lieyang, go talk to the high priest and ask him to arrange some people to protect the safety of the array master."

Lieyang God King looked at Du Yu curiously, wondering what other solution the patriarch had come up with. After nodding in agreement, he immediately ran to find the high priest to ask for someone.

Wan He also acted quickly. 2,000 seventh-level formation mages who quickly brought all their things came to Du Yu. King Lieyang also came here with a group of elite teams.

"Master Patriarch, we are responsible for safety issues!" God King Lieyang said with a smile.

The team has ten God-Kings, three two-star God-Kings and seven one-star God-Kings. It is more than enough to protect this group of formation mages when they are so close to the fortress.

Du Yu nodded: "Let's go."

Then he took the lead to fly over, followed closely by the formation mage team and the escort team. Within a few minutes, the group arrived at the abyss.

The traces of electricity filling the air made the hair all over their bodies explode, even the ten god kings were no exception. After all, this thunder tribulation would give even the three-star god kings a headache.

Even if there is only a residual power left, if it is triggered, it will be a huge threat to existences below the Three-Star God King.

"President, what are we going to do next?" Wan He stood beside Du Yu, rubbed his tingling hand, and asked carefully.

Du Yu pointed into the abyss and said in a deep voice: "Let the seventh-level formation mages set up the thunder formation here. The eighth-level formation mages and above will cover their formations and set up the thunder gathering array."

Wan He suddenly took a breath. He somewhat understood what Du Yu meant, but this idea was really crazy. It was so crazy that he had had the idea, but he had neither the ability nor the courage to try it.

"Mr. President, I am really convinced by you. With this courage, you will definitely become a ninth-grade array mage in the future!" Wan He said with a sigh.

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